How to repair old chairs with your own hands


Repair of chairs with their own hands will not only allow to save money, but also give an old thing to the second life. With minimal cost, you can drastically change the appearance of the furniture, everything will depend only on your imagination and selected materials.

How to repair old chairs with your own hands

Thanks to the restoration, any "old" chair will look like new.

Before repairing the chair, you need to get acquainted with the detailed technology, it will allow you to prevent serious errors and do everything correctly.

Upholstery of old chair

It will take:

  • nail holder;
  • pliers;
  • Small nails and a hammer (furniture stapler);
  • upholstery fabric;
  • sackcloth;
  • dense wide ribbon;
  • dense fabric (canvas, tarpaulin);
  • batting or syntheps;
  • Coconut fiber.

Repair the chair, if it did not really suffer over time and has a completely decent appearance, you can, replacing the upholstery. First of all, it is necessary to remove the seat, then with the help of a nail to remove old nails, carefully remove the cloth, remove the rest of the contents and springs.

How to repair old chairs with your own hands

Tools for chairs: Stapler, screwdriver, pliers, drill, jigsaw, screwdriver.

It is important to remember the sequence of disassembly - then it will be easier to assemble the seat again. Evaluate the strength of the upholstery materials, those that are still in good condition can be left, and those that have already served their own, it is better to replace new ones. In no case do not leave old nails - this will very complicate the subsequent work, especially when using a furniture stapler.

Repair starts with fastening tight ribbon to the seat frame, it is best to do this with a furniture stapler. But such a tool is far from every family, but to buy it in order to repair a couple of chairs, it is impractical, so you can use short furniture nails and a conventional hammer. The tape is naked in the form of a lattice, binding vertical and horizontally among themselves, should be a certain semblance of a braid. The distance between the stripes should not exceed 5 cm, the perfect option - 3-4 tapes vertically and horizontally. In order to pull the tape well, its end is wound on a wooden bar.

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On top of the ribbon lattice, the burlap is neglected, then the springs are arranged, sew them from the bottom with the help of Gypsy needles and durable twine, ordinary sewing threads are not suitable in this case. The main task is to fasten the springs in such a way that they become fixed. After that, they begin to mate, opposite each spring clog the nail (not to the end), tie a tight rope on it (you can linen or linen twine), drive the nail until it stops. Then perform the strapping of each spring from above, in this case it is easier to use a node that is used for networking networks. The mating is performed vertically, horizontally and diagonally, at the end of each row, the rope is tied on a robbed nail. It is very important to choose a tight twine, which is difficult to break, since it is from this that the service life of the new upholstery will depend on this.

How to repair old chairs with your own hands

Scheme of assembly and chalk chairs.

On top of the springs, dense fabric (canvas or tarpaulin) are fixed, followed by a layer of coconut fiber, which is covered with a vatin or syntheps (can be replaced with a furniture foam), all this is fixed by another layer of tissue. Further rejects upholstery material to make the pattern, it is enough to wrap the seat with a newspaper. First, feed the upholstery in the center of one of the sides, then from the opposite edge. At the same time, the threads of the fabric do not shift. The corners are fixed in the last place, if necessary, the tissue is collected in small folds. The edge of the upholstery can be separated by a cord or braid, the decor is glued with a glue gun. It remains only to return the seat in place. On this upholstery, the chairs can be considered completed.

Removing the old coating

It will take:
  • sandpaper;
  • cycle;
  • Wood putty;
  • putty knife.

In most cases, the repair of chairs start with the removal of old varnish. For this purpose, the easiest to use sandpaper (grinding sponge) with an average grain moistened in water. Under the influence of moisture, the varnish will be twisted and go gradually. At the same time, it is necessary to wash the scoring sandpaper in water from time to time.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of the abrasive material, if during wetting it leaves a black trail, then such sandpaper is unsuitable for use.

If you will use a grinding machine for removing the old coating, then put it on the lowest speed, otherwise you can damage the wood. A special solvent for removing the paintwork can only be used in the case when the lacquer is not removed in other ways. It is important to not exceed the permissible dose (read the attached instruction), otherwise the means is absorbed into the tree, which will complicate subsequent processing.

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You can remove the old cracking varnish with the help of a cycle or broken glass, neat movements, it is simply scraped from the surface. After that, the chair is grinding fine-grained sandpaper, then removed with a dust with a rag. If there are places on the surface of the furniture, beaten with a jacket, various chips and scratches, then it is necessary to restore them. Repair starts with a special tool from insects, then put a putty on the tree (it happens white and under the color of wood). After the putty is dry, it is grinding fine-grained emery paper. What method of removing the old coating to choose is to solve only you, it all depends on the degree of damage to the varnish and the presence of tools.

TONING, Painting, Walk

It will take:

  • Furniture wax;
  • woolen rag;
  • Flots (wide brush);
  • Morid or acrylic paint.

Furniture repair is not such a difficult thing, if you know some nuances. Thus, tinting and lacquer coating can be replaced by a joint. We just need to choose a colored wax that will emphasize the texture of wood, give her a beautiful shade and at the same time secure the result. On a small surface, the wax is applied by a thin layer with a woolen cloth. At the same time, it is unwanted to return to the same place several times, otherwise dark spots may form, which will be difficult to remove. To cover a large area, the wax is desirable to melt on a water bath. In this case, it is more convenient to apply a wide brush.

It is possible to emphasize the woodistic invoice with the help of a veil, it is best to use alcohol, since it is easier to work with it, besides, it gives a more rich color than the water. The brush is applied with a brush, you can mix colors to get the desired shade. After you put an alcohol veil, you need to remove the surplus (make a wash). With the help of a brush dipped in a solvent, go through the surface of the chair. After grabbing, you can detect the rising fibers of wood, they must be pulled out by sandpaper. When working with aqueous veneer, there is an important rule: it is impossible to return to the scratched place, otherwise dark spots will appear. The work is fixed either with colorless furniture wax, or covered with varnish.

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If the wood on the chair lost its former attractiveness, it is better to paint it. First, the furniture is ground, then paint acrylic paint. It is important to apply paint with thin layers with mandatory intermediate grinding shallow emery paper. You can use high quality aerosol dyes, paint spray at a distance of 40 cm in a very thin layer, allowed to dry, then apply again. After each use, the sprayer is removed and rinsed it in turpentine. Following these unacceptable advice, you can easily repair the stool with your own hands.

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