Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children


The surrounding space forms a child's worldview. The decoration of the nursery is an important component of the formation of a person.

Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

Beautiful curtains for children

  • Selection of Tulle in the girl's room
  • Choosing Tulle in the Boy Room
  • Summing up
  • Here you need to create an atmosphere of creativity and harmony. Choosing curtains and tulle for the children's room, you should pay attention to the three main factors:

    1. Safety and environmental friendliness;
    2. Compliance with the overall design of the room;
    3. The desire and taste of the child.

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Features of the choice of Tulle for the children's room

    The transparent curtain on the window in the nursery is not a relic of the past. Air curtains are not losing their popularity, and modern design solutions make it possible to create a complete image of a room for a child of any age. Tulle for children is purchased in accordance with certain requirements for the design of the place where our favorite children live.


    The main value in life is health. The curtain should not become a dust collector, which will provoke attacks of allergies. The use of Tulle solves this task. Organza or veil repel dust. From the shutters from the grid it is better to refrain - the material dust collects.

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Concept safety is closely related to environmental friendliness. It is mistaken to think that only a completely natural product can be environmentally friendly. Heavy wool curtains hung on the window in the nursery are quickly caught dust. At the same time, the child will not fall, if you hang tulle curtains from 100% polyester with dustpressure impregnation.

    Tip: If the naturalness of the fabric is very important, then the finest linen canvas or veil are selected. It is based on cotton fibers with the addition of synthetics.

    Illumination of the room and the size of the window

    Wesame tulle and curtains in a children's room, you need to take care of sufficient daylight. If the windows come to the north, the curtain is chosen fine and light. For southern windows, Gardin is selected denser.

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    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    The little window is better to make visually sewn. For this, the curtains hang from the floor to the ceiling, and the curtains in the open state should not close the lighting opening. For panoramic windows, a shortened variant is suitable for the window sill.

    Age and sex of the child

    You can hang tulle in a children's room with regard to the sex of the child or create a neutral environment. Depending on the age, the color of the curtains, themed pattern, accessories and even the fastening method are selected. Children's curtain on strings in the form of pink bows will be inappropriate in high school student room.

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Color solutions

    The color scheme is taken either neutral or corresponding to the child's semi. Girls like warm tones, boys fit cold shades. It is very important not to hang tulle into a child's room screaming. It will affect his emotional state. You can choose a curtain shade, focusing on the following data:

    • Red - revolves the psyche, but stimulates activity, if used for accessories. Pickup for a curtain or edging can be red, and tulle pink itself;
    • Orange - less provocative color than red, but also has an exciting effect. At the same time, the thin curtain of orange color for the northern window is quite suitable, but the thick orange flap is better not to use;
    • Yellow - muffled shades of this color increase the mood, stimulate the learning process;

      Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    • Green - Tulle For Children Colors of Nature Creates a harmonious mood, well affects vision, but bright green color can restore melancholy;
    • Blue - soothes and relaxes, but if the child is too calm, then scatters attention;
    • Blue - only insensitive tones is used, soothes, improves sleep;
    • Purple - fit the brightest tones of Tyula, then it will stimulate creativity.

    Important: if the curtain is sewn from a bright fabric, then Tulle is chosen pale. When an emphasis on Tulle Curtain is neutral.

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    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Girl room model

    Traditionally, girls choose the gentle shades of red, orange, yellow. Boys get restrained blue, blue, purple tone. Green, beige and white colors are suitable for any age and gender.

    Design and accessories

    Tulle on the windows of the children's room is often used to create thematic solutions. In this case, the curtains are performed with a pattern, the window is drawn up in the form of sails, starry sky, clouds, flower clearing, that is, in accordance with the interior of the children. The drawing may be neutral. Many cartoon characters are equally like girls and boys.

    Lambreken deserves special attention from accessories. It is perfectly combined with Tyul, creating a finished image of the room. Soft, hard, combined options. Pickages or clamps for the curtain are practical - the child needs light and fresh air.

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Selection of Tulle in the girl's room

    The child is based on the age of the child. For a small princess pink or gentle-lilac tulle with pickups from satin ribbons will be the embodiment of the dream of a fabulous castle. Peach, yellow, orange tones are suitable. White tulle in a children's room for a girl is worth hanging if the curtains are sewn from a bright material or have a thematic pattern. The curtain is decorated with flowers, beads, glass. Lush assemblies create a festive mood.

    The idea of ​​a room for a girl in the style of country becomes popular. To decorate the window, a lace fabric is used or the finest cotton fabric. Here there is a lot of white color with the addition of yellow, green, blue.

    The girl of school age needs a calmer atmosphere, after all, study enters the fore. Gently green, muted orange, light lilac or blue curtain supported smooth emotional child condition. Well looks tulle with embroidery or floristic motifs.

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    For decoration of the curtain, lambrequins are used, pickups, as well as the volumetric applique from the fabric. Make flowers or leaves from a beautiful material with your own hands. Tulle is well combined with rolled or Roman curtains.

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    Choosing Tulle in the Boy Room

    For the design of the window of the boyish room, shades of blue, blue, purple, yellow, brown color are selected. With their help, the maritime interior, the traveler room, are being implemented by space motives. White color is used to neutralize the situation. Labreken perfectly complements Tulle for the boy's room. An interesting idea looks like creating echoing elements between the window and headboard. It may be lambrequin in the form of a wave and the same wave of fabric over the bed, clouds, stars.

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Older boy will appreciate a strict interior. Often, the guys attracts high-tech, which is suitable light gray tulle or curtain with plows of metal threads. The first place is the style and functionality. Hang the camera is better on the loop, since the guys sometimes apply too much strength for her opening. The loop will open, but will not turn around. The curtain for the boyish room is well combined with horizontal or rolled blinds.

    Summing up

    Parents note: Basics of the right choice of curtains and tulle for children

    Children's room is a special world for a child, the desired mood in which you can create with the help of Tulle. For children, the curtains are chosen in mind the age, gender, personal interests. The main selection criterion remains safety.

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    The absence of dust collectors on the windows, good traffic frequency, the ability to remove and wipe the tulle at any time, as well as move it away to ventilate the room - this is what the attention is drawn primarily when the window is drawn in the room for a child.

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