How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains


Classic options for design walls in residential premises are adjacent to today with a new (or long forgotten old) way to finish the walls textiles. You can bring a fresh idea of ​​decoration in the interior of the house with a porter placed not only on window openings.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Living room with curtains on the wall

Where can I hang a chast

Decorative curtain fabrics in the house or apartment are used not only to decorate windows. Luxuriously look curtains from tapestry in the interior of a spacious living room placed on one of the walls. A heavy solid porter is combined with furniture from an oak array. Tapestry corders produce not only with a variety of drawings. The textile industry releases curtains - paintings with a variety of plots that will decorate any interior. A dense fabric placed on one of the walls will decently replace any carpet.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Curtains in the bedroom

The bedroom is a special, intimate place in which you want to create an atmosphere of rest and comfort. In this room, the role of the curtains is not only in the winding of the windows, but also in decorating the space near the sleeping bed.

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If the area is small, then you should not use the curtains over the bed in the bedroom as an additional decor. In this case, it is better to decorate a light cloth with a wall at the head of the bed. The use of air tleal curtains without printed pattern, organza or veils will give a squeezing additional volume with a small space, if you drag the headboard in the form of the window, the walls above the bed in the bedroom is elegantly draped curtains will create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the room.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

In a spacious bedroom, to highlight sleep zone, also resort to textiles. Curtains over the bed is called Baldahin. The design is suitable for sleeping space installed in distance from the wall. If you put special racks on its perimeter, you can use dense velvet type tissue. Bed with a canopy serves as a bedroom decoration and looks like a royal bed. When choosing a fabric for a canol, take into account her decorative qualities:

  1. If the curtain curtains on the bed are designed to decorate the room, for these purposes, multi-layer tulle from nylon, tapestry, velvet or expensive gardines are used.
  2. The bedroom room will decorate a transparent organza, which is dropped by cascades on the bed.
  3. Baldachene fabric in the form of the dome should be easy and bulky. It can be silk, sitheria, rep place or satin.

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To decorate space over the sleeping place did not look too simple, it is possible to use lambrequins above the bed.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Turn the bath over the bed

The question is how to make the curtains over the bed so that the sleeping place looked a cozy nest, interests many. You can hang cordial cloth over the bed in several ways:

  • On a rectangular frame made of wood, metal or plastic installed around the perimeter
  • on the eaves that are mounted to the ceiling
  • If the sleeping place is located at the wall, the semicircular bar is mounted to its surface, after determining, at what height to secure it
  • The dome canopy is made up with a circular design installed on the ceiling or suspended to it.

For hanging curtains over the bed, rings for eaves, loops or special molding ribbons with champs are used.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Color over the bed in the bedroom

Color over a baby cot

If the baby for the baby was sold without a canopy, you can buy curtains for a children's bed separately. To do this, it is recommended to use fabrics from natural materials. Light curtain over the baby's bed protects it from external stimuli and dust.

If the sleeping place is equipped with an altitude, it can also be decorated with cloth. Using the curtains for the Bed of the attic, you can create a corner in which the baby can retire. For such models of beds, you can purchase a ready-made curtain kit with children's topics or lay down on your own. Pouring tissue drapery can be in the form of a house or hiking tent. Curtains for the bed in the children's room can be made independently using images of the favorite hero of his daughter or son.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Role of curtains in the bedroom

Bedroom, like any other room, is drawn up in that or other style. The right selection of the porter on the windows or walls will emphasize the sophistication of the room, will create a pleasant to sleep and rest atmosphere.

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Curtains over the bed, decorated in the form of a canopy or a canopy, creates psychological comfort, focuses on a sleeping bed and serves as the main decoration of the room. The fabric in the interior has excellent decorative possibilities. It is easily draped by taking the most bizarre forms. With their help create a unique bedroom design.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

If you are a supporter of frequent interior updates, the changes will help the wall curtains on the wall. Purchase, for example, wide curtains with winter and summer landscape. In the cold season you will be pleased with a decorative product with bright summer motifs. In the heat, on the contrary, nice to stop the look in the image of the winter landscape. Roll curtain is easily twisted and dismantled. You can replace the decorative element in 2 minutes.

Drapeting walls and windows by the porters reveals the merits of the room, it highlights more significant zones or hides the existing flaws.

Styles and options for design with curtains

The variety of styles used in decorating the premises amazing imagination. Considering that for each of them, fabrics with different textures, color solutions and models are used, the range of modern curtains is huge. Decorating windows and design of walls with curtains should be started with dating with styles and decor options.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

All models are divided:

  • On classic
  • French
  • Austrian
  • Japanese
  • London
  • Roman
  • Italian
  • Crossed
  • Rolled
  • Curtains Plisse

    How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

  • jalousie
  • Curtains with nasky (bishop sleeve)
  • Nights (Kiese)
  • Photo curtains.

From such a variety, not only models for windows, but also curtains on walls, doorways or soft curtains over the bathroom. Curtains can be written about the embodiments of premises with curtains, so we will dwell on only a few of them.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Bedroom decoration

Classic curtains

Sliding curtains in aggregate with curtains (tulle), decorated with lambrequin or without it, tied with cords or pickups, are a classic curtain option. Such products fill the design of the room with splendor and sophistication. The relevance of the classics is tested by time, it is still one of the popular decor options.

French curtains

Such curtains cannot be confused with any other models. A distinctive feature of the French style is the presence of a large amount of folds descending from top to bottom. French curtains can be placed in any interior, they can be both movable, rising to the ceiling and static.

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How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

Fixed models are performed from transparent and lightweight fabric - organza or chiffon. Rising up the products sew from such fabrics as:

  • batiste
  • silk
  • atlas
  • muslin
  • wool

Products sew from tissues of light tones, but snow-white models look especially noble. Bed with curtains decorated French-style, give the bedroom unique flavor and sophistication.

Italian curtains

Products are symbiosis of direct porter with pickups and luxurious imperial curtains.

How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

In an open or semi-open position, the curtain decreases wave-like folds along the edge of the canvas, formed by the cord, which are diagonally from the middle of the window to the cornix corners. Models are characterized by the rigor of the silhouette and the clear form of the upper edge. Such products do not open the window to the end, forming the structure in the form of the arch.

Italian curtains are combined with all residential premises. They look equally elegantly both in the kitchen and in the living room. The products are made of flax, velvet, silk, jacquard cloth, and light models are from organza.

Curtains and interior style

In order for the room to look harmoniously, its design is performed in a single style to which the curtains must fit:

  1. The classic style of the room is harmony with conventional sliding or lifting products with soft folds.
  2. To the fashionable minimalist style of Hai-tech, blinds or Japanese curtains are suitable.

    How beautiful to arrange the walls with curtains

  3. The spacious premises with antique furniture will be perfectly fitted with vintage style curtains, French Provence or Shebbi-Chic. They will be added to the interior of pompousness and luxury.
  4. For premises decorated in ethnic style (country, oriental or rural), choose the corresponding models of the curtains.

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In addition, the curtains must correspond to the overall style of the room, they must be harmoniously combined with furniture. Regardless of whether you are acquiring curtains on the wall or on the windows, come to the question seriously. From your choice depends comfort and comfort in the house.

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