High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands


Any, even the strongest furniture is gradually wear out and acquires an unsightly look. The sofa, as an actively used furniture element, is no exception. The restoration of the sofa will make it possible to return to him attractiveness and functional indispensability.

High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands

Sofa upholstery scheme.

Repair of upholstered furniture is easiest to produce, inviting masters. This approach is quite justified if your sofa is unique and has an antique value or if its design is very complex. In most cases, the restoration of the sofa is a completely real and economical event. The question of how to restore the sofa is solved simply, if you do not regret the time and acquire a quality material.

Useful information

The sofa consists of several elements having a standard design. The main elements can be attributed to the back, sidewalls, seats. In addition, sofas may contain overhead elements (baffics, pillows, etc.), additional mechanisms (mechanism for folding, hinges, etc.) and decorating accessories. In turn, the main elements include frame, upholstery, filler and rear panel. The seating design includes a shock absorbing element.

High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands

Sofa device diagram.

Frames of the main elements are made of wooden bars of different sizes. Usually, the bars are connected by adhesive compositions, and the joints of the compound can be strengthened with screws. The foam rubber is used as a filler, as well as batting, sintec or other soft synthetic fillers.

The shock absorbing seating element is most often made in the form of springs, but it can be represented by a thickened sheet of foam rubber. Bridal armrests are formed by an additional layer of soft material. All major elements from top view are covered with tissue or leather. To eliminate sagging or pulling the tissue upholstery on the surface of the main elements, tightening elements are used (decorated, for example, in the form of buttons, rivets, etc.).

Basic Restoration Principles: Step-by-step instructions

Any restoration of the old sofa (regardless of its causes) includes the replacement of the upholstery and filler, since the materials of these elements are subjected to the most rapid wear. Replacing or repairing other elements is made as needed when damaged.

The exception is the repair of a sufficiently new sofa during damage to the frame or the shock absorbing element from the mechanical impact or due to production marriage. In this case, the upholstery and filler are preserved in good condition and their replacement is inexpedient. When repairing the upholstery, it is gently removed and a damaged element is replaced, after which the upholstery returns to its place.

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High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands

Upholstery options sofa.

If, after detection of damage, it was decided to restore the old sofa, then determine which element will only be repaired, and which is completely replaced. Accordingly, a list of required materials and their number is drawn up.

During the restoration of the sofa, with their own hands, it should be at the same time to solve the issue of the need to make changes to the design. It will not cause special difficulties to make the following improvements: an increase in the thickness of the sidewall; Changing the form of the armrest; Changing the rigidity of the seating and backs, etc.

Choose upholstery

The upholstery of the sofa is the most noticeable and most wearing element of any sofa. The upholstery material must satisfy a number of requirements, such as:

  • resistance to abrasion;
  • mechanical tensile strength;
  • reduced ability to concentrate dust and dirt;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • harmlessness for man;
  • dye resistance.

Upholstery from leather has many advantages, but costly and difficult in stacking with their own hands. Such a coverage is used, as a rule, if the skin was on the old sofa. A good tapestry is very beautiful and aristocratic, more technologically, but is not much different for the price of leather. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the skin and tapestry have a long service life.

High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands

Markup scheme before upholstery.

The choice of the coloring of the fabric is very important both with aesthetic and from the practical side. When selecting fabrics, it is necessary to take into account the need for its combination on different elements of the sofa design and location on the element itself. The smallest waste is achieved when using monochrome tissues and tissues with a small abstract pattern. The overflow of the material occurs when the tissue with a large ornament in the form of geometric shapes, lines and cells of different colors.

Dense Food fabric can hide many flaws when it stretched. When choosing a tissue, it is necessary to check that the pile is firmly fixed on the basis. Cotton fabrics are not practical, impenetrate and do not have abrasion resistance. Velor fabrics look good, but have low wear resistance and actively collect dust.

Selection of filler

The foam rubber and syntheton are widely used as a filler. When choosing a material, it should be paid to its quality. Sintepon should have a white color without significant shades. It should not come from unpleasant odors. The strength of the synthetone is such that it is difficult to break it manually; If it is easy to break, then this is poor-quality material.

