We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class


Over time, the monotonous interior becomes the usual and boring why the thoughts appear to diversify and make the original. Why not attract plastic bottles for this purpose? After all, they are stored for years on loggias, in the garages, they have a bucket under the trash. And someone came to someone's idea that empty plastic containers can be given a new life, creating a personal artwork of art, for example, the chart. You will definitely not find such a curtain in the magazines of manufacturers.

We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

Original plastic bottle curtains

  • Curtains from plastic rings
  • Curtains from bottles is a large plastic flowers that are in the air that shine in the sun. Surely many will say: "I really don't need it." But Michel Brand, which is the author of this idea, believes differently, because it made it for the reuse of already unnecessary items that pollute the world around. In addition, this idea of ​​Eco-designer has been awarded numerous awards from ecologists.

    Bottles Curtains - Step-by-step instructions

    To make curtains from plastic bottles are not required professional skills and skills. Since the process itself is quite simple. First you need to cook everything is useful in your work. The design of such a curtain depends on the imagination, the number of plastic bottles and other decorative elements.

    We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    If you have free time and desire, then first determine the location of the future curtain, because the parameters and dynamics of suspensions, decor and other parts depend on it. For window opening are appropriate short curtains from plastic bottles, protecting against other people's eyes. Instead of doors - a movable curtain in the floor. If all the details are thought out, go directly to the process.

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    To work, we will need:

    • Plastic bottles of 0.5 l (the amount may differ depending on the parameters of the web, it is worth stocking of the future, since a marriage is possible in the workflow);
    • scissors;
    • sand (lighter);
    • awl;
    • Metal container or a frying pan;
    • Fishing timber.

    We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    We collect Tara

    Curtains from plastic bottles with their own hands requires a large number of sources. Therefore, first of all, you need to collect enough bottles. It is better to stock the plastic box, it is more convenient to store empty containers.

    Brown baskets are too dark for decoration of apartments. But these curtains will be appropriate in the country gazebo. They will protect against sunlight and harmful ultraviolet, and also hide from prying eyes.

    We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    Bottles for curtains

    All bottles are assembled, now they need to be thoroughly wash and dry. After that, go to the main process - to the creation of curtains from plastic bottles.

    Cut the bottle

    Cut with scissors or knife bottom. Gently equal to the edge, so that the lower part of the container resembles the tender outline of the flower, give the form of recess. Then omit the bottom to the metal container, in the pre-warm sand. Several seconds are enough to melting sharp edges. At diving, both the deepening of our "flower" is also melted. Instead of sand, some use a lighter, but in this case you need to take care, otherwise the fire will leave black trails on the "flowers".

    We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    We form a pattern

    In accordance with the scheme above, we prepare the necessary number of blanks, which in the future we ride on a solid thread. Holes are done sewing. "Flowers" can be connected in two ways:

    1. ride on the fishing line like beads;
    2. Make holes in different "petals" Punchka and connect the suspension to the fishing line, thereby creating a whole cloth. By the way, the decor for such curtains protrude beads from plastic bottles or bumps from burlap.

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    So we reviewed how to make a transparent scope with your own hands. By the same type, not only interesting curtains, but also partitions protruding for zoning space. However, in this case, the parts of the plastic are attached denser, thus creating a single canvas. It is better to use the wire to use thick, it is fixed both on the ceiling and on the floor.

    We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    To create a garland curtains with your own hands, take the New Year's garland on LEDs - this is the perfect option for an interesting craft from bottles, since such a garland does not heat up, and "lights" are at an equal distance. It is recommended to use a transparent container for this composition, although the use of color bottoms is also possible, this solution will allow to achieve an interesting effect.

    Curtains from plastic rings

    For the manufacture of curtains, not only bottoms, but also plastic rings for curtains are used.

    • Cut the plastic container on the rings. The dimension is chosen independently, it is desirable that the rings do not exceed 0.5-1.5 cm width. Otherwise, the curtain will be massive.
    • We induce the edges from all sides by immersing the rings in the sand pre-heated in a pan.

      We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    • We make a cut and connect the rings by the type of paper garlands. Observe the desired length.
    • Cut place to fasten the stapler.
    • Color paints and preferred colors. In the core ring, we stir any decor on the paper clip (pebbles or beads), you can skip colored ribbons over the entire length.
    • We cling to the top of each pendant hook and cling it to the bar. You can hang curtains on paper clips.

    We make curtains from plastic bottles: master class

    If fantasy allows you to come up with a different decor of plastic bottles. For example, blinds from plastic bottles with their own hands. With the point, it is often not only a container, but also covers. To make the curtains on the door of the traffic jams, you need to stock up a significant number of lids, pierce each selection, and after riding a fishing line.

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    View video design

    Like any other material, plastic curtains from bottles have several advantages and disadvantages. Such curtains are distinguished by strength, due to which they are exploited for a long time. They can be painted in all sorts of colors. They are easy to wash, it is enough to substitute the suspension under the shower or wipe them with a wet rag. However, it is not worth overlooking the moment that plastic is toxic, which means its use is not safe for health.

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