Curtains on chamoices in the living room: features and tailoring with their own hands


Interior design is impossible without curtains on the windows. Curtains give the hall of comfort, completeness and beauty. The living room is a room where not only the whole family is going in the evenings, but and where guests come. The entire atmosphere of the living room and the impression of guests from the feeling of taste of the hostess at home depends on the proper selection of the curtain.

Of course, any hostess wants to keep up with the times, creating an interior according to the latest trends and trends of modern designers. Selection of curtains did not exceed. The initial purpose of the curtain is to protect against drafts and maintain heat. Well, if you want to make aesthetics, while not forgetting about practicality and fashion, the curtains on the chalivers are suitable as it is impossible. Despite the fact that this type of winding of windows in the living room is unique, it is also quite simple.

The options for designing windows in the living room with a curtain on the records will not take much time, and cash costs will be minimal. Therefore, you do not need to run to the store for finished products, but it is better to sew such curtains on their own. Then it will be possible to realize your creative idea, well, and guests and relatives will then be proud of you and admire. But in order to start the manufacturing process, it is necessary to deal with the fact that the records are posed, carefully prepare for the sewing and only then begin work. So, let's begin!

Curtains on chamoices in the living room: features and tailoring with their own hands

Reversion: What is it and what kinds are they?

The chammetes are special rings or figures that are made of plastic or metal. Using special mechanisms or press, these rings are fixed into the tissue on the upper half of the canvas, and then rinse them. The compounds remain invisible, but thanks to the chamber's challenges, it forms homogeneous, expressive, smooth folds of the right form. This factor gives its own features. The fabric of the curtain is not wearing, they are easy to control (open and close), so the curtains on the chamoirs will serve for a long time.

Speaking with simple words, the champs are one of the types of curtain fastening, which consists of a ring and a block. By choosing chalks, it is better to give preference to plastic. They are more reliable because:

  • For mounting, special devices are not needed;
  • do not give sound when moving on the eaves;
  • cost cheaper than metal;
  • Do not spoil the cornice and fabric, because when washing it is not oxidized.

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An interesting fact is that in history, the chammens take their origin in the naval. No sewing! The lover was called a hole of the sail, which could be intensified with a metal ring through which the cable was extended, fixing the sail.

Variety of challenges there are many. They differ in such signs as:

  1. Material. As already described above, they can be metallic and plastic.
  2. Diameter. It can be from 1 to 5 cm, but depends on the cornice diameter. It is important to consider that inside the diameter of the lover must exceed the diameter of the cornice of 1.5 cm, otherwise it will not be able to move freely.
  3. The form. The most common is a circle. But many are departed from standards and choose others: triangle, square, rectangle. Also choose decorative records for the living room in the form of a flower, stars, hearts, etc.
  4. Texture. It can be matte or glossy, made under the skin or tree. Rhinestones are allowed. The main thing is that they do not interfere then with a light movement of the curtain.
  5. Color. The color scheme is different, but designers advise for the living room on the challenges not to focus on and stick to the tendency to choose a color to the tone with a cornice or with another room for contrast.

Curtains on chamoices in the living room: features and tailoring with their own hands

Choose style and cloth for sewing

Everything is very simple if the style of the living room is already known, then he will become the style of our curtains. And what if not? Then it is worth listening to experienced designers. They advise you to use in the lounge curtains on the chalks in the following styles:

  • minimalism;
  • high tech;
  • Scandinavian;
  • madder;
  • loft.

Such light and harmonious folds on the curtains resemble sea waves, and they have many people with pleasant associations, so do not worry if the proposed styles do not fit your room. The main thing is that the curtains concisely fit into the overall environment.

As for the types of curtains, the Japanese, Roman and ordinary are best suited to attach chavers.

Cloth for sewing can be chosen any. Like easy and heavy. You can experiment and make unusual combinations. For example, to give airiness curtains make two-layer. The first layer is sewn from a transparent thin tissue, and the second is from the main, more severe.

Curtains on chamoices in the living room: features and tailoring with their own hands

Calculation of fabric and champs

Based on the fact that the curtains on the lover for the living room suggest a large number of folds, then the tissues will need a lot. For a beautiful assembly, it is necessary to focus on the ratio of the width of the fabric to the length of the eaves of approximately 1: 2. In this case, the width of the Gardina must be multiplied by 1.5. It all depends on the number of folds. If you do not like folds and you want to hang curtains, dealing them onto the entire window, then the fabrics need to be taken less.

