Right haul chairs with your own hands


Any furniture, served for several years, wears. And no matter how hard you tried to carefully handle her, such a moment will come when her upholstery will dwell and endure. Then there will be a thought to get rid of the old thing.

Right haul chairs with your own hands

Chair measure scheme and its drape.

But do not rush to throw out the old furniture, especially if she got into the inheritance and is a family relic. You can try to renovate a loved thing. It is necessary to consider the haul chairs with their own hands.

Dismantling old drapery

The main condition for the restoration is: the frame of your chair should be strong and well preserved. Everything else is completely in the power of your imagination and diligence. If the wooden frame is significantly damaged or during operation, it was struck by the woody beetler, it is almost impossible to restore such a chair.

You need to start with a careful inspection of the chair to be restored. Before starting restoration work, you must remove the old upholstery. If some details are damaged, there are clefts or chips, then you need to repair these elements. Rocking and cracks glue using PVA glue or joinery glue, and tightened with clamps (tool for fixing parts when gluing). For small cleft screed, you can use paper tape. Excessive holes and irregularities are filled with a mixture of small sawdust and glue.

Right haul chairs with your own hands

Tools for chairs: Stapler, screwdriver, pliers, drill, jigsaw, screwdriver.

Here is an exemplary list of tools that can be useful if you decide to drag the chair with your own hands:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • nail holder;
  • pliers;
  • bit;
  • carpentry wooden hammer (cynicha);
  • scissors.

Due to the fact that only the replacement of the drapery of the chair is planned, all the work on its dismantling must be done with great accuracy to prevent breakdown of wooden structural elements.

To remove the old upholstery of the seating, you should first extract all nails fixing it. It is necessary to make all the strength to do it carefully. Facing facing should remain the whole, as it can be used in the future as a pattern for new drapery.

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Fully removing facing matter, scissors need to cut the twine, sticking the burlap, and the filler within the design boundaries. To remove the springs, you need to cut the twine that strengthens them, and then pull out all the extra nails.

Disassembling fabric from the back of the chair is made in the same manner using the same tools. Moreover, the upholstery tissue is removed first, and then the burlap and filler, which make up the basis of the stool drapery. After removing all the upholstery materials from the chair, its inner part will be available - wooden frame. All the wooden elements of the chair are carefully examined, and, if necessary, their restoration is produced. Usually it consists in strengthening the crate, replacing some wooden elements with their further painting.

Tregging chairs

Right haul chairs with your own hands

Scheme of assembly and chalk chairs.

Before you begin to repair the repair work yourself, you need to consider the following. Since the chairs are drawdring with their own hands mainly in order to save money, then during its implementation, only strongly identified materials are replaced. Prepare for restoration work, you need to consider some non-standard of such work.

For the repair of a wooden chair and upholstery drying, a specific tool used for upholstered works may be required. This is usually:

  • furniture stapler;
  • cutter;
  • hammer wobbly;
  • Furniture brackets.

In addition, it is necessary to buy a robust and dense tissue for the restoration (tapestry, shenill, jacquard) in an amount of 1 meter. With the width of the fabric in 1.4 m of this tissue, there are enough for 4 chairs, some materials may also be needed, for example, foam rubber, batting or syntheps.

During long-term operation, parts of the chair having a soft base are most wear and polluted. If the fabric covering the seat and the back is completely worn out, you need to update it.

All applications required for this work are followed. Initially, the drapery cloth is removed and the garbage that gathered under it for many years is eliminated. When the state of the springs is normal, you can not disassemble and not replace. In this case, the base of the structure can simply be strengthened by applying over new protective strips from matter. They are attached by a special stapler to the back of the seat.

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A white tissue is fixed to the seat, allowing to hide small defects and the giving product finally completed view. Then the new facing tissue is tested around the perimeter and the stapler is attached to a wooden basis so that the fixation is strong and durable.

Varieties of surface repair

It happens, the structure of the chair is that there are no springs in it, and the base of the chair has a completely decent state, then it is enough to compact it from above the simple burlap. With the help of a stapler, it is attached to a wooden base, bending the burlap around the perimeter. After attaching the material, the seat is inspected, all excessses emerging beyond the edges of the base of the seat are cut off with scissors.

If there are springs belonging to the soft details of the finish, it is necessary to keep in mind that they are almost not wearing and can be used to further. To give the seat an updated look, you just need to attach and reject the existing springs in a new way, while trying to evenly place them on the surface of the base.

It happens that instead of the springs the back of the chair and its seat fill with special soft fillers: foam rubber, latex, sea grass. In such cases, burlap on the reverse side of the seating and add inside the syntheps, foam rubber, vegetable fibers. Then the burlap is sewn.

Now you know how to drag the chair, give it a second life. Previously, the chairs were released with a very strong framework, therefore, having threw a new upholstery, you can extend the life of chairs for another few years.

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