Repair and check engine washing machine


Repair and check engine washing machine

There are many factors that can lead to a breakdown of a washing machine. Among them are factory marriage, non-compliance with the rules of operation, poor tap water, low-quality tools for washing, etc. In this case, malfunctions can occur in different parts of the unit. Some elements will be repaired simply, some will require professional intervention, and there are parts that are not subject to repair in the event of a malfunction, but need to be replaced.

The engine is the most important element of the washing machine, without which it simply cannot work . The engine breakdown is considered a serious malfunction, to eliminate which it is customary to cause masters. In this article, we will tell you how to check this device at home without referring to the service center.


The first thing to be done before the start of diagnosis is to determine the engine of which type is installed in your washing machine. There are several types of engines that manufacturers are used to equip stylish. Imagine a brief information about them in the form of a table.

Repair and check engine washing machine

Asynchronous Engine Washing Machine

Repair and check engine washing machine

Collective Engine Washing Machine

Repair and check engine washing machine

Bescalletic Engine Washing Machine


Basic design elements




Starter and rotor

  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of care;
  • low price;
  • relative sacchability of work
  • Large dimensions;
  • Little KPD


Starter, Rotor, Tacogenerator, Electrokers

  • small size;
  • independence from the frequency of the electrical network;
  • high speed;
  • Easy electronem
  • high noise;
  • The need to replace electrolates

Bescoleton (direct drive)

Starter and rotor

  • high efficiency;
  • simple design;
  • convenient location;
  • small dimensions;
  • low noise;
  • No spare parts in need of replacing
  • complex electrical strokes;
  • high price

Widget methods

There are two ways to independently check the operation of the engine washing machine. In order to take advantage of them, you need to have at least an elementary view of the engine device and how it is power. On the Internet you can find a variety of schemes that seek this important information in an accessible.

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Repair and check engine washing machine

  • The first test method involves supplying the voltage to the starter and rotary engine winding, pre-arising alternately connecting these elements. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not guarantee 100% of the result, since even if the engine will rotate under voltage, this does not mean that it will be regularly functioning at different modes of operation of the washing machine.
  • The second method will require special equipment, namely the autotransformer with a capacity of 500 watts. With this device, you need to save the attached winder and rotor windings. This method is safer, as it allows you to keep the speed of revolutions under control.

Repair and check engine washing machine

Causes of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them


What to do?

Breakdown of lamellas (plates-contacts) in the collector

  • Check the serviceability of the part, twisting the rotor manually: if the crack is heard, the breakage takes place;
  • A small metal detachment can be eliminated if you remove the item and pump it using a skirt or special machine

Cliff in the rotor winding or starter

  • You can check the wear of parts by tracing their work: if the brushes sparkle, and they remain a black flare, it means that you need to replace them

Wear electric power

  • You can detect a break, by checking the multimeter translated into the resistance measurement mode (resistance between the slats should be in the range of 0.1-0.4 Ohm);
  • If a break occurred, the engine is more expedient to change the new one (or replace the part of it in which a malfunction is detected)

The video will tell you how you can diagnose the engine malfunction yourself without causing a wizard to the house.

Repair and check engine washing machine

  • If, having conducted the diagnostics of the engine, you came to the conclusion that it is necessary to replace the electric brushes, you should not buy the first option. Experts advise to look for original spare parts from the manufacturer, as the brushes of another model are most likely not suitable for your washing machine.
  • Checking the engine, you need to take care that as a result of the inspection it has not failed due to voltage drops. To do this, it is recommended to connect an additional element to the chain, for example, a tan or a lamp with a sufficiently high power.

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