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Remember that in the living room, especially spacious and large, spectacular and beautiful will look deep and bulk folds on the curtains, so the Gardina width immediately multiply by 2-2.5. In this case, the records must be close to each other so that the folds do not seem chaotic. This techniques use professionals in their work, so now this secret knows and you.

The cloth for side bends is still required on the side of 7-8 cm on each side, as well as the curtain bending will be reduced by 5 cm. Rings and eaves will be at the same level, therefore, another 2.5-3 cm of the canvases will perform above them. This is the so-called "scallop" of the finished curtain.

Having understood with the amount of tissue, proceed to the calculation of chalks. Immediately I must say that they need to be taken necessarily in even quantities, since the edges of the canvas are directed strictly to the walls. If you take an odd volume, then one edge of the curtain will turn into the room and becomes a big disadvantage. It is impossible to fix it in the finished product.

Between the centers of the rings leave the distance from 15 to 22 cm. The longer the distance from the challenges to the lover, the larger the folds on the curtains. From the edge to the first ring, retreat somewhere 7 cm. The coincidence with the side bend does not have a ring, otherwise it will not hide.

To calculate the required amount of chalks, the formula is used: x = (L - 2B) / C + 1, where:

  • X - the number of chalks;
  • L - width of the finished curtains;
  • b - the distance from the center of the first ring to the side edge of the canvas;
  • C is the distance between the lover.

Curtains on chamoices in the living room: features and tailoring with their own hands

Getting ready for work on the curtains

So, we approached the time when the choice of style, fabric and champs has already been implemented. We calculated the desired number of main materials and purchased them, and now it is necessary to directly start work.

Materials and tools to sew curtains for the living room:

  • fabric canvas;
  • lover;
  • The lubricant tape (can be replaced with problem or phlizelin);
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • pencil;
  • paper for pattern;
  • press perforator for metal champs;
  • cornice bar;
  • pins;
  • hooks;
  • Lining fabric (if necessary).

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To secure ready-made curtains on the chalks, you will need the following:

  • Curtains on challenges (ready);
  • cornice;
  • threads with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • a hammer.

Curtains on chamoices in the living room: features and tailoring with their own hands

Tailoring with your own hands

First spend tissue tissue on shrinkage. This is a very important point. If you do not consider it, then all the work done can go to the Nammark. Wet cloth, slightly dry and endure the iron. If everything is fine with the web, then act further.

Spread the fabric and measure 3 cm on the bending from above, 5 cm - from the bottom and in width, tick the sides of 7 cm. If it seems that 7 cm is not enough, then increase to 10-12 cm. Now we have a canvas from all sides , Treating in turns of the bottom, sides and top.

With the upper edge you need to work further. Clear his lover ribbon. Thanks to her, the curtains on the chalks will not pull the fabric down. The width of the strip will be 10 cm, leave 1.5 cm from the edge of the tape. Then go through it iron.

When the cloth is processed from all sides, you need to decompose it on the table and place the position of the champs. Placement put in the middle of the future rings. Try to circle the luber inside, so the labels will be more accurate. Now, leaving 2 mm outside on the reserve to hide the chalome, take the scissors and cut the holes. Holes can be done using a bandwicker. To do this, put it on the fabric and hit the hammer.

Next, to put the curtains on the wrong ring, and on the other hand, the top. And just snap them. Such an operation and with the rest of the challenges.

It's all! That's so simple and without much effort, excellent curtains are obtained at the chalks in the living room. It remains only a few actions: hang them and distribute beautifully folds.

Options for fastening ready-made curtains several:

  1. Fixing the canvas on the crossbar of the cornice that is hoping for the rings.
  2. The mounting of the curtain occurs with the help of auxiliary materials: hooks or rope. They are fought on the chalks and fix to the eaves.

Note that the first way is more convenient.

Hanging the curtains on the chubs on the cornice, form our folds. To do this, assemble the "accordion" the sound, and then pull the hand to move the champs around the cornix. It remains only to straighten them evenly.

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