Height of the washing machine


Height of the washing machine

Few of us goes for buying household appliances, without deciding at least approximately what parameters a new device must have. Usually, before going to the store, we collect information about the product you are interested in: We study advertising, we look at the Internet directories, asking familiar. Thus, buyers know in advance what the requirements must be responsible.

Choosing a Washing Machine, you need to consider many important criteria: download type, installation method, washing class and, of course, device dimensions. After all, after all a few centimeters, we will create additional difficulties (for example, you may need to disassemble interroom doors or rearrangement of furniture).

Height of the washing machine

The dimensions of washing machines are estimated at three parameters: width, depth and height. In this article we will tell you about the latest indicator: you will learn how the height of the washer is considered standard and how to correctly determine the desired height of the device.

Height of the washing machine

Height standard

Any specialist will tell you that the standard height of the modern washing machine-machine is 85 cm. Unlike depth and widths that depend on many factors, including from the volume of the tank, this parameter usually remains unchanged. True, it should be mentioned about compact models with a small load, which are usually purchased for cottages; The height of such styras is about 60 cm.

It is rare, but still there are models of washing machines with non-standard height: if you look good, you can buy a wash 65, 70 or 82 cm in height.

Due to the adjustable support legs, the standard 85 cm may increase to 90 cm and more. For machines with frontal and vertical loading, the height standard will be the same, but it must be remembered that the vertical models with an open lid can reach 130 cm.

Height of the washing machine

Height of the washing machine

Is the washing machine under the sink?

Recently, the interior designers and household appliances manufacturers offer many original solutions that allow the most economically and functionally to use space in the apartment. One of the most interesting ideas is the installation of a washing machine under the sink in the bathroom.

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For many, such a decision becomes a real salvation, because in our small bathrooms and kitchens so little space for the most necessary. The only thing that should be considered: not every shell is suitable for the embodiment of this idea and not every washing machine. About which shells are suitable for installation over a washing machine, you can read in another article.

The requirements for the washing machine will be as follows:

  • height up to 70 cm;
  • The depth of 10-20 cm is less than the depth of the shell;
  • The width is no more (and better, slightly less) than the width of the sink;
  • Frontal download type.

Please note that the washing machines with vertical load cannot be installed under the washbasin, as in this case you simply cannot open the loading hatch. For the same reasons, vertical models are not installed under the tabletop.

Height of the washing machine

Height of the washing machine

What other dimensions are important when choosing?

The height is not the only size to be taken into account when choosing a washing machine. No less (and sometimes more) are important parameters such as width and depth. In styrals with different types of loading, these characteristics can differ significantly.

Thus, the maximum depth of the frontal models is 60 cm, and the minimum is 32 cm. The largest width of the machine with front load is 60 cm, and the smallest - 47.

For vertical models, the numbers will be different: the minimum depth is 40 cm, the maximum is 65 cm; The greatest width is 60 cm, the smallest - 33 cm.

Height of the washing machine

Height of the washing machine

Height of the washing machine

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