How to restore the coffee table with your own hands?


To date, buy a new coffee table. Especially if it concerns the coffee table, which should be not only functional, but also exquisite and beautiful. Therefore, experts develop more and more ways to create the table restoration with their own hands.

How to restore the coffee table with your own hands?

Before the restoration of the table, it is necessary to clean its surface from old paint and close all cracks and chips.

Methods There are plenty. They are conditionally accepted to divide the tables for different types of conclusions. But with the same success, you can apply methods for the coffee table by which kitchen or toilet tables usually decorate. As practice shows, it looks very original.

Surface preparation

Before proceeding with the consideration of individual decoring methods, it is advisable to learn how to prepare the surface. After all, this step is the same for all tables, regardless of what kind of restoration method later you will choose.

You must first remove the old coating. Risk use solvents, as they can spoil the fiber of the tree. This is especially true of valuable old furniture items. In this case, it will be best to use sandpaper large grain and grinding machine.

As for the legs, if they are carved, they need to thoroughly sew the special slices of sandpaper for hard-to-reach places. It is strictly forbidden to skip the old coating with screwdrivers, chisels and knives. These tools are able to spoil the coating.

How to restore the coffee table with your own hands?

To align the surface of the table, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of primer.

If the legs still clean are quite problematic due to their small relief, then you can use a thin rutana from the wire. And if it does not help, you can apply a little solvent. It is only necessary to work with it very carefully, wound on the match the bandage and dipping it into the solvent.

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When all the old coating is removed, you need to make all the cracks and flaws. To do this, use the wood putty. But first, the entire table is covered with a primer, which will protect the tree from damage, and will give a better adhesion with a putty and finishing material. When the primer is absorbed, you can work with putty.

A small spatula is used for work. The putty can be used both the usual white and special color - everything will depend here on how you intend to restore the table further. After drying, the putty once again everything is sanding with weak sandpaper and re-cover the thin layer of primer.

Table ready.

Consider two main options for the restoration of the coffee table with their own hands.

They are considered the most simple for beginners and not costly in the money plan, which is especially important in the conditions of limited resources.

Restoration of table paint and varnish

The first option is the surface coating with paint or varnish. So, the paint must first stir well. Then take a soft brush and put the paint slowly along the fibers of the tree. Note that first turns the upper part, after which you should gradually go down. It is very important to observe, since otherwise it will simply not be avoided by no decorative ilk.

How to restore the coffee table with your own hands?

Table trim diagram.

The paint should be applied in two thin layers so that the putty does not give shrinkage and did not see the paint. When you bring paint, wait for drying, after which the table is placed in the way above, but only already transparent varnish. If you want to see a sparkling gloss, then the varnish is applied in two or even in three layers. If you want a more natural matte surface - it will be enough and one layer.

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Restoration of the table with your own hands is possible not only in paint, but also varnish, as well as special solutions that give silver, gold or bronze tint. And it looks very exquisite, especially on the ancient tables.

Restoration of mosaic

The second option is to cover the lid of the table with a mosaic. Mosaic is now produced different types. For a coffee table, which will be located in the classic style living room, you can choose a mosaic with some old or urban scenery. If you wish to arrange the table in the bedroom, you can choose more calm romantic patterns of the type of colors, hearts, angels or cute birds and animals.

So, first the table is covered by the basis, which will act as the paint selected color. It is important to choose a contrast with a future mosaic shade - or very dark, or very light. Due to this, the pattern will look brighter and natural.

After drying the paint (and this is at least 2 days) it is necessary to stir the PVA glue or a special tile glue for mosaic. After that, you immediately need to press the mosaic strictly according to the instructions so that the drawing turned out to be correct. For greater loyalty, it is possible to miss the mosaic from the opposite side, only the layer of glue in this case should be very thin.

About every other day after setting the mosaic, it is necessary to make a grout. To do this, use a special means in the form of a powder or a paste, which is suitable for tone pattern. You can also use a contrasting grout, which in some cases looks good.

Before the grout, experts recommend painting scotch tape tie the edges of the tiles so that they do not get tightly. The grout itself is made either with a small spatula or sponge. It all depends on what kind of tool you have chosen. After the work is completed, wait for the grout drying, remove the tape from the mosaic and remove the remnants of the mosaic rag.

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The legs in such a table can be simply painted with paint or varnish, as the mosaic will be inappropriate here. The color of the legs are selected according to your taste. But best, if it is profitable to differ from the main drawing. You can simply cover with a shade lacquer, which will allocate the naturalness of the tree.

So, two ways of restoration of the coffee table are considered. Of course, there is still a lot of options: this is a decoupage technique, and watering with wallpaper, and decorating with the help of alek. But the methods described above are basic. Having learned to perform them, to do everything else will be easier.

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