What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings


Modern interiors have become bright and more aesthetic since the stretch ceilings appeared.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling as an apartment decoration

Stretch ceiling - the ability to create a unique image of the room, to fundamentally transform a residential or public space, to visually expand it, filled with light.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

The design is easily mounted, and the surface of the ceiling before installing does not require preparation. The film from which the product is made is very plastic, thereby maintaining a significant load (up to 100 liters of water per 1 sq..).

The design is guaranteed to decorate the rooms even due to the fact that the surfaces of the attachment, seams or finishes are invisible on the surface. Today they offer an extensive color gamut, up to full color images by individual order.

People have from what to choose: stretch ceilings in modern design are single or multi-level, glossy or matte. In addition to the aesthetic functions, the design serves to disguise the lighting devices, as well as ceiling eaves.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Ceiling Gardin and Stretch Ceiling: How to choose?

Under the word "Gardin", an ordinary person has an association with a thin curtain, however, the wizards and interior designers use it completely in another meaning. Cardins on the ceiling for curtains are eaves or consoles that serve to hang the curtains with tulles. Using Gardin requires accounting for installation and operation features.

Cardins under the stretch ceiling possess the following advantages:

  1. Decoratively distinguish the ceiling zones.
  2. Spectally increase the space.
  3. Make it possible to remotely manage the design.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Frequently used curtains with a two-tier ceiling, which qualitatively hides the lack of basic coating, helps zonate the territory, reliably hides technological elements (pipes, wiring, etc.).

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Cartins for curtains under the stretch ceiling look more expensive and more attractive than wall mounted, so recently use the stable demand of customers. Cardins on the stretch ceiling are used if there is a need to create an additional effect of high ceilings.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings


Pick the color of the curtain to the stretch ceiling should be in such a way that it turns out a one-piece harmonious environment. In the premises where there is not enough sunlight, curtains of light tones with a white or beige glossy stretch ceiling are perfectly. If necessary, add to the atmosphere of coziness use dark calm tones of curtains (chocolate, terracotta, plum). The ceilings can be both snow-white and made in textile tone.

Types of Gardin

Wall curtains for curtains with a stretch ceiling produce from the following materials:

  • aluminum;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • steel.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

The most expensive and massive constructions are considered for stretch ceilings from wood. More budget option - structures made of aluminum. Steel apply only in the case of suspension of heavy textile composition. And the curtains for stretch ceilings made of plastic are considered the most popular due to the available cost and strength of the material.

Building outlets offer a wide range of eaves, differing in cost, color scheme, number of rows. The designs are single-row, two-, three-row.

Each type of curtain is used to suspend a certain amount of textile products: curtains or tulle; Curtains with tulle; Tulle and curtains with lambrequin.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Ceiling fever on the stretch ceiling looks like a standard cornice that is easy to find in any specialized store. When buying, you must make sure that the configuration is correct: check the number of plugs, decorative tape (if provided for in the model).

Fasten the curtains to the stretch ceiling in two ways:

  1. Open.
  2. Closed method.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Hidden Gardin

How to perform installation?

You can hang curtain on the stretch ceiling without practical experience and specialized tools.

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Open method

The traditional attachment method is considered open. He suggests that securing the ceiling curtain will be on a special plank of wood, plywood or plastic, which is pre-mounted in the ceiling unit. This plank is called the mortgage, it is fixed until the film tension. Mortgages are manufactured depending on the size of the eaves and the number of rows. Later they are overlapped with a film.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Tip: Choosing between steel and plastic cornice, the first preferred in the event that it is planned to use a smaller number of mortgage and fastening parts.


  1. Place a place for Gardina.
  2. Mounted a fixing profile, which will later be fastened later.
  3. Marking line under a window for booking bars from wood. It is very important before the start of work to treat wood penetrating antiseptic mixtures that prevent rotting material.
  4. Then the bars are securely mounted. So that the base of the attachment was not shifted, the hydraulic level is used.

    What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

  5. Direct installation of ceiling curtains. In a wooden ceiling unit, the product is fixed with self-drawers, and in a stone or concrete - with a dowel.
  6. Installation of the ceiling film (including tops of mortgages). Working, monitor the subtle polymer matter damaged.

Installation wedges are used to achieve a full fit of the bar to the ceiling film, as well as to avoid gaps.

Alternative method (hidden)

To hang the ceiling curtain with a hidden method, you will need more time and patience, but the result exceeds expectations, because Curtains in this case as if smoothly fall from the ceiling itself, which contributes to hidden hardin.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

Hidden installation involves fixing the eaves in the capital ceiling, followed by fixing the ceiling coating in a specially equipped niche, not covered with a film.

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At first, using a dowel, mount the ceiling bar. A few millimeters are mounting the basis for fastening the ceiling profile. It is wooden or metal. In the case of using wooden elements, they are subjected to mandatory treatment with antiseptic!

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Invisible installation allows you to fix smooth, semicircular curtains or products of another non-standard form. With properly performed work, it turns out aesthetic, practical design, visually saving rooms with low ceilings.

What do you look and how to fix the ceiling curtains for stretch ceilings

If the design is decorated with backlight, it turns out an amazing picture that emphasizes non-standard design solutions and competently exposing accents indoors.

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