How to make a coffee table from the tree do it yourself


Coffee tables today are just as relevant as many years ago, they can be purchased separately from a soft headset or complete, however, as all other furniture items described has a high cost, despite minor sizes. That is why it can be made independently.

How to make a coffee table from the tree do it yourself

Coffee tables have relatively high prices in furniture salons, however, unlike other objects of furniture, they are easy enough to make themselves.

Preparatory work

In order to perform the wooden table independently, you need to stock the following tools and materials:

  • an array of pine;
  • water-based lacquer;
  • White spirit;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brush;
  • self-made;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • radial grinding;
  • mill;
  • Drill.

As for the pine array, it is necessary to purchase a material whose thickness is 25 mm. Billets for this table are equal to 1500x500 mm. This model does not need individual legs. In order to cover the table, you will need 300 g of water-based varnish. Acrylic paint must be purchased with glitter, which will allow the product to be tone, this tool will be spent about 100 g. To apply the composition, it is necessary to purchase a brush or take the one that is in stock, it is necessary to take into account that after work will have to be disposed of, so How the sequin will not be able to get rid of.

How to make a coffee table from the tree do it yourself

Tools for making a coffee table.

The coffee table should be collected by the screws of two sizes: 4x60 and 4x40 mm. For wood processing, electric jigsik is to be used to which a set of pylons intended for pure wood cutting is attached. It is preferable to use self-apparatus cartridge, it is more convenient for the wizard during work. In any case, it should be possible in the cartridge to install a drill with a diameter of 10 mm. Radial grinding can be replaced by a conventional screwdriver, which has an appropriate nozzle.

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From the manual millingrer, too, you can also refuse to favor the traditional planer, since the first version of the tool is not available for each wizard. It will be necessary to shoot more impressive chamdes.

The drills must have the following dimensions: 10 and 5 mm, the first option should be used instead of a separate zenkovka. It is useful in the work and a set of bits with an extension.

With a string material, you can not attempt to calculate the size of the radius, for this you can use as a traditional steel hula-chup template.

Preparation for the assembly process

Making a coffee table, you have to perform two stages of processing products: preliminary and finishing. To the first stage you can take the cutting, facility and grinding.

It is necessary to remove the chamfer to take about 5 mm, it appears aesthetically and will not "eat" the thickness of the table top externally. Even before the coating of the elements, the tone should be grinding in three approaches in the field of ends.

How to make a coffee table from the tree do it yourself

Coffee table drawing.

It is necessary to produce similar works by the technology below.

After the cuts were separated, it should be covered with a layer of varnish.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the structure of the wood will heat up the coating. After drying, it should be re-grinding and varnishing, it is necessary to do it until it is possible to achieve the smoothness of the cut. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it is not to damage the plane.

Wood-table mounting technology

Making a coffee table before starting to glue the elements among themselves, it is necessary to cubs the joints of the PVA, replaced which can be replaced with carbon black glue, then the surface must be left to dry. Stacks with legs need to be conjugated by self-sizes with dimensions of 4x40, while when strengthening to a tabletop, fasteners with dimensions 4x60 should be used.

The coffee table should not have the resininess of the surface, in order to get rid of it, you should apply the White spirit and a large amount of vet. It is advisable to carry out such works in the open space. Otherwise, the smell will remain in the apartment for a long time.

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Varnish must be mixed with shiny paint and cover the surface of the table. With the residues of acrylic, it is possible to experiment a little, by depicting the patterns under the final layer patterns, they will not be very noticeable and intrusive, it can be discerning them only in the reflected light.

Coffee table of wood on legs

How to make a coffee table from the tree do it yourself

Makeline assembly scheme.

The coffee table can be performed by analogy with the above, but in the design it can also have legs. To do this, it is necessary to use the workpiece from the array of the desired size. From the element from four sides (and not from two) it is necessary to sprill the material. The size of the table top of such a table can be equal to 950x650 mm. An array in this case should have a thickness in the range of 35-40 mm. The workpiece for this table will perform material with dimensions in 1280x980 mm. The legs can be ready-made balusters, which are in the construction department, which should be square, whose side of which can be limited to 60 mm. Billets for the legs can be sprinkled to the table to be the required height.

If radially sprinkle a countertop from 4 sides, then instead of the elements that in the first case performed the role of the legs, it will be possible to obtain the finished base of the table of four parts. To fasten them it is necessary to pull the confirmates with dimensions of 5x90 mm. At the same time, the blanks should form a rectangle shape, which should be screwed to the table top using the corners. You should not forget that the elements of the "boxes" details must be sprinkled in length, this will allow you to get the design of the correct form after assembling the table.

When installing the legs, the screws should be used, mounting them from the inside. The reliability of the base box will be achieved by the fact that the structure of wood on the long elements is horizontal.

Thus, the model will gain legs. If there is a desire, then such a table can be turned on the installation phase into the dining, for this it will be necessary to trim the legs, leaving a more impressive length. When carrying out the cuts by means of jigsaw, you can make figured movements.

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DIY table from drawers

You can make a table from several wooden boxes. It should, however, remember that the plywood of products is very thin. At the time of screwing screws, she can break along. For this reason, it is originally necessary to make a hole for installing fasteners. If you do two holes in the board from different sides, it will ensure that the crack will not appear at all.

For work to prepare a sheet of plywood, so as not to lose design. Boxes will not allow to get the perfect square, so before opening the sheet it is necessary to put them on the workpiece and fuel the contour. Faneru need to be covered with a mourn.

For the table should be purchased wheels that should be too low. It is necessary to strengthen them in the corners with some departure from the edges. Boxes should be fixed to the bottom countertop.

This can be assumed that the table is ready, its surface is recommended to be covered with varnish in several layers. It is permissible to take form a table under ancient, covering its surface with a special varnish, which during drying is covered by cracks.

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