Double transformer bed with your own hands: Features


Designer world stuffed with ideas that life suggests. An example of the two-bed bed transformer is from simple models to expensive from well-known manufacturers. This bed option has two goals - allows you to place a convenient piece of furniture in small bedrooms, as well as this new word in the interior again not too large premises. The wealth of the presented models is huge.

Double transformer bed with your own hands: Features

To save place in the apartment you can make a bed transformer.

Detailed instructions make it possible to make a home master to embody the idea - the bed transformer double - do it yourself in life. There are no special difficulties and materials. It is important only by the lodge itself - it must be an orthopedic mattress, thick, moderate stiffness. It is not a problem to purchase it - options are presented from cheap to class premium.

What will be required for work

Double transformer bed with your own hands: Features

For the speed of fastening the lifting mechanisms, use a screwdriver.

They can be conventional decogents or hidden decorative. However, there are lifting mechanisms that are equipped with magnetic clamps - they will not give beds to fall at an unexpected moment and will be reliably hidden, without breaking the type of construction.

Pull and install the transformer bed will help the "handles" of the cabinet. Dear purchased models come with a control panel.

Practically bed transformer with your own hands is ready. Introduced the turn of the finish. If there is already furniture in the room, you can stylize the construction under the overall decor. However, in the era of the alignment of an incompatible one, you can try to create a unique style. For example, make false doors and backs of the bed with leather, while the common style of the High-Tech room, and it reigns glass and metal. Also, there are also completely glass doors - matte or transparent, and then mirror surfaces, which creates a visual expansion of a small space.

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You can make a general design with the rest of the objects of perfectly glossy, reminding expensive car enamel. For this, all surfaces are trimmed with plasterboard, labeled as G Clap and having a thickness of no more than 1 cm.

After this surface is treated with epoxy putty, allowing to attach special strength to the coating. Then the shallow emery paper is cleaned with all roughness to an absolutely smooth state. Further, the entire area is covered with automotive enamel of bright color. Looks like this bedroom is very stylish and expensive. No one guess what materials are used in work.

Double transformer bed with your own hands: Features

The outer false panel decorate under the overall interior, for example, a mirror.

Night Lights and Woods can also be built into the overall design of the bed - then you need to take care of the installation of internal wiring, a hidden wondl box, or to expose the appearance - in the evening they will play the role of conventional lighting devices. Little velcro nightlights are in demand - they will not interfere with the free move of the bed, look stylish and romantic. They are willing to attach them in the form of stars in the form of stars help children sleep. Work from the batteries, which is good, since the installation of the wiring is not required.

Bed transformer can be converted not only in the closet, but also in the workplace, sofa or something decorative. And that's all combined. This allows you to receive a completely new interior every day. But such beds without a carpenter skill are hardly obtained from amateurs, but you can take the idea of ​​weapon.

Summing up the foregoing

Double bed Transformer is a solution for small apartments or small bedrooms. Useful area liberated from the stationary bed reaches 4 m. Correct with simple types can be a homemade master. The costs are not too high, but even at all cost the cost of fasteners and lifting mechanisms, if the frame of the old bed or the reserve of "woods" is used. You can transform a bed for anything, from the cabinet to the workplace. Ideas for decor are endless.

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The only minus - with more progressive and multifunctional models, one cannot cope, it is better to dance and buy - the warranty is given to such things, and the owners are not lost.

If the lessons presented in the network still seem complex to the man in half, and the purchase of an expensive model is not possible, then, of course, you can be bowed in favor of the folding sofa, but here it should work a healthy thought about the benefits of such a health body. The designs of any sofas are created more for a sedental position than for a full sleep, because the sofa is just a long armchair.

You can relax no more couple hours. In order to fully get enough sleep, therefore, get a charge of cheerfulness for the whole day, you only need a double bed. At the same time, it is necessary with an orthopedic basis. The hidden bed transformer is perfect for this. Pleasant dreams!

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