How to install cavalry over the bed in the bedroom?


Bedroom - "Holy Saints" of all housing. The bedroom always needs to be cozy, comfortable and easy. Of course, to equip everything so that there really was conveniently, you can use various design solutions. Queen of any bedroom is a bed. It is she who allows us to relax and relax. Therefore, the bed must be certainly not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

How to install cavalry over the bed in the bedroom?

For the manufacture of canopy, a light flowing tissue is ideal.

And it is possible to separate his sleeping place and add it using a canopy.

The use of the Baldakhina will make the outlines of the bed with smooth and air, which will give the feeling of softness and ease . In addition, the Baldahin isolates the sleep zone, fencing from the outside world, and thereby adds a sense of security during rest.

Today there is a huge selection of ready-made canopies, in addition, they are often sewn under the order, which is not so difficult to make them.

Manufacture of Baldakhina

First of all, it is necessary to choose the material from which the Bedalchin will be sewn into the bedroom. This bed canopy can be sewed from organza, tapestry or velvet. For cribs, the material from silk, flax and sitz is better fit. It will take a piece of material length, slightly exceeding the perimeter of your bed.

Width will go to the height of the product. Of course, in the manufacture of capes for the bed, you can use the tissue segment entirely or cut it into 2-4 of the same segment. The edges of the canopy must be turned out and stop. To the top edge should be put on hanging loops. Canopy on the bed can be additionally draped. In addition, it will be worthwhile to embellish the finished product at its own discretion.

How to install cavalry over the bed in the bedroom?

Tools for making attachments.

If you sew the caustic chin on a crib, you can decorate it, sewing aims of the whole articles of decorative butterflies, bows, figures, beads and other interesting to children's eyes. The edges of the children's cape comfortably and beautifully can be treated with light lace rules.

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The following tools will be required to fasten the attachment:

  • Hoven for metal;
  • Electrode with drills;
  • screws;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • Fastening and limiters.

Fasteners of the finished Baldakhina "Crown"

The finished product should be securely secured over the bed. Installing canopy can be installed in several ways. The most common is the way of fasteners - "crown". Fasteners "Crown" - this is a suspended circle in the headboard with a canopy attached to it. The bed with such a cover will look easily. Basically, this method of fasteners are used in the design of children's crackers.

Paldakhins for children's crackers in one-room apartments have special relevance. In this case, the design of the crib with a canopy conventionally separates the place of the child. In addition, the crib covered with a seal cloth will be cozy to sleep, as the sound and light will become more muted.

How to install cavalry over the bed in the bedroom?

Variants of fastening of the Baldakhin.

To make such a dietary, you can safely go to the sporting goods for Hula-Hupe, which will become the main material of the fastening system. .

The hoop is fucked to the ceiling in the headboard. Cord, tied to Hula Hupe, let go. The canopy of such a canchine should have a large margin of the fabric, because it must close the entire width of the bed with a margin.

The design has the appearance of two voluminous assembled curtains hanging on the sides of the base strengthened over the headboard.

Fasteners on the cornice

Another way can be installed cannis on ordinary profile eaves. Such a cornice is fixed to the ceiling. In addition, a metal pipe can be used in the semicircle. Initially, the Paldakhin rings are put on the pipe, after which it is fixed to the ceiling with the help of suspensions, and to the walls on the dowel.

This design is manufactured by the type of bathroom curtains. You can build a frame of less strong material, such as a tree. When the bed in the corners with supports, then their tops can be connected with tubes or rods and fix the canopy on them.

In any work it is worth attaching a little fantasy, find the right decision and get a good result.

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How to install cavalry over the bed in the bedroom?

Pattachina pattern for bed.

Cabinis for fastening the canopy can be purchased ready or make it yourself. If you decide to make cornice yourself, you should choose a tube of a small diameter, and you can use a wooden slaughter. It is necessary to measure the width and length of the bed, add about 10 cm with each of the sides and cut the perimeter of the structure. This design can be both smoothly along the contour of the bed and, accordingly, your tasks and capabilities, to be multi-tiered or figure. There will be more special skills and tools in the production of such structures.

After the eaves prepared itself, it is necessary to drill in the ceiling of the hole for vertical supports for the eaves. On the supports we are dripping pipes or rails, put on the rings for the Baldakhin. On the rings we wear cavaloins.

For this type of fastening, there is still a durable frame from natural wooden beams. This option is especially beneficial when the ceiling is initially made with elements of carrying wooden beams. Such beams easily attached parallel to the fishing line on which you can hang a balloon rings.

Beddahin for a crib

Baldahin allows the child to be comfortable. Baldahin on the crib is able to protect against bright light, from drafts and dust, annoying insects, muffled the incoming noise and has an excellent decorative function.

Make a cake for a baby cot with their own hands will not be much difficulty. To do this, you need to make measurements, pick up the material and attach a little imagination and free time. For the manufacture of the product, you need a piece of fabric 1.5 * 3 m.

The mount can be placed directly above the bed in the center. Then such fasteners are hanging on the ceiling. In the store you can buy a fastening similar to a tripod, with the installation on the side wall of the bed.

Purchased mount should be collected, the field of which the top of the Baldakhina must be returned to the loop with a rubber band. From above there are sleeves that can be both with ruffles and without them. One of these sleeves must be returned to the loop, we drag on the loop, and the remaining edges of the fabric are straightened by the cradle.

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