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In the seat and the back, the foam rubber is usually used with a thickness of at least 50 mm or several layers with a thickness of 20 mm. The structure of high-quality foam rubber contains very small pores. When buying a material, it is necessary to check its elastic properties: after pressing a hand to the foam rubber, it must quickly return to the previous position.

Disassembling the sofa and its elements

High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands

Sofa disassembly scheme.

The restoration of the sofa begins with its complete disassembly. It is performed in the following order. All overhead and decorating elements are removed. Caused sidewalls. Disassembly mechanisms for laying the sofa and fixing elements. The back and seat are separated.

Full disassembly sidewall includes rejunction of legs and accessories, removal of upholstery and extracting the filler. The armrest is dismantled. The carcass strength is checked.

Disassembly of the back starts with rear panel removal. Then the tightening elements are dismantled and the upholstery is removed. Removed filler. The carcass strength is checked.

Disassembling the sofa seating includes dismantling of tightening elements and removal of upholstery. Depreciation elements are extracted. Remove filler. The carcass strength is checked.

It should be borne in mind that in a number of sofas designs, the backrest and seating is carried out by one solid piece of fabric on both elements.

Often the sofa seat is installed on the pallet. Its separation and disassembly completes the disassembly of the entire sofa.

Cutting a new upholstery

Cutting new fabric is the easiest way to spend on the old upholstery. If she managed to remove carefully, she would serve as a lecturer for a new upholstery. With such a plot, it is advisable to add 1-2 cm in all directions, while ensuring the allowance and facilitating the subsequent tension. If the solution is made on the expansion of the sidewall, then the corresponding change is taken into account when stated. If it is impossible to use an old upholstery, measurements of all elements are performed using a roulette and a meter line. Then there is a pattern on paper and cutting fabric.

Restoration of seating and back

First of all, the framework is made, if necessary. For this, damaged or deformed wooden bars are replaced. Strengthening places of attachment of bars. Depreciation elements are installed. With the help of roulette, foam rubber and other filler materials are displaced. Filler sheets are styled. Over the filler is superimposed by the upholstery fabric.

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High-quality restoration of sofas with their own hands

Tools for upholstery sofa: hammer, drill, saw, key, screwdriver.

Install the tightening elements in places where they were previously, in order not to make new holes based on the frame. The hole in the tissue and the filler is done by a seboard. The fasteners are fixed on the reverse side of the framework of the frame, thereby fixing the upholstery on the surface of the seating. Tinging upholstery tissue is performed on the seat and fix it with a stapler on the inner side of the frame of the frame. Fabric pulling is uniformly to prevent the tissue skew. Founded cloth with brackets. The distance between the brackets usually does not exceed 40 mm.

Repair of the back is similar to the restoration of the seating. There are no depreciation elements in the back, which simplifies its restoration. In most sofas, the upholstery of the back and seats are combined, so the upholstery fabric is not fixed on one side of the seating, but goes back. Then, on the back, the fabric is fixed with tightening elements, similar to the seat. The upholstery fabric is evenly stretched on the back and secured by brackets. The piece of fabric, covering the junction between the seat and the back, is not fixed on the frame and should allow the movement of these elements relative to each other when laying the sofa. The rear panel plywood is covered with a cloth and fixes on the back of the back.

Restoration Bohokin

Singrytegon or thin foaming (20 mm thick) is applied to the sideline frame and is fixed on the surface of the frame base with glue or brackets. The armrest is formed from the foam rubber of the desired size and is fixed with glue. The upholstery, pre-stitched in the form of a cover, is put on the sidewall and stretches from two sides, behind and below, and then fixed in the same brackets.

The place of the junction of the fabric in the backside of the sidewall is closed by plywood panel, covered with cloth. Mounted tightening elements if they have been provided. Additional elements and fittings are mounted.

The sofa assembly is made in the reverse order of disassembly.

Tool and equipment for the restoration of the sofa

  • Stapler mechanical or electric;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • sewing machine;
  • awl;
  • boxes;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver flat;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • Metro line;
  • knife.

If the sofa creaked, loosened, accepted an unsightly kind, this is not a reason to get rid of it. An independent restoration of the sofa will allow him to return to him the second life.

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