Can I beat the wallpaper on concrete walls?


Forced circumstances

Frequently often when repaired, we are confronted and unforeseen circumstances. Many of them are associated with sticking wallpaper. In particular, sometimes it is necessary to make the repair quickly quickly, because each in life has their own circumstances and tasks.

Can I beat the wallpaper on concrete walls?

Such walls, of course, preferably prepare in advance and align

In such cases, sometimes there are such situations when the owners of the apartment are forced to be interested in the question of whether it is possible to glue the wallpaper on concrete walls. It is especially important to get an answer to this question for those who do not have sufficient experience in construction and repair, and doubts the success of the upcoming work.

Let's try to understand the situation and bring some useful tips, which, as a rule, give experienced specialists and masters of the repair business.

Preparation and work

Since you firmly decided to puncture wallpapers on a concrete wall, then for this you will need to take into account all the difficulties and features of such a sticking, as well as strictly follow the advice and recommendations of people who have experience in such endeavors.

Preliminary actions

So, first of all, you will need to study the wall surface in detail. And only on the basis of the data received, you can make some conclusions and plan something specific. Is it possible to glue the wallpaper right to concrete? Judge for yourself: as a rule, the working surface is rarely smooth, because on the walls or partitions from concrete there are many small damage, chips and other irregularities.

We recommend a useful video: how best to prepare the wall:

Therefore, in order for you as a result, you have a beautiful and smooth surface, in such cases it will be necessary to resort to the use of plaster, putty and primers of an uneven or damaged wall.

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Among other things, quite often on reinforced concrete walls there are protruding metal rods or parts of the reinforcement. Even if you get rid of them by circumcalling with the help of a grinder, you still do not get the perfect working surface. All this speaks in favor of what you do not hurt without putty and subsequent priming.

After all the work on the spaciousness, and if necessary, and on shuttering were performed - you will receive a practically perfectly smooth wall. But in order to stick on it wallpaper, many professionals advise to make a thorough priming of the surface. It is very advisable to make it even twice, for full reliability.

Can I beat the wallpaper on concrete walls?

Ground walls can be used with double coating with a layer of adhesive solution

This process is performed using a liquid adhesive solution. And if for the first time the glue should be completely liquid, then the re-application is performed using a more dense composition. When the primer work is successfully completed, if necessary, you can move to the next step - glue draft wallpapers. In some cases, ordinary newspapers will be quite suitable.

Many of you will ask, is it possible to glue the wallpaper on concrete walls without resorting to the primer? After all, on the one hand, modern adhesive compositions have sufficiently strong adhesive adhesive properties, allowing to glue paper canvas to the wall surface. Partly this is true. But how to be in cases where you need to glue not light and thin paper, and thick and heavy vinyl or phlizelin wallpapers? The fact of the matter is that for high-quality sticking, blades from vinyl, as well as on the basis of phlizelin under painting, the corresponding preparation and processing of the surface of the walls from concrete will be simply necessary.

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Stage sticking

Can I beat the wallpaper on concrete walls?

Masters advise to leave a small margin that is easily removed by knife after drying

After you completely made all the necessary preliminary work, you can begin glue the wallpaper. The sticker process itself is quite universal, and does not differ from the usual sticking to other surfaces:

  1. First of all, we should prepare glue. For the proper preparation of the composition, read the attached instructions, since various types of adhesive solutions are intended for different types of wallpaper.
  2. Gently cut the canvas, leaving a small scavenger as a reserve from above and below. If necessary, we select sheets in the drawing and customize from when sticking. We lay out the sliced ​​cloth on the clean floor of the working layer up, and we apply a layer of glue on it. In addition, we applied glue and on the wall (the exception is only the wallpaper on a fliesline basis, with whose sticking is not necessary to smear the surface of the walls). We fold the sheets in half, the black side inside.
  3. Measure the vertical line and begin to glue, preferably - from the edge of the window. Align the sheet and get rid of bubbles and folds, using a roller or plastic spatula. Subsequent sheets stick to the previous one.

We offer to watch video instructions for plating wallpaper:

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