Alignment of walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper


This article is a useful addition to the materials "Wallpaper for the bathroom", as well as "Wallpapers in the bathroom: what better glue." She talks about how to align the walls in the bathroom, which is an extremely important condition before sticking wallpaper.

Alignment of walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper

Do not know how to align the walls in the bathroom? Do not worry. For this, it is not necessary to hire the brigade of the masters. All work can be performed independently.

The essence of the problem

Almost each of us at least once came across the repair. For this reason, no one is a secret that the fact that almost all the walls in the apartments, be the old housing in Khrushchev or new apartments in the new building just built, do not differ in high levels of evenly. In other words, they are far from perfect. Since we are talking about the bathroom, I want to mention that, to a large extent, precisely because of the curvature of the walls, the main and most commonly used materials for finishing walls in the bathroom are such materials such as ceramic tile or decorative plaster (including Venetian).

Helpful information! For more details, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article "Venetian wallpapers for walls under the plaster".

The fact is that due to the considerable curvature of partitions in the bathroom, as well as uneven angles, sticking wallpaper becomes a problematic task. However, there is a way out. If you are seriously thinking about the choice of precisely this finishing coating for the design of walls in this room, you, apparently, you will have to fulfill the entire complex of work on the leveling of the working surface of the walls.

Alignment of walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper

Sometimes when repairing the bathroom, it has to be dealt with even with such walls.

Of course, during the first consideration, the problem begins to appear alarming thoughts that such work will be difficult to perform independently. It is not uncommon and such cases when not very good repair professionals, wanting to fill a price, try to convince a person that he will not be able to fulfill all the works with his own hands, or will make it poor quality. So, I would like to warn those who plan to perform independent repairs from the influences of such here, not quite clean on the hand of Deltsov. Align the walls in the bathroom can also. Naturally, it will be necessary to clearly follow not only instructions, but also listen to the recommendations and advice of experienced professional professionals.

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So how to align the walls in the bathroom? What information should be posted and what is the sequence of actions guaranteeing a qualitative result? Let's figure it out in order.

Prepare inventory

First of all, you will need to prepare the tools that will be needed when working. Here are their full list:

  1. Construction level or plumb (in some cases, you can also use the rule).
  2. Bar or wooden rails. They must have a different length, and by itself, to be as even as possible.
  3. Lighthouses (special metal structures for plastering).
  4. Pencil for leaving labels and measuring roulette.
  5. Methybal products (selflessness or dowel. It is allowed to use nails, depending on the circumstances).
  6. Binding materials - alabaster and / or gypsum.

Alignment of walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper

For work, you need to arm a set of necessary tools.

Preparatory work

Attention! The level of humidity in the bathroom is extremely high. It is for this reason that it is necessary to approach the choice not only materials, but also tools that you will need when working.

So, the first thing you will need to understand how curves are the walls in the bathroom. Among the most common surface defects, you can list the following:

  • Bulges and depressions.
  • Deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane.
  • Mechanical damage to various kinds (potholes, chips, etc.).

Separately, you should mention such a task as aligning the corners. You can get acquainted with the options in this article in more detail in this article on our website :.

Main work

In this chapter, we give a description of how it is better to align the surface of the walls in the bathroom using the plaster. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Preparatory stage. Get rid of the remnants of the old finish, putty, etc. Clean the surface
  2. We produce accurate measurements. It is necessary in order to understand how many walls in the bathroom deviate from the correct value.
  3. If the curvature is significant, you will need to plaster the surface of the walls to align them. With minor curvatures, it will be enough to use a putty.
  4. So, if you made measurements and found out that the walls are fairly curves, prepare for plastering. Using alabaster or gypsum, set the lighthouses.
  5. A very important point is the primer of the surface. It should be done with a special primer composition. Such compositions are not very expensive and can be bought in almost any construction store.
  6. It is necessary to stucify using the appropriate solution using, with a spatula for applying a solution and a rule for aligning the surface.
  7. In cases where irregularities are not significant, tools to use putty, and the main tool is a spatula. For greater amenities, you can use 2 spatulas: large (for work on planes and open areas of walls), and small (for work in areas behind pipes, for sink and in other hard-to-reach places.
  8. After the end of any of these types of work, it is recommended to treat the surface with an additional layer of finishing plaster and pollute it with small grain with small grain.

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Alignment of walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper

In order to be more convenient to put big irregularities, it is best to take advantage of a large wide spatula.

By the way, in cases where further finishing plans to be carried out with the help of ceramic tiles, the use of the finishing layer of the putty is not at all mandatory, since, in any case, a layer of tiled glue will be applied to the wall. Rather, even on the contrary: to ensure a higher level of adhesion, it is recommended that the surface of the walls is as small as possible, because thanks to a slightly rough texture of plaster or primary putty tile, ultimately, will be glued more firmly and reliably.

For a more detailed understanding of how to properly carry out work on equalizing the surface of the walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper (and not only), we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the training video, which is a detailed and visual instructions for carrying out work with your own hands:

To finally understand, in what cases it is necessary, and which one does not need to use the finish putty, it is impossible not to mention such a finishing coating as the paint. So, if you gathered to rub the surface of the walls in the bathroom with paint, the pre-prepared surface must be as smooth as possible. Otherwise, numerous small irregularities, chips and potholes can manifest itself and become noticeable after all the work on decorating the interior of the room will be completed. And you yourself understand, with what problems can be encountered as a result of this not quite a responsible approach, when to leave everything as it is, it seems like it is impossible, but alteration will pull the whole cycle of work, which will be conjugate with the next inconvenience, time loss , and, of course, material resources.

By the way! When carrying out work on the preliminary, as well as the finishing alignment of the surface of the walls and partitions using plaster and putty, it is necessary to remember that all materials, if possible, should be designed to use indoors with high levels of humidity and with frequent moisture in the walls on the wall . Just to such places of the apartment, in addition to, in fact, the kitchen, toilet and, to some extent, the balcony with the hallway, can be undoubtedly a bathroom. So, when you are in a construction store or on the market, do not forget to recall this to the seller.

We use plasterboard

Alignment of walls in the bathroom before sticking wallpaper

When aligning the walls with a bathroom plasterboard, you can make a metal frame, so and do without its construction.

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In some cases, it is allowed to use drywall as a material for alignment of walls indoors. Not exception and bathroom. It is believed that there are 2 main ways to equalize the walls of the room with plasterboard:

  • Using an additional framework from metal structures.
  • Without its use.

Both technologies have as their advantages and their cons. In order to get acquainted in more detail with how to properly carry out work on equalizing walls in the bathroom, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the corresponding video instruction manual with a metal profile frame:

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