Fashion curtains: trends in 2019


That is, do not replace the boring curtains by others, but already morally outdated, the curtains. Secondly, emphasize your individuality - the benefit, there is a lot of opportunities. But how not to get confused in the latter and not to sneak against a good taste, we will talk below.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019


In the coming 2019, the leading designers recommend both traditionally fashionable curtains made of natural fabrics and stylish artificial fiber curtains.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

Looking through the catalogs of the end of 2019 and recommendations for at least the coming quarter, you can draw conclusions about what will be in fashion:

  • Bright colors are relevant except in the style of art deco, and then as a few accents of the interior
  • Baroque is still fashionable, but has become more "dull" and noble - without deliberate glitter
  • Watercolor, up to gradient color, drawings on thin curtains
  • Photo printing on curtains of any thickness
  • Elegant distant retro
  • Stylization for the romance of the end of the last century.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

Now consider the above modern trends in more detail. Let's start from the last item. After 15-20 years, filament curtains are relevant. Do you think that this is boring and "Sovkovo"? Then look at the film "Autumn in New York". No wonder the director is one of the most sad-piercing, romantic scenes located against the backdrop of a nietary curtain with rhinestone iridescent.

In addition, fashion trends in the interior suggest the use of such curtains as shirm and in general modeling space. If your room is on the sunny side - use threaded curtains with multi-colored rhinestones, and the morning will sparkle. However, light comfort can be created and without blinks overleeping.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

Modern retro

Popular in recent years is the style of "Provence" and "Country" now, no one will not surprise anyone. Yes, and the owners themselves once a carefully selected situation already, as they say, "came", and is not able to change it? In this case, the curtains in the style of Shebbi chic and the corresponding accessories will be an excellent option. So, let's see what the curtains assumes this design:

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Fashion curtains: trends in 2019


  1. Watercolor colors on artificial, but in no case are not brilliant, tissues. Special chic will be as durable, once bright, linen curtains with the color of the color of dim bronze or old silver. Leaders promise to become all shades of mint, red and blue.
  2. Layout and abundance of drapes. Well, if they are not from organza, but lace and batted.
  3. An abundance of a variety of accessories.

At the last point it makes sense to focus, because modern fashion trends in this regard allow all sorts of options. For example, for kitchen, cotton, knitted crochet, lace, are perfectly suitable for kitchen. An artificial "grandmother" pearls will look at the hall, and even satin ribbons and flowers of them are appropriate in the bedroom.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

Naive archaic, elegant folds to the floor, intricate lamps, cute ruffles and touching bows in a reasonable number of impeccably fit into the interior of the female room in Shebbi Chic. Are fashionable and modern curtains are possible about this plan in a male apartment?

Options for men

Strong half of humanity, as a rule, prefers minimalism. But in this case, it is possible to give the room a bright personality, placing the windows properly. For example, you can use interesting curtal models and various elements of their decoration. Multilayer curtains of different lengths and degrees of "pulliness" will be appropriate here with pickups from brass chains, leather belts and beads from natural materials.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

In addition, the strong floor will be interested in modern fashion trends in the porter with photo printing. The flagship will certainly become the aforementioned, artificially aged, seal on the fabric with images of urban landscapes, personal photos, funny emoticons with funny inscriptions, heraldic coat of arms or medieval paintings. In this case, the model of the curtain, of course, should not be intricate - ideally the simple porter on the brass cornion.

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Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

Photo printing

General recommendations

Summing up which modern types of curtains will be at the peak of fashion in 2019, you can safely give preference to a relaxed, even somewhat negligent, retro or carefully thought out Shebbi chic. Velvet, Parce and Golden Brushes went into the past. With them together in the fly we can also screaming colors. And which are now in fashion:

  • All shades of muffled red, pink and mint are relevant in the kitchen.
  • In the bedroom, the most fashionable curtains color melons, ocher, indigo and strawberry ice
  • In the hall are recommended curtains of green or blue with bronze ornament

Of course, these are only common fashion tips. In no case should not forget about the fundamental rules for choosing the curtains. For example, the curtains should not be a brighter wall or one tone with them. Except is the extent that the fashionable is no longer the first year, but not too popular room design called "American chaos".

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

In apartments, such registration is not relevant, because visually underestimates the ceiling and "eats" the space. But on large areas looks great. The essence of this design curtains is that the fabric freely eats through the cornice and then picked up under the ceiling by free waves. Especially popular with the style of "American chaos" in the design of banquet halls and summer sites. Moreover, in fashion, both multi-colored organza and coarse burlap.

Fashion curtains: trends in 2019

The latter, by the way, is gaining increasing popularity among the owners of large fashion clubs. Summer burlap is decorated with multi-colored poplars, artificial purples and holes, prints of famous paintings by the Masters of the Renaissance and Portraits of Rock Musicians. It turns out drapery, smoothly turning into a painted ceiling.

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Choosing fashionable curtains, it is important to take into account not only the model and the color solution, but also the size of the room. For example, long curtains made of tissue tissue. A small room will be visually done even less. At the same time, still currently elongated, depressed by soft folds, curtains from light materials visually "raised" the ceiling and add space room.

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