Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks


As you know, making repairs in an apartment or a country house, we are usually thinking about 2 main things: an attractive appearance of the future room, as well as practicality. Nevertheless, there is another important point: the apartment must be original. Of course, not for all this is important. Nevertheless, many people pay special attention to this. One way to diversify the entourage in the interior is a photo printing on the wallpaper.

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Be that as it may, this technist is only the final stage, which is a kind of "cherry on the cake" of all other efforts and aspirations. And everything begins with careful planning, selection of colors and selection of style solutions. Here we will talk about this at the very beginning.

Planning work

Before carrying out repair work, be it an apartment or a country house, you need to hold a number of very important events. So, you will need to pay attention to such aspects as:

  1. Selection of stylistics.
  2. Selection of the plot.
  3. Combinability of parts in the interior.
  4. Color spectrum.
  5. Additional accessories.

Today, the situation in the market for construction and finishing is such that you will always have the opportunity to embody almost any ideas. It is the variety of materials and methods of finishing and help to implement such ideas that the individuality of the decoration of the apartment would form.

Attention! A lot of money spent on the repair of an apartment and the interior arrangement is not always a guarantee that you will get the result that you will arrange. Repair can be expensive, but, at the same time, tasteless and banal.

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

It is necessary to try to avoid. Photo printing on wallpaper in the interior (photos of which you can see in the galleries to this article) - this is just one way to create an interesting and non-born setting in the apartment. Nevertheless, this technology attracts the attention of an increasing number of customers, which makes it more popular. Let's briefly consider the main techniques that should be considered if you decide to apply this method.

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Use method

Despite the fact that the name "photo printing on wallpaper for walls" sounds, at first glance, it is not entirely clear, no particular difficulties in the finishing method represent. However, before stopping the details of the work, let's briefly list the main advantages that can offer us this way of finishing the premises:

  • A huge variety of ideas to create room decoration both in the apartment and in a country cottage and even in the office.
  • A simple installation, which, in essence, is practically no different from most other wall materials. To the same volume, joints between individual sheets (in cases where the image is "going" at once from several parts, almost not noticeable, even when considering at close range.
  • If you need to replace the picture to a new one, or in case of dismantling the image, it will not be very difficult.
  • High level durability is ensured due to solar ultraviolet resistance, as well as water and other liquids, including atmospheric humidity.

As for the installation, in this, as already noted, slightly higher, there are no particular difficulties. So, first, you will need to choose the appropriate plot, and also to determine what color gamut is better to use. It should be noted the fact that the price by the image depends on its size. In addition, an important criterion that affects the cost is the material on which the picture is applied. Already after that, the selected image option is applied to the wallpaper on the wall wall.

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Designer opportunities

Based on the specifics of the coatings, a lot of interesting decisions were proposed for the design for design, which can be used when arranging interior. So, what we need to know about the wallpaper with a photo printing on them. But what:
  1. Immediately I want to say about what it is desirable to use about the same wallpaper, both for those places on which photo printing and all other walls of the room are carried out.
  2. In addition, there is also such an interesting opportunity, as drawing drawings not completely, a single and solid image, but in several fragmented places. Thus, it turns out that the image is used by fragments. Thus, it is possible to achieve very interesting visual associations, "playing" with the perception of certain images. So, for example, on one side of the wall, you can use a drawing of african animals, and on the other - jungle or waterfall.
  3. By the way, using various technologies and approaches according to the instructions and recommendations of interior design professionals, you can get such an interesting effect as a visual increase in the internal space of the room.

Remember! Unlike standard photo wallpaper, wallpaper for photo printing with images deposited on them can only be bought under the order.

By the way, this is not the only difference. In addition, it is necessary to say that a certain difference is present in the types of materials that are used in production.

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Options plutes

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

What you need to know about the choice of the plot, as well as about the use of artworks in the premises? Attention should be paid to some features:

  • One of the most common plots are cities, including nights (we recommend reading the article "Wall murals with cities", which looks more detail options for using similar photos in the interior). This plot is very attractive and can become an excellent supplement for rooms such as a bedroom or living room.
  • However, this applies, first of all, more modern and large cities, such as London, Paris or New York. At the same time, the most cozy atmosphere can be achieved in cases where you decide to use pictures of antique stares of cities, mostly, of course, European.
  • In addition, thanks to the most press method, you can use this opportunity as the application of the reproductions of various pictures on the walls of the room.
  • Panoramic images, as well as plots with endless sea expanses or expensive, which goes away, will help you to "expand" the space somewhat, especially if we are talking about a small room.


So, as we see, the application of photo printing on wallpaper is another interesting tool, which is available both at the disposal of simple individual customers and in the arsenal of professional interior design specialists. Important conditions that will help brighten up spaces and emphasize its natural advantages, are the correct selection of the plot and the competent selection of the necessary color scheme.

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

Photo printing on wallpaper: ideas for artworks

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