how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum


how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

The main stage of obtaining a spectacular and long-term result from the finishing coating will be the alignment of the wooden floor under linoleum, which, with all the declared strength, is quite elastic material.

The relief of the surface of an unprepared base is clearly manifested in the upper layer, the bends of the plane will be visible when the falling light is reflected. There are different ways to bring the base to the desired state, each of which is determined for specific conditions.

Preparation rules

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

If the base is not aligned, irregularities are imprinted on linoleum

Linoleum pattern can reproduce any materials and coatings (parquet, noble and wild stone, tile, natural situation or metal compositions).

The basis for which this rolled material is imposed should not violate the illusion of the designer solution to violate the illusion of the design solution.


how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

Sometimes to align the floor plywood - the best option

Before starting the stacking process, it is necessary to assess the state of the basis for linoleum, find out whether the preliminary preparation of the carrier surface is needed.

An attempt to save on the quality of materials or reducing the required operations can subsequently turn into considerable standards for reworking.

Ways to estimate the state of the wooden floor The long-term operation field will depend on the experience of a specialist conducting inspection and diagnostics:

  1. The express method is to assess the state of the purified board, seams between wooden elements. The lack of corrosion from nails / self-tapping hats, fixing boards on lags - a good sign of dry, healthy wood. The room has a quick step, so that weakly and creaking parts are manifested. If the comments (suspicions for the presence of defects) are not established, then it is possible to continue to use this flooring, go to the next stage of work.

    how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

    Punching boards, Hats nails - all this can be imprinted on a soft coating or break it

  2. A full examination of the whole structure allows not only to assess its condition, but also to carry out preventive repair for confidence in the reliability of the supporting part of the flooring. To do this, remove the plinth around the perimeter and raise several boards. The state of lags are inspected for a dense support on the screed, the presence of lesions of wood mold, rot, fungi. The condition of the concrete screed (cracks, detachal, spots of humidity is estimated. The required amount of repair work is appointed.
  3. As preventive protection measures, wooden underground is treated with antibacterial impregnation, special means against insects, wood pests.

Suspicious spots, grooves, pipes, multiple cracked cracks are grounds for replacing a wooden element.


how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

Before aligning the wooden floor using a manual or electrical tool, you need to plant nails or screws to the depth of greater, the thickness of the preliminarity of the tree layer.

The need to remove the old paint appears depending on the adhesion strength of it from the wood and the level of alignment of the upper plane of the floor.

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

After removing the layer, process the gaps putty

Preparatory operations are carried out under one of the selected ways of operation:

  • cyclishing;
  • shp clashing;
  • Filling of self-leveling compositions;
  • Listing sheet materials.

The first 2 methods are often combined together - after removing each layer of the squabble machine, the slots and the chip are filled with putty.

According to the work plan, choose the necessary tool and materials.

Wooden floors alignment options

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

Building materials manufacturers offer a wide selection of their products, and how to align wooden floors under linoleum in a particular case will depend on such incoming conditions:

  • Height from the prepared foundation to the bottom of the door luttik (the maximum possible thickness of the extension);
  • Beneficial ability of the floor design (the thickness of the board and the lag layout);
  • The ability to align the existing flooring to the desired parameters without coating by other materials (screed, sheets).

If old floors are made with a sufficient margin of strength and practically not damaged wear, there is no particular need to significantly increase the load on the supporting structures of the house.

Remove chips

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

The thinner of the floor or the parquet panel, the less layers can be removed

Cyclishing of the flooring is carried out in 1 or several passes before removing minor drops and irregularities. With a parquet dice, a thickness of 10 mm can be removed 2 mm only once.

If local wear exceeds this size, then you need to use other alignment methods. Thicker boards are processed until the desired result is obtained.

After each cycle, the cracks are poured with special compositions. You can repeat the passage after their complete drying.

The heads of recessed nails and the deepening of the butts of the boards are sweeping to obtain a smooth base plane. About how to bother the old floor, look in this video:

This is the only way (without replacing the boards) to lower the floor level before laying the floor covering.

Alignment solutions

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

On a wooden flooring, which has significant irregularities, but durable and fixed, can be used self-leveling mixtures.

They possess 2 advantages:

  • The permitted thickness of the application layer in most brands is from 0 to 30 mm, but if necessary, it is possible to choose a composition with this operating characteristic of 50 and 100 mm;
  • The revealed irregularities are easily polished with their own hands in 1 day after the frozen (before the set of the full fortress).

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

Fill the floors better together

Pouring technique is simple - the solution is poured into the prepared surface and spacked with the rule or spatula.

It is necessary to organize work in such a way that the fill is made in the room continuously, so that the layer does not have had time to give moisture to the base and grab. In this case, the fill sectors are poorly connected to each other and are formed heterogeneous areas instead of monolith.

To avoid marriage, work is performed at least 2 people: the first worker floods the finished solution along the room area, the second - the next batch in the container. Read more about the leveling of a wooden base, see this video:

In insulation, such a screed is not necessary if you take a linoleum on a foam basis.


how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

Hide any drawing of docked boards, including repaired areas, will allow the floor alignment by plywood or other similar materials.

The selection of sheets will depend not only on the budget and accessibility of acquisition in the nearest store, but also from the desired thickness of the product:

  1. DVP. Thin, but not very hard material, the thickness of which is 2 cm. On the smooth floor of its main task - to hide the slots between non-stroke boards.
  2. OSB. Pressed material with a thickness of 6 mm and more. Due to the fact that it is able to fake under the fixing elements, the flooring will repeat the foundation plane. It should be used on a smooth solid surface having small damage.
  3. Plywood. The strength of the material allows you to qualitatively align the floor plane. The multilayer structure does not give strain and defunition if its thickness begins with 10 mm.

The cost of plywood depends on its variety:

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

how and how to align the wooden floor under linoleum

On the prepared surface under the plywood sheets, minor roughness is covered with a mixture of plaster and PVA or glue.

Sheets are attached to the base with self-draws or nails. The joints are closed with scotch, gaps - mounting foam. In conclusion, the surface is opened by the oil.

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