Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains


We try to choose tulle and curtains for windows at the final repair stage. This is a kind of result of the work done, pleasant troubles and the last barcode of the designer solution.

Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

Window design

  • Colors of Tulle and their combinations
  • Choose curtains with tulle

    But the design of the window loan is sometimes playing a decisive role in the decoration of the room. Even the perfectly combined surfaces of the surfaces that match the stylistics furniture and decor, high-quality, beautiful textiles and a soft upholstery will not "play", but will lose attractiveness and charm with an incorrectly decorated window.

    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    Tulle and curtains regulate the illumination of the inner space, and the light passing through the curtains creates in the room or another mood. Not to mention the drawing, the method of drapery and the presence of lambrequins: they are able to change the space, turning the unspoken small room into a bright room, and the placement of impressive sizes is in a small, poorly lit storage room.

    Basic rules from designers

    Therefore, if you do most of the repair work yourself, based on your own taste and sense of style, take note of the advice of professional designers to avoid mistakes. So, the main points that are important to choose the right tulle and curtains.

    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    Fabric drawing and color

    • Vertical bands will add a height room, horizontal - expand the space. The visual transformation of the room carries out the color: light curtains and curtains with tulle will add space, dark - reduce the room.
    • The windows should not coincide with the surface of the walls and seem to be part of them. Therefore, for light curtains, pick more bright or bright, contrasting shades, beating combinations with dense curtains.
    • Warm color gamut (shades of yellow, orange) is suitable for poorly excluded premises: "painted" by them light in the room will seem filled with warm solar rays. Cold blue, lilac, gray paints will create a feeling of freshness and coolness. To create ease and elegacity, choose fabrics for curtains with woven silver threads or glossy, shiny surfaces.

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    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    Warm color gamma

    • In small, low rooms, give up the lambrequins. Although they emphasize the elegance and sophistication of the window "decoration", low ceilings will be devastated even lower.
    • The saturation and wealth of drapery depends on the texture and density of the tissue. For dense materials (flax, cotton), it is enough to outline shallow folds. But to light, the transparent fabric looked attractive, Tulle is bought in 2 or even 3 times the length of the eaves.
    • New tuna and curtains - cheese. It is used for premises decorated in any style, easy and unpretentious in care. With the help of thin threads, many combinations are created: they can protect the window through themselves by themselves, combine with curtains or light curtains. They are hanging like tulle over the curtains, seeking interesting color and textured effects.

    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    How to combine window design with room decoration

    Universal recommendations for the combination of tulle or the porter with interior items. It is important to withstand a single stylist of the room and not to get involved in one-photon solutions when the surface merges with each other. Winewag combinations:

    1. The shade of the curtain can repeat the color of the large object or be distributed around the room in the form of small colorful shades: napkins, sofa pads.
    2. Do not seek to choose tulle and curtains under the wallpaper. To save in the future on cosmetic repair, color scheme, the drawing of the curtain should be echoing with the upholstery of upholstered furniture, and not with the walls of the walls: to repaint the surface or refresh the wallpaper you will have to change the furniture set.

      Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    3. There are universal, suitable color solutions suitable for any style: beige or sand tones. White or cream tulle is suitable for beige curtains. Light shades visually expand the space, make the interior elegant and exquisitive.
    4. Interesting game in contrast. If bright prints are present in the design of the room, birds of decor or saturated color accents, give the window wagon calm and peaceful mood. You can choose Tulle to the curtains of light, unobtrusive, almost identical shades.
    5. Or, on the contrary, express the window to the central element of the interior. Let the views of guests are causing beautiful tulle and curtains: saturated shades, can be decorated with lace, pattern or guipure inserts.

    But here it is important not to overdo the decorative elements of the tissue. Figure, decoration or volumetric surface texture must be present in one form of the curtain: Tulle or curtains.

    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    Selection of material

    The color and texture of the fabric are important, but do not forget about their practicality and operational qualities.

    • For light curtains that are constantly under the influence of sunlight, it is better to choose synthetic or mixed materials with artificial fibers. Natural canvases (flax, cotton) are impregnated with special protective equipment.
    • For a kitchen, a nursery (where the curtains often need washing) is better preferred dense, light-layer fabrics.

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    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    Curtains for kitchen

    • Cotton looks comfortable and cute, but quickly burns into the sun. It is not recommended to use as a curtain without Tulle, especially in brightly lit rooms.
    • Shelk always looks luxurious and elegant. Soft upgrades give the window to the window easily and airiness. But bright colors of silk fabrics without protection fade in the sun. A taffeta is used as an alternative for curtains. It protects well from bright light and retains the primordial appearance after washing.
    • Linen fibers are good as additives. Cozy and homely such fabrics look at the kitchen, decorated with embroidery or lace.

    Colors of Tulle and their combinations

    The design of the curtains and tuna should not only harmoniously fit into the style and the color solution of the room, but also be agreed and one by itself. The color combination of curtains and tulles is also selected with a loan to the recommendation of professionals:

    Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    • White Tulle is one of the classic, relevant, fashionable and festive solutions. But for the curtains, in this case, choose a contrast fabric or soften whiteness with warm light shades: beige, cream.
    • Yellow paints - for energetic and cheerful mood. Such a gamma is hardly suitable for the bedroom, but there are no other restrictions on its use. Especially since yellow winning looks in many combinations: with shades of green, blue, white. Lovers of extraordinary and bold solutions will have to do with a combination with gray.

      Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    • Green gamma self-sufficient. Light green tulle curtains shade the curtains of a more dark shade: monophonic, with a pattern or embossed inhomogeneous (glossy and matte) surface of the material. This color is used by designers for all rooms, it soothes, pacifies, and saturated and bright tones of green looks smart and fun.
    • Turquoise Gardin paints will emphasize white tulle. This one of the favorite and frequently fought combinations of Mediterranean style or Provence. Bright, deep gamma turquoise is appropriate in the living room, the solemnity is added atlantic, brilliant materials, muffled paints will fill the freshness of the children.

      Look at how easy it is to choose Tulle to the curtains

    • Blue color is suitable for the bedroom. To soften the feeling of coolness, use more warm types of tulle for curtains.
    • Bright, rich red Gardin soften soft tulle tones. But due to aggressiveness from such a combination, tired over time. The design is more often used muffled, deep gamut of red (burgundy, dark purple). You can choose Tulle and curtains to the hall in such a combination, decor the office or dining room.
    • Universal on the use of orange and its "derivatives". You can somehow combine Tulle and the curtains of this palette, varying the mood and character of the room.

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    View video design

    Warm, life-affirming color is used in all rooms. Logness and elegance will add brown curtains. In combination with the green gamma, it will suit for fun and carefree children. Universal and shining white emphasizes the elegance and originality of the design.

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