High-quality sofa repair do it yourself


Regardless of what quality the furniture is in the room, sooner or later it comes in disrepair. Then you need to carry out, for example, repairing a sofa with your own hands. To perform such a job, you need to stock attribute set for mounting, personal desire and the ability to interact with different materials.

High-quality sofa repair do it yourself

The main details of the sofa.

Success in carrying out repair activities directly depends on the state in which the frame base is located. Moreover, the sofa of the old sample, made from the chipboard, correct is much more complicated than it can be done with a more modern analogue on wood.

Having examined in detail the design features of this object of furniture, you can take a job.

Design features of the sofa

It is possible to restore the old sofa by repairing or replacing the main elements in the form of legs, supports, locks and tugs of the upholstery layer. All listed types of work require special attention.

There are many sofa models, but each of the varieties is characterized only inherent in the details:

High-quality sofa repair do it yourself


  • Armrests are made of wood, metal, MDF or chipboard, providing softness or rigidity;
  • unequidence of the upholstery tissues represented by leather or dermatitin;
  • internal layer of synthesis, batting or furniture foam rubber;
  • use of polyurethane foam to improve depreciation qualities;
  • installation of spring block;
  • application of burlap to prevent squeaks during operation;
  • The frame is made from natural wood or chipboard.

Attention! The quality and duration of the period of use of the sofa depends on the use of solid materials for the construction of a frame structure and the correctness of the installation. An essential value is attached to an internal filler, which affects comfort and safety.

Remember! You need to disassemble the sofa with side parts, then the back and seat are removed.

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Varieties of mechanisms:

  • The sofa book is used most often;
  • Eurobook is transformed by moving the seat with folding back;
  • Eurobook "Tik-so" moves, occupying a circular position;
  • "Accordion" is 3 parts that are repaired in rare cases;
  • The "Click-klyak" device is represented by such positions: the collected, decomposed half and completely;
  • Design "Dolphin" can be seen in the mechanisms of the corner type.

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High-quality sofa repair do it yourself

Sofa device diagram.

To understand how to repair the sofa, you should deal with the features of the breakdown. If the transforming design failed, it is necessary to replace it with the model under consideration with similar details.

The best sofa samples will be mechanisms on a spring frame with burlap or batting coated. However, such structures will cost expensive. Often to reduce the price, manufacturers take the coarse and foam rubber. In cheaper versions of sofas, blocks on the springs do not put. To start the sofa from the inside, expanded polyurethane foam and stacked with a thick layer.

Repair of the old sofa should be carried out using only high-quality materials, which will significantly extend the service life. Thus, the thickness of polyurethane foam should not be less than 40 cm. Used Hollofiber allows you to wash the design, the synthet board is able to emphasize the embossed pattern of the sofa, does not absorb moisture. Periothek is characterized by a high fortress of base and is not afraid of high temperatures. For spring varieties, it is best to use a 5-cm charter with a layer of rigid matter.

It is possible to replace the external upholstery. For this, fabrics are taken: leather, velor, flock, tapestry, jacquard, shenill. Skin tightness is performed by specialists due to difficulty in carrying out such work. The remaining types of matter allow you to maintain your own.

What may need to work

High-quality sofa repair do it yourself

Basic tools for recombosis sofa.

After studying the design features of the sofa and choosing a suitable fabric, you can begin work to restore its former appearance. To do this, you need to prepare a number of attributes:

  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • stapler;
  • carpentry glue;
  • hammer, scissors;
  • Screwdriver and screws.

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Upholstery Fabric Replacement Procedure

Before carrying out the main works, the sofa should be disassembled. So that there are no difficulties with the assembly in the future, it is important to remember the order of the details. To do this, they are numbered or imprinted on the camera. After disassembly, the mechanisms are inspected. Strong wear speaks of the need to replace them.

High-quality sofa repair do it yourself

Upholstery options sofa.

  1. Initially, the side parts are removed, the seat rises and the bolts are unscrewed. Then the main device is taken responsible for the transformation of the model. Seat, back and frame should be unscrewed. Other sofa elements are also cleaned, only the skeleton remains.
  2. Old upholstery should be very accurate to avoid her damage. This canvas will be used as a pattern to a new coating. To dismantle the pillows, they are disconnected from the folding device. Old screws are unscrewed from each side.
  3. To remove the former upholstery fabric, you can use a flat screwdriver. It is raised by a bracket, the part is gradually swinging and is finally removed by pliers. Following the casing is removed, the quality of the lining material is checked. With good condition, it can remain in the same place, after that the new sheathing is stretched from above.
  4. Next sews a case. To do this, you need to have skills to work on the sewing machine. The finished coating is fixed with brackets. At the time of determining the tissue on the surface, it is important to monitor its evenness, folds and wrinkles on it should not be. Manual replacement of the upholstery involves the facet of the front side, at the point of fixing the fabric folds 2 times. Then you can go to the other side and subsequently to the corners.

In the same way, you can repair the remaining elements of the device. Before starting work under fabric, you can put an additional gasket, which contributes to an increase in the life of the sofa. The mounting points can be treated with special glue, which will give the fabric the necessary hardness, and fasteners will be securely.

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Favero change: features

Repair of the sofa associated with the replacement of the foam rubber is carried out according to the previously considered scheme, often combining these types of work. According to the same scheme, the design is carried out, the former filling is removed, it is immediately replaced by a new one. The thickness of this coating corresponds to 35-40 mm.

High-quality sofa repair do it yourself

Scheme of the device of the spring block.

To fix the foam rubber, a building stapler or adhesive substance is used, they allow you to fix it on the frame. It is stacked by a synthet board, which is covered with matter outside.

The sofa repair is often associated with the replacement of the springs and the transformation mechanism. Such mining activities are conducted when these elements are not subject to recovery. They are replaced with similar new details.

Restoration of spring block

Sofas are installed springs of an old or new sample, which are characterized by dimensions.

Fataling, these elements are easily replaced. To do this, the old detail is snacking with impressions and screws up a new one. Then the solid rope is associated with all components. The requested springs can be replaced by taking these parts from the discharged sofa. A little flashed elements are easily straightened manually, without removing the block. Otherwise, you need to completely replace the system that includes a layer of wattin, then it will be possible to avoid the seat screen.

It is possible to extend the time of use of the sofa in this way: the volumetric foam is cut by a stationery knife, they are filled with a spring block. Then it is covered with a dense cloth, it takes a dense blanket that is navigated with carnations to a frame base.

The top is filled with foam rubber, its height corresponds to 4 cm. It can also be fixed with nails or brackets with a distance of 3-4 cm. Unnecessary ends of this matter are cut off.

Such simple advice will help cope with the task of how to fix the sofa without resorting to the help of specialists.

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