We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice


When it comes to the curtain, the choice of design becomes a real torment. Singing the interior of the finished room with the curtains is not as simple as it seems, so people are really lost. In addition, it is also necessary to choose the eaves, which will be suitable in the color scheme and with wall coating, and with future curtains, and this is already a difficult task. Standard eaves that are attached to the wall above the window are present in a wide range of colors, but they will not surprise anyone. Therefore, people began to make hidden ceiling curtains for curtains.

We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

Hidden ceiling cornice

  • The advantages of such Karnizov
  • We understand how to choose such a cornice
  • First of all, the fasteners are needed to hang curtains, that is, they are functional, and in the second place a little add visual beauty to the room. If you want to hide the presence of the bracket and do not distract guests from the room and curtains, then make the ceiling cornice for the curtain better output. Today we will understand that there are such eaves of themselves, how to put, we will see possible types and models are about the question in each concerning this topic.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    Why it is worth choosing this option

    Hidden cornice for curtains from drywall is often used, but it is worth considering the possible reasons for which they choose:

    1. Functional necessity;
    2. Calculation of use in design.

    Hidden cornice for curtains is very convenient to build in rooms where it was decided to use stretch ceilings. This is due to the fact that hanging curtains with stretch ceilings are not easy. If you put an ordinary mount, then the ceiling film should be at a safe distance from it. It means that the fasteners of the eaves should not be close or touching the roof. Otherwise, the ceiling is damaged, and he will lose sight. In this case, the built-in curtains for curtains will be present to the designer.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    The second time when using this type of fasteners for curtains is the strengthening of the room design. The fabric that hangs over the window is covered, but it seems to be attached to exactly how it does not get out there looks beautiful. And if you still cover the curtains with shine, and the backlight lamps are hidden above them, it turns out effectively. Sheeps stretching curtains for curtains plasterboard, material that can also be used for many purposes. The versatility of this type of cover is that they are covered not only even attachments, but also:

    • P-shaped;
    • Oval;
    • Curved.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    Such ample opportunities significantly expand the field of the designer's work.

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    At the same time, another way to hide the ceiling eaves for curtains to install bagent eaves. The difference is that fasteners and hardware elements are hidden behind overlays made of metal, wood, plastic or other non-standard materials.

    Constructive features

    Hidden ceiling eaves for curtains from drywall Technical structures have different variants of designs and models. This difference depends on future functions used by material, conditions and methods of installation.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    Plasterboard eaves

    If you look at the typical design of such a bracket, you can see that it is a tire that is invested in the frame. So that this design looks elegantly on the wall or the ceiling mounted frame, which creates a special niche. At the same time, it is unlikely to be able to establish such an option during stretch ceilings, as the frame must rest in the ceiling. Such a deepening is illicitably small, so it is difficult to notice where it is difficult.

    If you have a stretch ceiling, then special one-two-row brackets are put here, the design is thought out in advance, the complexity here is only that such a suspension eaves for the curtains are made earlier than the ceiling and think over the nuances of using the window you need in advance. If you do not think about how to make a hidden cornice for curtains, then it will be impossible to do it.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    If the ceiling is hard, then it is allowed to choose the fastening of various types and forms, with which it is possible to give the curtains a suspended form. Corner and semicircular eaves are also popular, so if there is a desire to make exactly such - the plasterboard is not worth disclingoning. Installation of ceiling eaves for the curtains to be made in a special niche, which is prepared in advance, before sticking wallpaper. If you have a suspended ceiling made of drywall, then not too heavy bracket can be mounted directly to it, so there are no problems here. This case requires certain skills, but you can do.

    Colors and materials

    Ceiling cornice for curtains is made of different materials:

    • Aluminum;
    • Wood;
    • Plastic.

    You need to choose from the alleged design and weight of the curtains - very heavy no need to hang onto light plastic, which keeps on two self-drawers. And back - light curtain on the road and strong bracket will not look at all. So if the alleged design contains powerful lambrequins, garters from thick ropes and a lot of decoration, then hang it into thick aluminum eaves.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    Eaves for curtains under the stretch ceiling are not too much colors. More often they are white, but also easier to paint in another color. But why diversity, if such a type of bracket is hidden from the eyes on each side, therefore too beautiful colors have nothing to do.

