We make a table from mosaic with your own hands


Every year the cost of building and finishing materials increases, which means that not everyone can afford to change the interior when he wants to refresh him. The same applies to furniture. It is no secret that the kitchen furniture is subjected to mechanical damage several times more than in other destinations. But how sorry to throw out a favorite kitchen table just because his countertop extended and spoiled!

We make a table from mosaic with your own hands

If your table has a crampter, you can decorate it with a mosaic to breathe new life into it.

You do not need to despair, there is a way out. It's just enough to decorate the tabletop with a mosaic, and she will shine with new paints, giving the interior of a fresh and original look. In order to create a mosaic, it will be necessary to make enough effort, but they are worth it. Reprehensiveness of the work will fully pay off by the creation of an exclusive thing with minimal family budget consumption.

What makes a mosaic?

We make a table from mosaic with your own hands

For mosaic, you can use both the finished tiles and pieces remaining after repair.

Perfect raw materials for creating a mosaic - pieces of ceramic tiles remaining after repair. Often, the owners specifically acquire a slightly more tile, because in the pasting process, it can break or tharge. Some stores sell the battle of ceramic tiles at the price of recycling or are given for the reduced price of the remains of unclaimed collections. All this tile is suitable for making a mosaic.

Before starting work, the material must be chopped with their own hands. The easiest way is to cut the elements on small pieces with a simple glass cutter. In this case, pieces may have different shapes and sizes. To create the same sizes, tiles are usually used. When cutting the tile, the drawing should be taken into account: if in one case the geometric correctness of the elements is important, then in another case the image will look more beautiful from chaotic cut pieces.

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Preparation of the foundation and material to apply decoration

When all the tiles are cut, and the resulting elements are sorted in size and color, you can start a mosaic sticker on the worktop. The following materials and accessories will be required to work:

We make a table from mosaic with your own hands

For mosaics you will need: glue, solvent, nippers, sandpaper and brush.

  • Latex-based glue;
  • a spatula for applying adhesive substance;
  • rag;
  • paint solvent;
  • gloves;
  • composition for grouting seams;
  • Soft spatula for removing grout;
  • sandpaper with different grains;
  • Furniture wax;
  • A piece of canvas.

Before applying the decoration on the table, you need to think about the drawing well. You can draw a sketch of the future image on a sheet of paper, the scale of which will be equal to the worktop processed. Create a complex picture from the first time is quite problematic, so specialists recommend starting with abstraction, which can be performed from chaotic scattered pieces of tiles.

We make a table from mosaic with your own hands

Before applying the mosaic, you need to decide on the pattern and draw it on the surface of the table top.

Then you need to process the worktop. First of all, it is released from a varnish or paint with a solvent. The wooden surface is enough to cover with a solvent and leave for a while. The composition of the lacquer, which will only remain erased with a dry cloth.

After removing the varnish, the table is processed by sandpaper. First, large abrasive No. 2, 3 is used, and then smaller - №№ 1, 0. The processing of sandpaper will make the surface more roughly, which will significantly increase the quality of the adhesion of the elements of the mosaic and wood or plastic. With insufficient attachment, pieces can easily fall off, which will spoil the whole result of the work.

Algorithm for creating mosaic

When the preparatory activities are completed, the process of creating a mosaic begins with their own hands. Here you will need to use a prepared sketch. With it, a drawing with a pencil is transferred to the worktop.

If there is no confidence in your abilities, you can use a simple circular pattern, which will be perfectly looked at the tabletop round shape.

We make a table from mosaic with your own hands

Apply mosaic on the table top is recommended from the edges.

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To create it, you need to draw diverges from the center of the circles. Each series of circles is laid out with a tile of different colors. It does not matter which geometric shape will have mosaic elements. It is necessary to take into account only one rule: larger and smooth pieces should be located at the edges, and small - closer to the center.

Then you can proceed to gluing tiles. Experts recommend starting work not from the center of panels, as required when processing walls, but from the edges of the tabletop. Each element must be maximally applied to the other, sticking onto latex glue. Unlike the walls of the walls, where the adhesive is covered by the base, when processing the table top, the tiles are smeared. Each particle is covered with glue using a spatula and tightly pressed to the base. Excess glue are removed immediately with a dry soft cloth.

As a result, a smooth and smooth surface with almost imperceptible seams should be obtained. After that, the countertop is left to complete drying. It is not recommended to use hair dryers and other heating appliances. Usually to dry out about 24 hours.

Grout and polishing countertops

We make a table from mosaic with your own hands

After the mosaic is applied, it must be covered with a special grout.

Then the resulting decoration of the table must be covered with a special grout, which will give him strength and durability. Grout is applied with a soft spatula exactly on the seams between the elements and is well rubbed into them. At the same time, it is advisable to put on gloves that can protect the skin from the effects of the composition.

After applying the grout, the table again needs to leave until complete drying. It is not recommended to use a hairdryer or other heating methods. The longer the grout will dry, the stronger the image will be. In hot weather, the table top can be covered with a large wet web so that drying does not happen too fast. The referred composition is removed from the tile with a dry soft rag. In some cases, if the composition was frozen very much, you can use sandpaper with the smallest grains.

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The last stage of work is polished countertops. It will give a mosaic brightness and beauty, allow to sue and wake paint. For polishing, a furniture wax is used, which is applied to a soft rag without a pile and thoroughly rubs into the elements of the tile.

The work is completed - the old spoiled kitchenware table acquired the second life. Such a piece of furniture is able to decorate even the simplest kitchen. In order for the table top it looks more harmonious, a similar pattern can be created on the wall in the kitchen room. Here, as a mosaic, not only ceramic tiles, but also porcelain, and pieces of the mirror, and pebbles can be used.

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