Do not blocked the door in the washing machine


Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

All modern models of washing machines are equipped with a hatch automatic lock function, which is triggered immediately after the washing program is launched. The locked door can not be opened, without having suspended the operation of the machine. This is conceived for security purposes: Automatic lock allows you to avoid the flood due to a loosely covered doors, and also protects against the random opening of the hatch (for example, small children).

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

If a breakdown happened to the hatch, as a result of which it is not blocked, the washing machine will not begin washing. About why it happens and how to solve this problem, you will learn from our article.

Types of breakdown

All the reasons for which the automatic lock function may fail, are divided into two large groups. The first group includes mechanical breakdowns, and the second is a problem with electronics.

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

Consider each of the possible varieties of breakdowns.

View of breakdown

Cause breakdown

Mechanical damage

Broken handle-castle on the hatch

Most often, this occurs after several years of active operation of the washing machine - in this case, the fragile mechanism of the lock is simply wearing. Also, the handle may break due to the fact that heavy things were suspended on the door.

The loop twisted on which the door hangs

The reason for this may be poor-quality components. Also, the skew can occur due to the fact that something fell into the gap between the door and the wall of the wasp.

Shifted fixing tongue on the handle

The door may not be closed due to the fact that the rod has shifted (metal rod), which holds the lock lock in a certain position. This usually occurs when there is too strong pressure on the door.

The guide has been deformed, which is responsible for locking the hatch

If the door can be closed, but at the same time you do not hear the sound of a click, most likely, was worn out and the plastic guide was wound. This occurs as a result of the active operation of the washer or due to poor-quality raw materials.

Problems with electronics

Faulty Lock Device (UPD)

The UBR is driven under the influence of voltage, which is served on it from the moment of the start of washing and before it is completed. Over time, under the influence of high temperature, metal elements of the device can be deformed. Especially this is facilitated by the network voltage differences.

In Ubeda, hit a foreign object

If you neglected the regular cleaning of the washing machine, the remnants of detergents, small garbage, lime particles, threads, buttons, etc. They can accumulate, forming blockages in various places of the device, including in the UBL.

Faulty control unit

The electronic washing machine module is a rather complicated device that may fail under the influence of a variety of factors. Most often, this is due to a sharp disconnection of electricity or a voltage jump.

Article on the topic: Heavy-alone servo: Connection order

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

See videos in which it is shown how to disassemble the hatch blocking device if the subject got into it.

How to replace the hatch handle?

If the trigger of the hatch handle is quite serious, the easiest way will replace the entire mechanism than to sort out every detail. First you need to pull out a broken handle.

This is done in such a sequence:

  • Turn off the washing machine from the network;
  • Remove the door with the loop;
  • unscrew the bolts connecting two halves of the hatch;
  • Carefully disconnect halves;
  • Remove the glass part and photograph the location of all items;
  • Gently pull out the metal pin, which fixes the handle;
  • Remove the plastic handle, then disconnect the returning spring and hook.

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

Do not blocked the door in the washing machine

Now that the old detail is extracted, you need to replace it with a new one.

To do this, we take the following steps:

  • Carefully study the photo on which the initial location of the elements is recorded;
  • Install the spring and hook;
  • insert the pin to the first hole;
  • Holding the pin and the spring with one hand, we set the handle to the place (at the same time the pin should pass through it);
  • Insert the other end of the pin in the opposite hole;
  • Check the correctness of the location of the parts: the spring must deflect the handle to the side slightly;
  • We collect the door and return it to the place.

Vitely, the whole process of disassembling the doors, see the next video.

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