How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself


Antiques at all times were valued by professionals and lovers. Furniture, impregnated with the Spirit of the past, as if preserving the emotions and feelings of generations, fills the house with indescribable charm. But what if the acquisition of an expensive thing is trying to break in the family budget? You can make furniture under the antiquity with your own hands.

How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself

"Modern Antiques" - such furniture will become a real interior decoration and emphasize the taste of the owner.

There are many ways to create a "modern antiques". Some of them are complex and their use is only a professional, a child under the sensitive leadership of parents will cope with others. The main thing is to choose your way to create an interior object and follow the recommendations. And, of course, decide which antique new clothes will fit into the interior.

Acquaintance with brash technique

Most often artificially constituted wooden furniture. Thanks to modern techniques and materials, an amazing similarity can be achieved. After relatively short manipulations, the wardrobe or the table will look as if he served not to one generation of the family.

How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself

Figure 1. Wood treated in brash technique, ideally suitable for designing the interior in the style of Provence and Country.

Similarly, you can process not only furniture. Floors, ceiling beams, wall panels - these decorative elements will help perfectly recreate the stylized interior. A compiled, unprocessed tree perfectly complements the premises decorated in the style of Provence, Country. It is harmonized with wrought-iron elements, plants in coarse massive adhesives. A tree, aged in the technique of brash, can be used for living room decoration, bedrooms, terraces. It will emphasize the status and taste of home owners.

Braching (from Eng. Brush - "Brush") - a way of wood processing. It is to remove soft fibers with a metal brush and staining in a dark color (optional). As a rule, the surface is covered with varnish, which significantly prolongs the life of the surface. In this technique, you can process both small and large furniture items (Fig. 1).

Wood suitable for breeds such as pine, oak, larch, ash, nut. Do not be processed by pear arrays, cherries and exotic trees.

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The surface of the board or furniture is treated with a metal brush. At this time, softening and removing soft layers occurs. The array appears characteristic grooves-deepening. After removing the dust and the residues of the fibers, the surface of the table or cabinet is covered by the protective composition of the dark shade and almost immediately erase it from the protruding parts-crests. So the effect of natural darkening of the recesses and the "old man" appears literally in front of the eyes. In the future, the countertop is covered with varnish and an original furniture under ancient is put into operation.

From the older to antiques

How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself

In the process of brashing from the top layer of wood, all soft fibers are removed.

So, let's say, there is a table, quite outdated, but quite reliable. It does not want to use it in the same time, but his shape or memories of childhood do not allow him to part. With the help of the brush, it can be turned into a real work of art.

For work you will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • Metal brush;
  • dark shade making;
  • Furniture varnish.

At the first stage, the furniture is preferably disassembled. You can, of course, process and assembled, but there is a danger that hard-to-reach places will give out that they created this old one.

The table is disassembled, it must be carefully processed using emery paper to completely remove the old varnish or paint. If the countertop is covered with a veneer, it must be removed and make sure that the array is suitable for the brash technology.

Next, you can take a metal brush and start processing the surface. Move follows along the fibers, accompanying a significant effort. Soft fibers should be pinching and separated. It is convenient to process the furniture, keeping a dry clean rag at hand to remove chips, fibers and dust with it. After the desired depth of grooves is achieved, you can move to the next step.

How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself

Figure 2. New table treated in brash technique looks like an item with respectable age.

Pre-nodded respirator and gloves, you need to cover the surface with a layer of dark shade, and literally remove the surplus with the help of a sponge. It is important not too pressing the sponge to the tabletop so that the brow from the furrows does not absorb. You can cover several times until the desired degree of "antiquity" is obtained.

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After absorbing and drying the simulatory, the finished table under ancient can be covered with varnish. If the gloss does not like it, it is quite possible to leave the furniture in this form.

It is important to carefully work out all the elements of the table, legs, articulations, and even the bottom of the table top. Nothing should produce the true age of the original interior item. After drying, the table can be collected (Fig. 2).

This technology can be used to artificialize not only finished furniture items.

From the boards treated in this way, you can make a unique table.

Staining under ancient

How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself

Figure 3. Furniture decorated with contrasting loose staining is ideal for the interior in the style of Shubbby Chic.

If the dear heart furniture is not suitable for processing in the technique of brash, you can use another technique. Contrast loose staining will literally breathe a new life into a favorite subject of the interior.

In this technique you can handle tables, shops, cabinets. But most interestingly and organically painted chests, shelfs and various dressers.

For work you will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • brush;
  • Matte paint;
  • roller

For such a transformation, you can use almost any paint with a matte finish. The main thing is that it is neuropy, as if blurred. But the most suitable paint for walls and ceilings of residential premises.

First of all, you need to prepare furniture. Remove all accessories from it. If the surface is polished, remove the coating using a special tool from the construction store. If the array is not processed, it must be carefully cleaned from dust and dirt, accumulated over the years of operation. You can do this with the help of sandpaper and soap mortar. After processing, you need to give furniture to dry.

How to stylize furniture under the antique do it yourself

Gilding will make any furniture worthy of the most luxurious interior.

After that, carefully groan the roller in the paint and start covering the surface of the table or cabinet. It is better to start with an invisible place, it will make it possible to deal with the intricacies of the process. Apply paint should be widely smooth smears, avoiding the formation of flows. Special attention to devote the corners. After drying the first layer of manipulation, repeat. The basis is ready, you can choose the necessary type of composition and start working.

  1. Waste. With the help of sandpaper shallow fraction, it is necessary to process places that are most susceptible to abrasion during operation: angles, zone near fittings, protruding parts. The degree of abrasion can choose any, from light to the "naked tree". Also, with the help of sandpaper, it is worth a slightly to lure the main surface (Fig. 3).
  2. Playing on contrasts. With the paint of a contrasting shade, you can create an interesting effect. To do this, the brush needs to be dipped into the paint and carefully wipe on the edge of the container, the brush should be almost dry. After that, apply chaotic strokes. The effect should be created, as if through a layer of relatively new paint, the old coating resembles views.

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The furniture was decorated in this way perfectly fit into the sebbi-chic interior.

Original and simple ideas

If none of the proposed ways of rework did not fit the soul, it makes sense to look further or try to unite techniques, and then, perhaps, another method will appear, how to qualitatively decorate furniture under ancient.

For example, an array can be treated with a metal brush, as in brash technique. After that, to dip the brush into the white glossy paint and, wiped it almost to dryness, to cross the ridges, leaving the furrows with dark. Additionally, the result can be fixed with furniture varnish.

And you can make a table under ancient and in another way. For this, not too obsolete item must be painted in a dark color in the proposed technique. And after complete drying, apply a gold coat on it. It is easy to carry out a sufficiently soft sponge into a gold paint and lightly fluttering it to the worktop. After drying, the surface is covered with varnish.

There are many ways to keep the dear furniture and give her a chance to a new life. Just want to want enough. In such an assembly, there is nothing complicated, but there is a huge space for creativity. And the outdated furniture will turn into an amazing cabinet or a magnificent table under ancient. But the main thing - memories and finances will be saved.

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