Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]


Each year, the Pantone Color Institute declares the color of the year. In 2019, they became a shade called a living coral. It is a mix of orange, pink, a little red and golden colors.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

This color is bright, warm, natural. With competent use in the interior design, it raises the mood and charges with solar energy even harsh winter.

Coral color, according to Pantone specialists, encourages real close communication and creates homemade comfort.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Facts about coral color for successful accommodation in the interior

The color of the living coral is very warm so when it is an overall, the room becomes somehow "stuffy".

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Tip! If the space is overloaded with coral, it can be diluted with cold colors, so the design will become more harmonious.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

It is worth considering the coverage in the coral interior. Under different light, the shade may vary, from peach to dark with red tones.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

This color is sufficiently rich and active, you can easily get tired of it. It has an exciting effect on the psyche of man, and at home, after all, so you want to relax and relax. But in the office this effect will be to the place. Also, coral visually reduces space. Therefore, it is not necessary to cover all the walls of coral, it will become quite small from this room.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Tip! In order not to "eaten" the space, and the eyes were not tired of bright, designers recommend using a coral color not as the main, but as bright accents.

How to use the color of the living coral in the interior design?

It depends on the room itself, it is necessary to take into account all the factors described above. Somewhere coral is appropriate only as a bright accent, somewhere, they can be distinguished by a certain zone. Well, there are rooms, where coral wallpaper or paint on all walls look good. It should be taken into account for whom the coral interior is created. . He is well suited for the Bouire of a young girl, but men will not be comfortable in such a playful atmosphere.

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Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Trend in 2019. The color is well suited to the marine interiors.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

"A variety of marine shades are perfectly combined with a coral tone, from a saturated blue-green to tender turquoise. If you add a little yellow metal (only goldfish often swim in corals), then at home will work almost the Maldives. " - Vera Chaldems, designer

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Coral tone also looks harmoniously in ethnic interiors, especially in combination with brown furniture and green plants. With light and lemon shades, this color creates a vintage atmosphere, and with a laconic gray - a serious, stylish interior.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

If the coral add to the interior as a bright accent, then it can be:

  • Upholstery of furniture;
  • frames for photos or paintings;
  • Sofa pillows;
  • soft carpet;
  • flower pots;
  • kitchen accessories;
  • Home textiles (curtains, bed linen, bedspreads, towels, etc.);
  • Vases and dishes;
  • stands;
  • colored glass;
  • Furniture fittings, etc.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

What colors to combine?

There are many spectacular combinations of coral with other colors:

  1. With white and light beige color, the coral looks a bright accent.
  2. In combination with gray, it creates a stylish modern interior.
  3. Shades light green, turquoise and blue with coral give design Mediterranean chic.
  4. Live coral with Siren introduces romanticism into the interior, and with a saturated purple room becomes just luxurious.
  5. For children's rooms, a combination of coral with bright yellow, saturated green and blue will fit well.
  6. A combination with dark natural colors, for example, chocolate, dark brown, dark blue well barsing bright coral and is suitable for the office.
  7. You can use trend color in the interior with close to him in color shades, such as red, wine, pink.

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Coral color in the interior is now gaining popularity. However, lovers of such a bright color are not so much, because most will not risk changing the owl interior towards such brightness. This color for positive, energetic people, the rest can use it partially, the main thing is to show fantasy.

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Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Pantone Color 2019: Live Coral | In which interiors and how to apply? (1 video)

Color "Live Coral" in the interiors 2019 (14 photos)

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

Color of the year 2019 - Live coral [interior use options]

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