How to attach box wallpaper


We all love to please our relatives and loved ones, periodically presenting gifts to them. At the same time, we try to beautifully issue a present that it is memorable and special. However, not always at hand is the packaging of the desired size, or a suitable colorful box. Nevertheless, finding out - it is not difficult. It is enough to find a box, you can from under shoes, and arrange it with wallpaper. How to poke the box with your own hands? The task seemingly at first glance is very simple. However, if you do not know the features of the work, it is not easy to cope with it.

How to attach box wallpaper

Today we will talk about how to glue a gift box correctly, not only having achieved a rejoicing of the result, but also saving some money. What is interesting, in addition to wallpaper, you can use paper, fabric, film and other materials. Nevertheless, let's go about everything in order.

What do you need

So, let's start our master class and learn to beautifully decorate a cardboard box for gifts, both outside and from the inside. What materials and tools will be needed when working? Here is a brief list of everything you need that you may need when decorating the box with wallpaper:

Of course, it is necessary to choose a box that will become the basis for creating a beautiful scenery. One of the main conditions is the strength of the material. It is desirable that the walls of the box are thick, and the corners and connections are connected by reinforcing elements. It is quite a package from small devices, for example, from an electric kettle, shoes, etc.

Attention! Despite the fact that a significant part of the packaging boxes from modern equipment are made of corrugated cardboard, this material is very suitable. The only condition for its use is that before pasting it is recommended to additionally smoke the edges of the box so that they are not damaged in the future.

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

We select materials

Of course, after that you need to find wallpapers. They will completely rise their remnants, however, pay attention to the fact that they are sufficient. As for the material from which they were manufactured (paper, vinyl, fligine or textile), it does not matter much. Much more important - drawing, style and condition of the surface.

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After that, you have to choose the right glue. In this case, almost any mesh glue composition converges. Nevertheless, in this particular case, the optimal solution is to use the proven glue of PVA. It costs quite inexpensively and perfectly gluits paper with cardboard.

Well, finally, if we talk about the necessary materials, it is impossible not to mention a special protective varnish, the main task of which is the reliable protection of the finished product from damage and moisture.

Selection of tools

As a rule, you will be enough ordinary scissors or a stationery knife. However, for greater amenities, you can use a whole set of tools that will make work more quickly and comfortable. So, in addition to the knife and scissors you may need: clamp for temporary fastener, tassels, as well as a ruler. Sometimes the circular can be applied. Well, now let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

Scheme of work

Despite the fact that there are several ways to glue the cartridges on the boxes at once, we will focus on the simplest one, because it will be easier for beginners who will unwind this technique without problems. Here is a brief instruction:
  1. We take the rest of the wallpaper, cut off the piece (it must be done with the reserve) and straighten it on the working surface. It can be covered with newspapers or film floor or table.
  2. We put our box from under shoes or household appliances on tag and apply markup. It can be performed both with a knife and using an ordinary pencil.
  3. After that, you need to wrap the side pieces of the box with wallpaper, bending the edges on the inner side. Click.
  4. Then remove the wallpaper from the box and gently remove their unnecessary knife or scissors.
  5. Next, go to pasting. First of all, we apply glue to the bottom of the box, we put it on a pre-outlined place and press the wallpaper to the box.
  6. After that we apply glue on the sidewalls of the box, press. And finally, the last turn glue those parts of the wallpaper that are located inside.
  7. In order for such a gift packaging to look good from the inside, it must be additionally decorated. To do this, we need to separate it with beautiful paper (preferably dense), preferably one-color. Alternatively, a noble elegant fabric is also suitable. Optimal options may be materials such as velor, atlas, checkered tartan, etc. Packaging paste is over, you can now go to decorating it.

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Be sure to look a useful video, master class on decorating boxes:

Decorating the packaging

Let's first consider such an interesting sacking technique as decoupage. To decorate on this method, you will need to pick up some attractive drawing, you can not even alone. The napkins can be used as a kind of decor, with a pattern that is already cut on them. And in general, any thin paper is suitable, for example, cigarette.

Interesting to know! In cases where you decorate with two-layer paper wallpapers, it is desirable to cut images on one of two layers, pre-taking care of their separation.

Now a little about how the decoupage is done correctly. Almost all of us is well known that in terms of learning in any skills, it is better to see 1 time than 100 times to hear. That is why we advise you to familiarize yourself with the thematic video instructions, where in maximum details to tell about the features of this decoration technique. So, look:

Be that as it may, there is absolutely no need to be limited exclusively by the use of decoupage. To solve such problems, there are specially designed and tested alternative ways to decorate the packaging boxes, with a view to their alterations under gift. So, we will list some of the advantages and features of the use of other methods of decorating boxes with wallpaper:

  • If you decide to apply fiberglass cloths or on the basis of Flizelin, then remember that such wallpapers can be painted. To perform the right and beautiful painting of glasses, it is necessary to use special types of paints. First of all, we are talking about dyes on alcohol, as well as water based. It should also be taken into account that in its composition they must be acrylic.
  • In addition, you can use an additional layer of special decorative varnish, which will not only help keep the surface as well and disadvantaged, but also make the box more interesting. In addition, this transparent composition is absolutely safe for the health of people.
  • Additionally, you can make a beautiful decor for the lid. As a rule, this uses a special packaging ribbon of bright colors, simulating a knitted bow, or small lace elements.

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How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

How to attach box wallpaper

Attention! If you do not have enough time or fantasy to create some interesting decorative ideas, you can do it very simple. Use ordinary vinyl stickers for decorating walls. Fortunately, you can buy them not only in specialized wallpapers and online stores, but often in conventional supermarkets, in the departments of home and repair products.


So, as we see, it is not so difficult to see the wallpaper from under the shoes or appliances of household appliances, as it may seem at first glance. On the one hand, it will help you to create a unique, and one of your kind gift, and in the other, you will save considerable money, since the price of such crafts is close to zero. Decorate the trellis the old packaging, giving her the second life!

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