What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?


Many of us still use classic curtains when designing windows. And there is nothing wrong with that, because they are good and homely cozy, and besides, they are separated from the outside world, giving calm and feeling some kind of security. But let's not forget about the fact that today we have other options with which you can create a beautiful, and at the same time practical design of the window opening. So what can replace the curtains on the windows?

What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

Horizontal Blinds for Living Room

Curtain replacement options

The room with naked windows on one side looks more spacious and light, and on the other - angular and unfinished. Decorative design at the same time solves several tasks: protects the apartment on the lower floor from the views of curious zooak, adorns the interior and allows you to adjust the intensity of daylight. Therefore, it is still necessary to "wear" windows, while the design of the design must correspond to the stylistics of the premises and the practical needs of the owners. In this article we will tell you that hang on the windows instead of curtains so that it looks beautiful and modern. And you already on the basis of the proposed options can realize your ideas.

What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?


These are light-protective devices from horizontal and vertical plates - lamellae produced from various materials. Their main advantage is the simplicity of regulating the intensity of penetrating light. On the principle of constructive features distinguish:

  • Horizontal blinds - consist of a top with an operator of control, lower eaves and canvas from horizontal strips. Lamed has a width of 16, 25 or 50 mm. The plates rotate at a different angle and when the upwards are shifted, it is compact. Modern blinds are tissue, wooden, plastic and metal. Eco-materials are preferred for residential areas, i.e. Blinds on windows of wood or fabric. Industrial materials are more suitable for office space. Although plastic blinds for the kitchen instead of curtains - also a convenient option, since waterproof. Fabric models are ideal for bedrooms and living rooms, and wooden blinds on the windows - for the office. Horizontally located blinds are interferent and internal.

    What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

  • Vertical - here the lamellas are located vertically from the ceiling to the floor, unfold at an angle and go to the center, from the center and to the side. The bandwidth is 89 and 127 mm. The plates are most often made of textile canvases, so their design is much more interesting. Mounted such blinds to the way, to the ceiling or in the window opening - should not be attached to the sash, since the turn of the wide plate involves the presence of free space.
  • Pleasses-Plears are also hanging on the windows instead of curtains. This device is made of solid cloth of corrugated material, which, if the owner is desired, is collected in a fold. Such blinds are installed directly on the window and close themselves any opening. Adjusted by a special cord and weight of the gag out of the lower part of the device. Pleated blinds are well protected from sunlight. A variety of shades and textures allows you to enter such "curtains" in any interior design.

    What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

  • Protective shutters - a modern alternative to lattices and shutters. Produced from durable aluminum, used to protect the dwellings from illegal penetration, plus, in winter they reduce heat transfer. Protective shutters are produced in different colors, which allows you to choose a rolet to any facade of the building.

This feature is worth considering and when choosing a length: plates of fabric, located right in front of heating devices, and even adjacent to them, quickly fail.

Thread curtains

This version of the replacement can be successfully assembled and personally manifested by fantasy. "Threads" can be gained from beads, bamboo, wooden ribbons with holes, etc.

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What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

Such curtains can be hanging instead of curtains over the opening or in the window opening. Possible length and shape: to the windowsill (kitchen version), to the floor, wavenled and semicircle. Threaded curtains can be hung on the windows along with the classic, they look good in the duet and adversely decorate the room.

Panels from fabric

In the production of tissue panels, as in the sewing curtains, the same material is used, only in the first case it is exposed to special processing. At the same time, the way to open and the area of ​​use is different.

What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

Fabric panels

  1. Rolled curtains are a system consisting of a roll material that "hides" into the cassette and is installed on the top of the window sash. In addition to the cassette on the translucent design, a box of guides are installed, which are tightly pressed the cloth to the glass. Such reflective curtains on the windows are installed separately on each sash, thereby creating a single system. It does not hide the space of the window sill, do not impede the opening of the sash, does not allow the material to lower and allows you to use such panels not only separately, but also in combination with classic curtains. Depending on the fabric, rolled blinds are used both for complete darkening of the rooms and to disperse rays. It is interesting to watch Rollers with photo wallpapers on the window instead of curtains.

    What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

  2. Japanese panels are smooth panels that are attached to the multilayer eaves. From above and below there are special inserts (frames), they report panels the necessary rigidity to which the material of the curtain is stretched. Turning panels here is not provided. The level of illumination of the room by daylight is adjusted by overlapping windows and depends on the transparency of the tissue. Japanese panels are hanging instead of curtains on windows in rooms with a weatheted style, which prevails with rigor and conciseness.
  3. Roman blinds are an even cloth made of fabric, which is assembled up into bulk folds through a rotary chain mechanism. In the manufacture of crafts, different colors, tones, images and the degree of transparency of the fabric are used. Holistic drawings on the type of landscape or photoportist are inappropriate here, as drapery distorts them. But the positive fabrics going to the folds and creating an atmosphere of ease and romance are watched.

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What to hang instead of curtains on the windows?

Other options

In addition to those options that we reviewed, there are less attractive methods that can also be used instead of curtains.

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  • Decorative stickers for windows instead of curtains: Dark or color sticker-silhouette, matte strip, stained glass, three-dimensional or glowing pattern.
  • Film on the windows instead of curtains - modern material that protects the room from prying eyes, not distorting visibility from the inside. In addition, it helps to avoid scattering fragments during glass damage. The film can be applied both separately and in combination with curtains and blinds.

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