Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester


Before glue wallpaper, it often has to prepare walls, since quite often their surface is not ideal, and covered with numerous cracks and scratches. Correction of such damage and leveling of the working surface is a rather difficult and very laborious process that requires a lot of time. Nevertheless, there is a fairly simple and reliable way to do all the work quickly, efficiently and at a bargain price: this is the use of painting glass. "Pautinka", as it is often called, easy to install, so even a person who is not related to construction and repair can be glued with their own hands.

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Nevertheless, despite the simplicity of work, it is necessary to conduct certain preparatory work. In addition, it is necessary to find out what glue glue this material and how the correct blowing is performed.

Read more about material

The main function that is performed by glass choles of the web is preparation and alignment of a damaged or non-ideally smooth work surface of the walls, partitions, ceilings, etc. For their further finish. This material is manufactured based on fiberglass, from where its name occurs. Depending on the density, it is more or less durable.

On a note! If you need to put the glass whirlpool, keep in mind that the optimal tool for carrying out such works is a wide spatula for finishing finish.

The need to use this glass fiber material is also announced by the fact that the guarantees that drywall joints will not be covered with cracks, simply not. Even in cases where you use high-quality building mixtures, in places of compounding plasterboard sheets, with time, small cracks and other mechanical damage to the same nature can be formed. Quite thin sickle does not always save from their formation. Therefore, the best way to guarantee the absence of cracks in the future can be guaranteed exclusively the use of fiberglass canvas of the cellets.

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Main advantages

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Let's briefly list the main advantages that are characteristic of this material. So, here is their list:

  • It is completely safe for the health of people who live in an apartment or house.
  • High resistance to external influence, as well as density guarantee a long service life.
  • It does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Easy installation allows you to glue a cob, without possessing some special skills in the construction sphere. In fact, this type of work is reminded by the blending of wallpaper.

What glue is better to apply

As a rule, professionals are recommended to use special glue, designed specifically for sticking glass chill. Today, the market presents a fairly wide selection of such solutions. Alternatively, you can independently prepare an adhesive mixture for sticking. It is not difficult to do this, as the technology of its cooking with their own hands is quite simple. The basis of such a mixture is all well-known PVA glue, known, unlike starch, high level of reliability and durability of gluing. By the way, glue for fiberglass canvas can be manufactured in two types:

  1. Dry mix that need to be prepared.
  2. Expanded to use mass.

Warning! You should not stick the greasy glassball directly on the plastered surface. Due to the fact that these materials have different density, "bubbles" can be formed after sticking on the web. Moreover, they can appear even in cases where the work performed an experienced master. What then to talk about those who have no experience in the construction industry and for the first time decided to make repairs of their apartment.

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Before glue wallpaper: Applying glass cholester

Now about what is concerning the flow of glue. The average consumption is 100g. / 10m2. Given this characteristic, it can be used rationally, without applying the mixture overly. In addition, one of its features is almost complete absence of spots after drying. Do not forget about the simple preparation procedure: with the correct instruction, almost any person will be able to prepare Cleafding glue.

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The main advantages of the web

We list the main advantages that are characteristic of this adhesive substance:
  1. Environmental purity and complete safety for human health.
  2. High level of frost resistance.
  3. The gluing process occurs over a period of seats up to two days.

Washing and putty glass

As noted above, shove the web - it is quite simple and to carry out this stage of work it is not necessary to possess some special skills. Nevertheless, before glueing glass, it is necessary to clearly present the basic rules of sticking. So, first of all, it is necessary to apply glue to the surface of the wall. Nevertheless, it is necessary to prepare it in advance. After applying the adhesive solution, set the first strip of the material and gently lock it up, slightly pressing along the edges. Then, impose glue the rest of the working surface and attach the rest of the canvas.

Then it is necessary to additionally process with a putty. This is exactly the preparation of the surface under painting. It is applied after the installation of the glass whirlpool is made. Make it is simple enough, and for this there is no need to have some special skills. All this can be done with your own hands.

By the way, we strongly recommend looking for a useful video instruction on how to glue the glassball pauting glass:

As for the styling of individual sheets, it is necessary to connect them not to join, but the brass, going to several centimeters. After that, it is necessary to cut both weblings along the connection line by the place where one of the canvases comes to another. You can cut them with a sharp construction knife. The remaining loskutka can be thrown out, and then finally fasten the sheets of jack on the new connection line.


In any case, before starting work, it is better to carefully examine the installation issues, as well as everything related to the characteristics of the material:

  • His pros and cons.
  • Proper technique painting and sticking.
  • How to glue and what glue.
  • Installation of paint glazing on the walls and ceiling.

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We hope that after reading our informational material, you have more ideas about how to carry out all such work. We wish you a good repair!

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