Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains


When designing the design of the room, the smallest nuances need to be thought out at the stage of forming an image. This is important in any room, because there are people here and they should be comfortable. If the room in question is often visited by guests, then this is especially important, the interior must be perfect and unique. Any minus will be noticeable and immediately rush to the eyes of people, so we will try to figure out how to create cozy accommodation.

Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

Original curtains instead of interroom doors

  • Difficult choice
  • Often put the doors in the apartments are impractical - there are many spaces and interfere. Then the curtain hangs instead of the door, which is evenly closed, but does not take as much space. In addition, correctly selected window and door curtains complement each other and close each individual opening. Type and condition of the door curtains, windows curtains and other textile parts of the room immediately rush into the eyes, so their condition should be perfect.

    The choice of color and the type of matter is significantly different from the similar operation for the window, so that it is necessary to figure it out. The article will help to understand the nuances and draw conclusions for yourself - whether interroom curtains are needed or not.

    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Main nuances

    The door should always be able to close, even visually some kind of matter. It is desirable to choose the type of fabric and curtains at the stage of designing the room, so as not to spend on this time. Here is the situation when applying curtains instead of the door is relevant:

    1. Presence in one room of several arches and passes;
    2. Cover transitions to adjacent rooms.

    Sometimes there are also curtains instead of doors in the kitchen put specifically instead of the door, just so more convenient. It is more common to the kitchen than in other rooms, so the constant slamming doors annoying people and hang curtains there. Also in rare layouts build a passage from the kitchen in the bedroom, so to separate the kitchen from the bedroom better dense curtains of the option not to find.

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    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Registration of this type of doors Miscellaneous - Choose original interroom curtains can be used for any interior. Common options and photos Find on the Internet is not a problem, but it is not worth treating them as a single example, it is necessary to show fantasy here. Inherent in people, a sense of style and design will tell me how it is better to do in one way or another.

    As the main factors when choosing a curtain instead of the door, it is worth considering the following:

    • Type of planning and location of rooms;
    • General style of apartments and individual rooms;
    • The shape of the opening in the wall.

    A profitable solution will be able to visually expand the room, stretch the boundaries due to the adjacent one. And if there are still walls of light tones, then the room will become significantly more than it really is. But to round arches or openings without symmetry, it is necessary to approach responsibly. If you hang the shutters of the harmonica here, then all the uniqueness of the idea comes to no. Therefore, when choosing a web need to take into account that it should repeat the form of passage.

    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Possible types of registration

    Curtains instead of interroom doors are presented in the market of many types. But not every option that is sold in the store is suitable for use at home. The fact is that many in restaurants, cafes and bars prefer doors such interior curtains. With the help of them, you can split a large room on many zones without taking useful space. But we will focus on those options that you can hang in an apartment or house.

    Fabric curtains

    Classic style of decoration of the apartment Do not receive blinds on windows and non-standard solutions on the doors. Here instead of interior doors, exclusively curtains or curtains are suitable for floors.

    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Original curtains

    It is desirable to give preference to massive tissues that immediately seem heavy at first glance. As a decor, fringe is suitable for them or wide drapery. If the length of the eaves allows you to place such curtains using garters. Such curtains should hang on both sides of the door and gather in glasses.

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    We use a tree

    Wooden curtains between rooms - a beautiful decoration that dismses the smell of wood. They are environmentally friendly, can be applied in people's homes that they suffer allergies. Such a curtain consists of a variety of wooden sticks, which is bonded with the harsh threads. Plus the tree is that after assembling such a curtain, painting should and patterns can be the most different. This plus allows such a type of curtain to fit into any type of interior.

    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Make such curtains from bamboo, neutral color suitable when making any rooms. It perfectly complements the exquisite oriental style, you can often see the bamboo there. The interroom door curtain can also be made from trees familiar to us:

    • Oak;
    • Aspen;
    • Birch;
    • Ash and so on.

    If the apartment is or a separate rustic room, then such curtains will be as impossible. You can decorate the curtains using inserts from another tree or drawing drawings.

    Nite Gardina

    This type of curtain is called different words, but in fact it does not transmit the essence. The curtain instead of the door of this type was first seen in the countries of the East, where it was used to protect the premises from the bright sun. The threads woven with each other by this tricky way allow you to close the windows and doors from the Sun, but do not interfere with the air through them. In a hot climate, this is an indispensable option.

    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Such a shutter door woves from thick and durable threads that are racks for a break as harnesses, they do not rush just like that. That is, roughly speaking, the curtain is generally a widespread ribbon. On the eaves, they hold on to lipochku, no hooks here do not fit. The decor is diverse and is characterized by filling in the structure of curtains ribbons, balls and other decorations. In textiles stores, you can buy various enough spectacular options.

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    Rolled curtains

    Roller shutters instead of the door have become common to date. The difference is to be able to roll up the fabric up, where it is going to roll. It is believed that the roller shutter instead of the interior door is a convenient way out of this situation. Such a type of Gardin includes the elegance and dignity of fabric curtains and retains high functionality of standard blinds.

    Hospitals advice: make up the doorway with curtains

    Technically, such a type of curtains looks like interroom blinds from a solid tissue roll, which, if the owner is desired, can curl up into the state of the roll. It is fixed on top above the arch, and is controlled by a chain or thread, which does not cause difficulties in adaptation.

    Difficult choice

    Introduce the task not from the lungs, but you can cope with it, the main thing is to cope with it. As in the case of window curtains, the curtains can be bought in the store or do it yourself. The main thing is to remember that hanging curtains on the door of light fabrics is fraught with the danger of breaking, so you need to choose dense tissues. The latter do not miss light and sound, even smells through thick matter are worse.

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    And if you need a curtain for a closet, then it is better to think about bamboo curtains so that they elegantly descended with the closet tree. So there are many options, the main thing is not to be lazy to choose individual.

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