How to make a bed yourself from the sofa


The problem of small-sized apartments and an uncomfortable old furniture is solved if you apply your own smelling and a little creative to this issue. In addition, you can get an exclusive thing - this refers to the question, how to make a bed from the sofa. Indeed, sometimes there are very uncomfortable models to sleep on them, and too familiar to demolish in the pit. So, having a completely comfortable bed and some tools, you can create something. We will analyze the simple version of the folding bed.

How to make a bed yourself from the sofa

Wooden bed device diagram.

What might need for installation

  1. Boards. Not too thick. You can navigate the thickness of the material in the sofa itself. If the frame has become unusable, the wood is purchased for him.
  2. Fiberboard of different thicknesses - on the shields for halves and significantly thin, on the foam rubber.
  3. Material for decorating, you can carefully remove the old, if it is the road to the owner as a memory.
  4. Porolon. Quite fat - 50 cm, but if it was not originally, the fabric will have to count on new dimensions.
  5. Door hinges. Large size and steel, you can choose decorative if an open design is assumed.
  6. Electrolzik, drill, screwdriver.
  7. Fasteners
  8. Stapler.

You can proceed to work: Stages

How to make a bed yourself from the sofa

Bed back sized diagram.

First of all, you need to evaluate the old construction - what will you have to replace in it? Usually these are transverse bars, on which, actually, the sofa is kept, and the folding mechanism. So, you fully need to free furniture from textiles - upholstery, foam rubber and other things. Their condition is also picky to look around. If everything suits, the tissue is postponed, the foam rubber in the garbage - from a long service, it can no longer accept the appropriate form. Both sofa halves are mounted separately from each other.

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Go to the tree. If the bars are still quite useful, they can be left. But since it is worth the task of making a sofa bed, the supports should be more - for the beds are rigid. Therefore, noting the desired length, the boards need to cut down and fasten to the frame in the same way as Bruckam. Their surfaces should be on the same level, otherwise all the ribs of the design will be felt if the owner wants to lie down.

It is done on both parts. By the way, about the frame - if it is decided to leave this design former, then its condition must meet the beautiful appearance. Otherwise, before the final assembly of it (frame) is tightened in the same way as halves.

How to make a bed yourself from the sofa

Bed frame diagram.

Next, you need to place fiberboard, for the bed you need to take a thick - not less than 10 mm. Its sizes should accurately coincide with the sectors of the sofa, however, if a large double bed is conceived, the list of fiberboard falls into a solid to the mounted frame. But the problem of a small-sized apartment remains, then you need to leave the folding option.

Working with layout mechanism. Usually on old models they come into disrepair due to the dropped screws and discrepancies of the elements. Therefore, by estimating their condition, it is necessary to simply bring the design in order - disassemble and flexing to a new place. However, if it is in a deplorable state, and the sofa will not develop, then it is worth replacing everything to a new one.

To do this, the board is killed to the end of the frame of the future bed, the same thing is necessary to do on the other hand, and new holes for bolts and fastening of the mechanism are drilled in them. Loops are attached to two parts of the bed, and the design is connected to each other.

Immediately need to make a reservation - the industry is now producing fairly progressive models, so you need to choose reliable and beautiful - if the bed is designed without armrests, then the "clamshell" will be all in sight and should have a presentable look. After checking the state of opening-closing and disassemble it back, you can proceed to the decorative component.

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Fabric, if it is purchased in advance, should be painted in a new way, taking into account the thickness of the foam rubber. For this, the desired dimensions are glued to cut sheets of the Fiberboard with a thickness of no more than 5 mm.

The foam on the perimeter itself should be 2-3 mm less sheet.

How to make a bed yourself from the sofa

Scheme of the headboard to the bed.

They need to prepare in advance. With glue you need to be neat - some chemical components may burn foam rubber. You can collect.

For this, each part of the bed is attached using self-tapping screws to wooden halves. Fasteners should go from the foam rubber and exactly the frame. After installation, you need to check the functionality of the folding. Then half the bed turn the cloth, and it is attached to the furniture stapler. Here, in fact, all.

Construction of armrests. It is difficult to make them enough, but perhaps. If the owner wants to shine a creative, then metal or wooden elements will be perfect. However, it will have to tinker with iron - for fastening it will be necessary to use the grinder or winning drills to make the desired holes in the bolts.

The tree in this respect is not so capricious and provides flight for fantasy - the electric bissor will cut anything, but by treating the product with a varnish, you can expect admiration for guests coming to the house.

The bed will thus get an atypical look. And if the old armrests satisfy their species, it is not necessary to wisely - to fasten with new bolts, and the case with the end.

Additional moments and conclusion

Models of beds from sofas can be different - you can make a big bed, to it in addition to build a box for linen and other things. An excellent designer reception will be a beautiful headboard. In general, fantasy is not limited to anything. These are popular and ottomans, which are soft mini beds. For their facilities, the minimum of materials will be required.

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Making a bed, having an old sofa - an excellent solution and in terms of saving and getting a thing that is not on sale. Observing all the rules and techniques, as well as copying the mechanisms, you can make the assembly of a high-quality exclusive thing, which will make the owners think - and whether it is impossible to make any other interior items in this way. People who master something with their own hands, always cause respect, you need to remember about it before throwing out a thing that served many years faithfully.

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