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    Curious advantage of this type of suspension is the ability to install hidden backlights. LED lamps have a non-heavy plastic profile, which inside is covered with heat-insulating material so that the cornice and curtains are not heated. The box with lamps is mounted in the same niche that bracket. Illumination can be used as a night light or simply turn on the curtain or windows backlight. Outside, such a phenomenon looks spectacular, attracts the attention of people passing by. Light lamps can be selected different colors, so that the curtains contrasted with the walls or vice versa, emphasized.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    Aluminum ceiling eaves

    The design of the bagent brackets is similar, and you need to put on the same algorithm as hidden. Some special knowledge or skills are not required here, you can make only the power tools.

    The advantages of such Karnizov

    Before you decide on curtains under the ceiling eaves, you need to decide on the pluses and minuses of this type of brackets - it is possible that you will find some point that does not fit into the design.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    So, focus on the advantages:

    1. In rooms with low ceiling, the hidden bracket is more convenient and more practical than others. An ordinary eaves, which can be visible above the window will visually reduce the ceiling, the room will be even lower than in fact. And the soaring curtains make room at the eye above and spacious;

      We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    2. If the windowsill strongly acts into the room, then the standard bracket can only spoil the window, since the curtain will not be able to lower to the floor. Invisible cornice for curtains are placed on the removal from the wall on top of the opening and can harmoniously cover the windowsill;
    3. Cobes, which usually have to be mounted under the ceiling for ventilation, wiring, Internet cables and other system communications, hides well in a niche for the bracket. No need to build individual notches for them;
    4. Hidden cornice for curtains in the stretch ceiling looks like a single room with the rest of the room. Each element is curtains, backlight, windowsill, the decor look better when the cornice is hidden. Not visible distractions and the guests will always be in need. Even the backlight is located so that the source is not visible.
    5. The cornice on the ceiling for the curtain will be superior to the interior. In addition, once chosen such a bracket does not have to suffer with the selection of color gamut, design, special plugs and other small elements of standard cornice. Having established such a type of fastening to make anything other than this;

      We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    6. The price of a church drywall for curtains is less than the usual, since the discoveries type always requires painting, decorative elements that cost additional money. In the standard type of fasteners, the emphasis is on the improvement of the interior, so all sorts of carved and complex expensive elements are included in it;
    7. The advantages are also from bagent eaves, they are relevant to those who modify the design of the room. Bagent eaves make different types and models: aluminum, plastic, wooden with manual carvings, light models from acrylic and so on. The most expensive are monolithic structures from metal alloys.

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    Cons here are also present, but they are quite insignificant. The main one of the money that you will save on the price of the bracket will have to spend on the wizard that set this item. It is not possible to fulfill such a task if there is no experience in the installation of this kind of fixtures. Hide the cornice better entrust the knowledgeable person who has the desired tool for manipulation.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    We understand how to choose such a cornice

    Secretary eaves for the cores. Proper operation is determined by certain features, despite convenience and practicality. Therefore, consider important advice that will help choose the fastening model correctly and install in the house.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    First of all, it is worth knowing that the curtain is first made by harvested sizes. And then an invisible cornice is selected under it. If you do vice versa, you will have to take into account the type and size of the fastening when sewing the curtain, and this will significantly reduce the space for the maneuver. Choosing the size of the ceiling eaves for the curtains you need to take into account the windowsill width and how much heating radiators are from under it. Curtains, which will turn out to be hanging there must retreat from the battery for a certain distance, that is, not to touch the battery and the windowsill. Distance in 3-4 centimeters Good result.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    In the case when the room is not very big, and the desire to visually expand is, it is better to make a carcanice from drywall for curtains not only on the window, but on the size of the wall nearby. Then the width of the ceiling eaves for the curtain will create the effect of solid space and the visually room will expand. If the choice fell on the bagent eaves, then the niche for it must correspond to the full size. That is, decorative elements in the calculations are obliged to attend, if this is not done, it will either be restarted into the ceiling, or hang below the window.

    We understand the nuances of the hidden cornice

    When already moved to the purchase stage, the hidden curtains in the stretch ceiling need to be carefully checked.

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    The loops, wheels and runners should move smoothly and do not create delays. It is desirable that the curtains move in generally silently, not clinging the guide of the cornice. Summing up Let us say that such a type of cornix will perfectly fit into the interior, will complement both decorative and functional side. And there are no such soaring curtains without anyone, guests will immediately turn attention to this.

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