How to choose the right ball crane


Reliable pipeline is one of the most important indicators of a highly built house or repaired.

How to choose the right ball crane

Scheme of ball valve.

Any flaws in the locking mechanisms and junctions of the pipeline can lead to a flood that will entail serious material consequences.

It is very important to pay special attention to what a ball valve to choose to overlap water in the pipes. This type of gate mechanism is widely used even at industrial enterprises. Its device allows you to overlap the streams of even gas and oil. In order to repair your apartment to be reliable, you should know how to choose a crane, taking into account all the features of the pipeline. It is important to all here: what material the shutter is made, and from which building, which will overlap - cold water, hot or gas.

Constructive features of the ball crane

How to choose the right ball crane

Connection diagram of ball valve and electric drive.

Despite the fact that the ball valves invented a hundred years ago, it was only recently used everywhere. Its initial structure was not effective enough, he blocked the flow loosely. But thanks to the work of designers, as well as the emergence of new materials, this crane has become the most popular when laying pipelines. First of all, in new versions began to use improved seals, such as rubber, fluoroplast and others. They give the required sealing, but at the same time have high wear resistance.

The ball valve is a shutter in the shape of a ball of steel. It has a hole equal to the diameter of the pipe. The rotation of the shutter is 90º overlaps the flow of water. When the shutter is open, it does not create any obstacles for the free flow, which increases its durability, as there is no load on the locking mechanism. This advantage was the reason for the common use of ball valves on leading pipeline main lines. In addition, the replacement of such a mechanism is done easily and quickly.

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Types of ball cranes

Three main types are distinguished:

  • Full-around (its bandwidth is 90-100% water flow);
  • incomplete (with bandwidth 40-50% flow);
  • Standard (bandwidth is 70-80% stream).

Depending on the material of the manufacture, two main types are isolated: brass and plastic.

How to choose the right ball crane

Scheme of ball valve.

Brass is the most durable, as it is able to withstand the temperature differences and does not rust. This type is suitable for overlapping hot water and heating systems. Without prejudice to the tightness, the brass crane can be opened-closed up to 60 times.

Plastic - less durable. Despite the fact that it is made of high-strength plastic, the strong temperature differences affect it destructive. This type is suitable for overlapping both cold water and gas.

There is another kind of a ball crane, which is worth paying special attention. It is made of zinc. Such overlaps are very dangerous, to use them in a residential building is categorically prohibited. This is due to the fact that the chlorinated water purification system is used in our homes. Zinc reacts with chlorine, as a result of which the zinc chloride solution is formed, which is very dangerous to human health. Such water is also called "dead", because it serves as the cause of oncological diseases, killing healthy organism cells.

How to choose a ball crane

In order not to make a mistake when buying a ball crane, some simple rules should be remembered. First, not only the body, but the ball inside should be made of brass. Check it is very easy. If the magnet attracts to the housing, then the ball inside the iron. Consequently, such a crane can not serve for a long time. Not worth buying it.

Secondly, it should be checked from what material the crane case is made. To find out, make a small scratch on the nickel-plated coating. If the scratch is yellow, then the crane is made of brass, if silver is from zinc. As noted above, the zinc crane for installation does not follow in the house.

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And, thirdly, consider for which pipeline you buy a ball crane. If for heating systems or hot water, it is better to take brass. If it can be plastic for cold water or gas.

Knowing these simple rules, you can professionally choose a ball crane for your repair.

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