Choose ground for plastic


Taking a fiberglass since 16, I definitely know what kind of soil is better to choose for work with your own hands. However, many do not understand the importance of choosing the right components, and therefore I want to share my knowledge. The fact is that the correct choice of primer is important not only due to the weak properties of the adhesion of plastic and paint, but also due to the elasticity of the material itself. As everyone knows, plastic can "play" and only special soils and paints are suitable for it, which s and let's talk.

Choose ground for plastic

Soil for plastic

The difference of plastic from other materials

Choose ground for plastic

Primer for plastic

Plastic elements under painting have some features due to which certain properties are improved and deteriorated. Let's look at the main features of plastic elements:

  • Having high density, elements from polyamide, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride do not have adhesion with various colors. That is why the primer of surfaces is essential when painting
  • The soil on plastic is necessary, due to the low property to absorb moisture. The paint applied will not only dry up long, but also roll on the surface by forming unnecessary sublifting
  • The soil for plastic allows you to smooth out irregularities or flaws of damaged elements. With this simplifies the repair process
  • Due to the incompatibility of many LKMs, primers on plastic are mandatory to use

Types of primer

Choose ground for plastic

Buffle plastic bumper with their own hands

For plastics, there are several primers that are suitable for a certain paint. One of the main conditions for choosing the soil is the compatibility of paintwork and primer.


  1. For applying acrylic paint on plastic, primer is used for plastic based on the resin acrylic or acrylic-polyurethane resins. I immediately want to say that you are not obliged to delve into the subtlety of the chemical composition of the material, because it is enough for you to know whether an acrylic grunch is compatible for your plastic
  2. Also, a huge distribution and love among the masters has an aerosol soil. Most often it is an aerosol of alkyd soils Go two-component fillengths. The aerosol is very simple in applying, because it is enough to spray it on the surface of the plastic

Important! It should be borne in mind that the aerosol is a bit more expensive than other primers, and it should be used in small areas.

I am always used to using primers for your products, however, you can purchase soil enamel or LKM, which can be immediately applied to plastic material. This property is obtained due to the addition of adhesion additives and components of the increasing properties of adhesion. Although this side has drawbacks, because among such materials is usually a meager choice of colors and shades.

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In the rest, the acrylic soil is not difficult to apply, and for the easiest application it is better to use the spray gun connected to the compressor.

Self-applying adhesive mixture

Choose ground for plastic

Soil for plastic parts

Let's look at what is the correct sequence of applying primer on the surface:

  • First, clean, and degrease plastic. Wash it with warm water to remove dust from the surface
  • For degreasing, I use White Spirit, but the usual alcohol is also suitable.
  • All flaws appeared on the surfaces are smeared with a special putty and cleaned with sandpaper with shallow grain. After complete drying, take advantage of the degreaser
  • Spraying of the soil passes in several thin layers. It is due to this that the possibility of droplets or sublishes is reduced.
  • All work should be carried out by protecting their eyes and bodies. It is necessary to do when using toxic materials

Acrylic soil is enough just to apply on plastic on its own and for this will not require special skills. It is even easier to apply the soil aerosol, because for this it is enough to shake the container before applying and spray at a distance of at least 30 cm from the plastic. It will be enough to apply 2-3 layers to obtain a qualitatively prepared surface. Do not forget that each previous layer must dry out before applying the following.

Important! When spray aerosol, keep the balloon bottom. And if the gas starts in the soil, turn over the container again.

Primer foaming

Choose ground for plastic

Primer plastic bumper

During facade finishing works, primer is used in mandatory. However, the thing is that it is not applied to the foam, but to the surface that will be finished with insulation.

Walls that will be finished with foam plastic are covered with primer deep penetration. Thus, the soil increases the life of the structure, protecting it from premature destruction. If you are primarily brick under the foam, it is enough to apply 1 layer of solution, porous surfaces are grounded at least twice.

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Foam products that will be outside or inside the house are also subject to applying soil, but do not forget that the soil is applied directly to the plaster, which covers the product. The putty must lie down on the foam of the thin layer, after which it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the decor.

I want to pay attention to both paints with which you can or cannot be painted foam:

  • Alkyd paint is not suitable for staining expanded polystyrene due to the presence of White spirit as a composition of the material. Such a combination is able to destroy the top layer of foam
  • Oil paint can be used for this material, however, due to the olifa located in the mixture, it will fall on the surface not enough and soon can start peeling. In addition, no having properties of elasticity, shrinkage at home will still force the paint to crack
  • The water-making mixture for painting polystyrene is the best option. Without having solvents, acrylic pigments are securely fixed on the surface of the surface. Do not forget that acrylic paints exist both for external work and for repairing inside the house


Choose ground for plastic

Buffer bumper from plastic alone

As it becomes clear, the primer of surfaces is a mandatory measure during the preparation of walls to staining or other finishing work. With a lot of positive qualities, the soil is able to not only improve the properties of adhesion, but also prevent the appearance of mold. By purchasing in the store, always pay attention, are present in the composition of antiseptics or not.

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