Seals are visible on the wallpaper: what to do in such a situation


Almost every one of us, conceiving repair, whether it is an arrangement in a new building or cosmetic alterations in the already cocked apartment, is trying to imagine what interior will turn out as a result. Of course, in our imagination there is an image of perfectly renovated and attractive dwellings: beautiful ceilings, reliable flooring, and, of course, high-quality cored wallpapers, on which the joints are not visible. Nevertheless, it is often obtained that that assumptions and expectations, to great regret, disagree with reality. The appearance of joints on the wallpaper is a rather serious problem that worries many apartments owners.

Seals are visible on the wallpaper: what to do in such a situation

Wallpapers can be punished perfectly

Most people who think about repairing repair, want to learn more about what reasons are most often leading to this, as well as what to do in such a situation.

Why jokes appear

The reasons for the appearance of the joints between wallpaper strips is somewhat. Let's focus on the most common of them:
  • The canvases differ due to the fact that the edges were very twisted with glue during sticking.
  • The quality of the wallpaper was not at the highest level.
  • The edges were originally damaged.
  • The joints were not well sund when gluing.
  • The strip was not completely blocked by adhesive mortar.

In any case, when setting exact reasons, it is also necessary to take into account the type of canvases. For example, paper or textile wallpapers swell a little when there is a significant amount of moisture. Thus, the size of the sheet increases slightly.

Even such a minor expansion, within a few millimeters, is already able to change the appearance of the joints, especially if the sheets were not baked, and close to each other.

So it turns out that Iching under the influence of a liquid adhesive solution, when it dries, paper webs are a bit narrowed, striving for their initial width. And as a result, the gaps on the seams are formed.

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At the same time, thicker and dense varieties of wallpaper, made on the basis of vinyl or phlizelin, are not as much subject to such an effect.

On the other hand, in the case of vinyl and phlizelin wallpapers, problems with divergent joints may occur if significant violations of the technology were allowed during sticking, or if work was carried out at all with unqualified specialists. In such cases, experienced masters recommend using special sealants designed precisely for the processing of seams on phlizelin or vinyl wallpaper.

What needs to be done in such cases

  1. In the case of paper based materials, everything is quite simple. The main options that help to fight such a situation are somewhat.
  2. Excessive wetting of the canvases should be avoided. Paper is such a material that easily absorbs moisture, incl. and atmospheric. This leads to deformation of sheets after sticking, as well as to all sorts of curvature after drying the adhesive composition.
  3. So that the joints on the wallpaper are not visible, it is necessary to carefully press them after sticking. To do this, you can use such instruments as a special small roller or a narrow spatula.
  4. In addition, you can additionally use glue, which is necessary for wrapping the canvases in pillars.

    Seals are visible on the wallpaper: what to do in such a situation

    Roller for ordering seams

Also, also the fact that when applied glue, it is necessary to strictly ensure that its number does not exceed the reasonable limits.

It is necessary to stick the sheets so that the layer of the adhesive solution is relatively thin and managed to stick the wallpaper sheet even until the moment begins to shrink. In this case, you will be able to avoid deformation of the canvas.

How to be if the glue hit the front part of the wallpaper?

Indeed, this is one of the problems that can subsequently turn into sufficiently serious damage to the room decoration. And if the vinyl-based materials are not exposed to glue on the front side of the web, then the outer layer of paper and flieslinic surfaces, on the contrary, can be quite seriously damaged. That is why most instructions and descriptions that are attached by the manufacturer to similar products, pre-warn about preventing the adhesive composition on the front of the wallpaper.

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How to remove "waves", irregularities and the discrepancy between the joints in this case? The main task is to prevent this, which is possible, subject to the ability to use glue. In those cases, if the glue hitting could not be avoided, it is necessary to remove its surplus without delaying with a slightly damp cloth or moistened with a clean sponge. It should be extremely attentive and perform an operation with particular accuracy so as not to damage the outer layer of the wallpaper coating, as well as to avoid the appearance of ugly divorces after drying.

Conclusion: What should I remember

In conclusion I would like to say the following. To perform work, try to invite qualified and experienced specialists. It is desirable that they can provide feedback from other customers or somehow confirm their high qualifications and the availability of sufficient experience in the successful conduct of such works.

Seals are visible on the wallpaper: what to do in such a situation

Better to trust professionals

If you decide not to invite costly specialists, but instead to save part of the budget, spending all the work on sticking yourself and making the repair solely with your own hands, then we strongly recommend how you can explore the experience of professionals, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic rules and regulations that It must be observed when sticking wallpaper.

Only, in this case, you can not only save money, but also to perform high-quality repairs and, as a result, rejoice in an attractive interior with wallpaper without joints and other mechanical damage. Come to the repair with full responsibility, and a good result will pay you and your loved ones!

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