How to choose an entrance door to a private house


If the interior doors can choose the same for home and for the apartment, then it does not work with the front door, because there is a significant difference. The fact is that the entrance door in the house and apartment is operated in different conditions: apartment in an entrance hall, and the door for a private house - in the conditions of the street. The second option is more extreme, because the design is affected by the external environment in all its manifestations - the sun, wind, large temperature differences, rains, snow, wind. This impact leads to problems, among whom it is worth noting:

  • Condensate from the temperature difference;
  • Freezing - when condensate inside on the door components turns into ice;
  • Corrosion due to rain and common external humidity;
  • The burnout of the coating due to the action of ultraviolet (direct sunlight).

The entrance door must cope with all these impacts and problems, so the door for the apartment is different from the door for a private house.


Metal entrance doors

The most popular and common option of the entrance door for the private house is metallic. It is due to the high strength of the design durability and reliability. Steel is not deformed under the influence of low, high (relatively) temperatures, moisture drops, with proper finish - protected from corrosion. This door is difficult to hack, the service life reaches several decades.

Metal door design

There are no fundamental differences between the doors for a country and apartment building. The main structural elements are as follows:

  • canvas;
  • box;
  • Accessories (including locks).

The canvas is made of a two-millimeter steel sheet (individual orders are thicker). The canvas is enhanced by ribs of rigidity (corner or profile tube). They are welded vertically, horizontally or combined. There are also options with inclined ribbies. Steel canvas can be installed only outside or on both sides. Dot welding applies to connect metal elements.


Attention : The use for a street door of a cloth less than a half millimeters is not recommended, because such a tin is easily opened with a durable knife or ax.

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The door frame is made of a steel profile pipe or antenstial way.

  • Boxes made from the profile pipe of the rectangular section are not recommended for installation in country houses. Because They do not give full tightness of the opening.
  • Boxes made with antenstial method (sheet bending machines and welding are used), expand the possibilities of installing additional seals, which provide heat insulation. At the moment it is the most modern technology.

Metal doors accessories - reinforced loops, contours of seals, locking systems (locks and deposits).

Additional protection

You can increase the safety of the door with a safe booking, however, for a private country house, such a solution is inappropriate, because it will not save it from penetration, because each house has windows. The door should be hermetic, warm and durable. In addition, it should harmoniously fit into the entrance style and the house as a whole.

Reliable design without reinforced loops can not be called such. Instead of conventional loops, safes are installed with bearings that increase the durability and comfort of operation.


Thermal insulation doors

The main zones of heat loss are including doors, it is important that they are insulated. Therefore, internal thermal insulation is a mandatory element in the design of such doors. As an insulating material, the manufacturers use a different mineral wool, foamed polyurethane, expanded polystyrene and other materials that have low thermal conductivity. The most suitable is the basalt insulation in the form of a plate. For the street doors, the door canvas must be insulated for the street, and the door frame to eliminate the appearance of condensate on the inside of the door.

Interesting : Additional thermal protection can provide a special system of electrical heating, where the heating cable is stretched around the perimeter. Now freezing, condensate is not scary.

Technology thermal survey

Separately, it is worth canceling the relatively new technology of thermal insulation of the inlet doors "Thermozer". The essence of technology is to minimize the amount or eliminate the presence of cold bridges.

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This is achieved by using inserts from special materials between places of contact of the metal elements of the outside of the door design and the inner throughout the perimeter of the box, canvas, as well as under the threshold. The material for the inserts of the thermal separation is used by cork, fiberglass materials and some types of polymers

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This parameter of the metal door is determined by the design features, forms, external trim. The door is selected, based on the architectural style of the entrance and at home. Since the door has a contact with the street and is opened by environmental impacts, the requirements for the decoration are presented elevated.

Finishing based on chipboard or MDF type materials, not recommended. Temperature differences in a compartment with humidity, snow, the rains and the sun will very quickly lead the material into disrepair, and the door will suffer behind him. Nevertheless, there are panels with Israeli wineritis (Vinorit), which are designed to finish outdoor doors.

Perfectly showed a powder painting. The material is specially designed for processing and protecting metal surfaces and has many advantages. The main plus of such a coating in its anti-vandality - it is difficult to scratch and impossible to set fire.

Also, the entrance door for the country house can be fronted with moisture-resistant panels from the wood array. Beautifully look at the panels from an oak massif, alder, walnut.


Door locks

Usually the door to the entrance is equipped with two or more locks that provide more than half of the overall protection of the position. To ensure greater safety, the door should be equipped with locks of various designs (attachments are not discussed and electronic).

Suwald Castle

The name of its own type received in honor of the plates (Suwald) with teeth. Each castle receives a unique teeth profile, which provides secrecy.

Cylinder castle or English

In the case of such a lock there is a cylinder core, where code and locking pins are located. The cylinder can turn and move the riglel only if a suitable key is inserted into the well. The disadvantage of this type of locks is a simple conclusion in order - there is even a debris of matches for this.

Disk Castle

The design of the lock is based on disks with a unique form, they do not give the lock to rotate without a native key. The locking well is similar to a truncated circle, so it's harder to bring it out of order, as it is easy to pull out an outsider from the hole easily.

Conducting castle

This type is considered not very reliable, because it is easily open. Of the features - this is a cruciform view. In the larva, four rows of pins that interact with the keys.

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Input doors made of metal plastic

This is a worthy alternative to pure metal structures. The question of condensate, land, as well as the issue of finishing "from the box" is easily solved. Some questioned their reliability, but in most cases in vain. In a private house, as a rule, prefer to penetrate through the windows. Therefore, the expediency in a massive door is often doubtful.

Device of metal plastic door

The design of the PFH doors is significantly different from the windows in the PFCs, since safety requirements are high. A special profile reinformed by steel profiles is on the manufacture.

Box, bars

The main frame is made, as a rule, from a profile from 70 millimeters with five cameras. Next, there is a strengthening of a steel frame from a steel profile of a rectangular section (a complex section is also used). The reinforcing frame is located inside the door frame. Power loops are fastened to this frame, as well as reliable locking mechanisms. The aggregate can serve as a double-glazed glass with a triplex, reinforced and armored glass.

Metal plastic doors can be two types:

  • Singman
  • Bivalve

The first are installed in the standard (width) doorways, the second - in non-standard wide, to ensure the uniform distribution of loads on the door loops.


The list of fittings of the metalplastic door includes loops, lock and door handle. The loops are usually at least three antihimens, which are withstanding the weight of about 70 kilograms. Standard equipment equipment includes a lock, as well as a handle. From additional fittings it is recommended to purchase and install the door closer.


Burglar resistance inlet door

By burglar resistance, all doors are divided into safety classes:

  • Grade 1 can be hacked by a girlfriend (ax, nail).
  • Grade 2 is not amenable to hacking household instruments. The most common in the consumer market. But such a door can be hacked by a specialized tool.
  • Grade 3 has a double trim, many additional reinforcing elements throughout the construction. To hack a similar door, you will need powerful special tools, for example, a kilowatt Bulgarian.

No matter how much the choice is made, it is important to understand that the manufacturers are all different, there are reliable, and there are unscrupulous, using low-quality materials and components. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, carefully choose the manufacturer and seller.

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