5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes


If a person lives in the cold region, it is simply impossible to do without heating. Of course, heating, first of all, should perform its main function. In most cases, radiators do not fit into the design of the room and even spoil it, take place and so on. Naturally, it will not work out to be free, but from the point of view of aesthetics you can work. The most optimal and budget way to get rid of the problem is painting pipes, which will be described below.

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 original staining ideas

If you correctly select a variant of staining, you can not only disappoint the heating originally, but also refresh the design, for this there is at least 5 ways:

  • If we are talking about a children's room, you can enable fantasy. In the process of coloring, you can use even kid. So from the radiator can be excellent zebra or horse. From the heating pipe, you can create a giraffe.
    5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes
  • If the battery is in the bedroom or living room, then it can create a real work of art. Most often, landscapes or patterns are applied to the battery. To implement it into life, it is absolutely optionally to have the skills of the artist. On the Internet you can find stencils, and create a wonderful drawing.
    5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes
  • disguise heating. Heating can be made invisible in the literal sense of the word. If the walls are painted in a monophonic color, then the same paint can be used for the battery. . That is, a visual battery can not be seen, an excellent option for the battery is not visible at all.
    5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes
  • For the kitchen it is recommended to use a golden or silver battery, it is this variant of staining that is not very dirty and at the same time harmoniously fits into the design.
    5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes
  • There is an opinion that the dark color is better preserved heat. That is, if you paint the battery into a brown or black color, then the room will be warmer for several degrees. Among brown is a huge number of beautiful shades, such as chocolate.

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5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

Important. Choosing the color of the batteries, you should navigate not only on your taste preferences, but also the dominant color of the room.

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

Features of staining

When the concept of staining is chosen, it is worth moving to the next step, namely to the color itself. However, this process has its own special technology. In order to make everything beautiful and efficiently, you need to stock up with several tassels.

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

In order to obtain a high-quality and durable result, it is necessary to give preference to really high-quality paint, take into account the following requirements:

  • Heat resistance . The paint must be resistant to the temperature, namely to withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees. Only in this case, it will be able to move the cold period of the year.
  • adhesion. This property increases the gripping of paint and pipes so that when the temperature drops, the paint does not start to move.
  • Corrosion resistance. The paint should include special components that will save from corrosion and will not allow metal to collapse.
  • Resistance color. In order to really enjoy aesthetic beauty, paint should keep color at least for several years.
  • environmental Safety. Since the battery is located in the room, it should not have any harm of the elements that could damage to health.

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

Well, the process of painting the battery will require time and fantasy, it is also important to use high-quality materials to get a durable result. If you take advantage of the above councils, you can really just rejoice in the result.

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

How to make batteries beautiful? (1 video)

All illustrations of this article (12 photos)

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

5 Original Coloring for Heating Pipes

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