What to do if the washing machine warms water


What to do if the washing machine warms water

In order for all pollution from the linen and it has gained freshness and purity, it is necessary to wash it in warm or hot water - every hostess knows. Fortunately, they have long remained in the past, when the water for washing had to boil in huge metal saucepan. Today heats water, erases and presses the linen. Our indispensable helper is a washing machine.

However, sometimes, as a result of any problems, the unit suddenly "refuses" water. What this problem may be connected, and how to handle it below.

How to understand that the washing machine does not heat the water when washing?

It would seem that the most obvious way to determine at what temperature the laundry is erased - it takes to touch things immediately after the machine will complete the washing cycle. But this is not entirely correct, as in most cases freshly linen will be cold. The fact is that the washing machine heats the water only directly for washing, and the rinsing of linen occurs in cold water.

What to do if the washing machine warms water

A more accurate method is the determination of water temperature through the hatch door. Run the washing program and, approximately 30 minutes after it starts touch the door. If the glass is cold, it means that the heating does not occur.

The reasons

Washing machines from the most sought-after manufacturers, such as LG, Samsung, Bosch, Zanussi, Atlant, Indesit, Ardo, are generally ceased to heat the water on one of the following reasons:

Source problem

What's happening?

What to do?

Invalid selection of washing mode

The machine does not heat the water only under certain washing programs

All modern models of washing machines have several preprogrammed washing modes for different types of fabrics. Some materials can be erased only in cold water. Carefully examine the instruction manual: it is possible for the water heating mode you selected is not provided

Incorrect connection of the washing machine

The machine is constantly gaining and drains water

If you have connected the technique to communications without the help of a professional, you may well connect plum hoses and a set of water to other releases. Disconnect the hoses and connect in accordance with the instructions; If necessary, call the wizard

Terms of thermostat

The temperature sensor extracted from the washing machine shows the same resistance in the cooled and heated state.

The thermostat resistance can be checked using a multimeter, holding it under hot water to heating; If the readings do not differ, the sensor must be replaced with a new

Tubular heating element fault

On the case of the Tan, it is possible to detect mechanical damage or a thick layer of the plaque; Also possible damage to the wires connected to it

The serviceability of the Tan can be checked by measuring resistance with the tester. If the instrument's readings do not correspond to the norm, a new TEN should be purchased (what values ​​are considered normal, can be found in special literature).

Software Module Problems

The connection is made as it should be selected the correct washing program, all the elements are in good condition, but the water still does not heat up

The programmer may fail for various reasons, for example, as a result of the network voltage jump. The problem is solved by reflashing or resetting the settings to the source

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What if the washing machine warms the water too long?

It happens that the water in the washing machine is heated, but very slowly, so that, after a long time, after the start of washing, the ladder glass still remains cold. This, insignificant, at first glance, the problem may entail enough serious trouble. Poorly detained underwear is annoying, but this is not all: as a result of slow heating, a vehicle or a programmer can occur.

What to do if the washing machine warms water

What to do if the washing machine warms water

Most often the cause of such a strange "behavior" of the washing machine becomes the formation of a thick layer of scale on the heater tubes. To get rid of the plaque, it is recommended to start the wash and rinse program at an empty tank, falling asleep instead of a washing powder two tablespoons of citric acid (while the washing should be performed at the maximum water temperature).

What to do if the washing machine warms water


  • If your washing machine is operated for more than 7 years, most likely, most of the problems in its work is associated with the Tan. The quality of tap water leaves us to desire the best, therefore the service life of the TEN is noticeably reduced. Specialists advise replace this element as soon as the first problems appear.
  • Modern models of washing machines are equipped with a function of forced water heating (how to run it, read in your user manual). If the thermostat malfunction, this feature will help for some time to do without replacing the water temperature sensor.
  • One of the indicators that the washing does not heat the water is a shaft smell of wrapped things. It does not always appear, but if you noticed it, first of all it is necessary to test the TEN in good condition.
  • In order to extend the life of the tubular heating element (after all, it is most often related to the heating of water), only high-quality washing powders should be used and not exceed the dosage of detergents and caring tools. If you are concerned about the quality of tap water, set the flow filter to reduce the hardness level.

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