How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands


Agree, each of you at least once wondered how to make a folding sofa with my own hands. After all, perhaps there is not a single apartment or house in which there is no soft sofa. When you come home, especially after work, I really want or sit, or lie on your cozy sofa. Only here fashion varies each time, and with it and furniture design. And you can create an original folding sofa with your own hands.

How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands

The convenient and original folding sofa can be made with your own hands, having free time and necessary materials.

Making and Purchase of Materials

It will take you free time, but will bring the pros. First, you will save your funds on this sofa, since now the cost of shopping specimens is quite large. Secondly, you will qualitatively pick up consumables and will be confident in them. Thirdly, you can change the appearance of the sofa at any time, changing the trim. Fourth, you will save the area of ​​your apartment, as the product will be collected in the afternoon, and in the evening it will be able to turn into a sleeping place. And, most importantly, you will feel pride for your work and boast it in front of relatives and friends.

How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands

Sofa decay mechanism.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of folding sofas with your own hands, you must decide on the size and type of product. Their three main types: a sofa book, a shot sofa, a sofa clamshell. And also do not forget to draw his drawing. He will need not only during the work process, but also in order to correctly calculate the flow of the required material. Deciding with all this, you can proceed to the next step.

To make a sofa with their own hands, namely the sofa clamshell, you need to purchase such materials:

  • boards (5 cm thick and 15 cm high);
  • Fiberboard;
  • corners;
  • bars;
  • springs;
  • tissue for trim;
  • thick foam;
  • varnish transparent;
  • hinges for doors;
  • Furniture shields;
  • Electrolzik.

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Having bought everything, you can start working on the sofa itself. The instructions will help you in this.

Production of coil sofa

How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands

The back of the sofa is made of furniture shield.

Let's start working with the back of the sofa. She is made from the furniture shield. On it a little earlier, make the markup of the upper curly line. To do this take the template. Further you have to drill a gap in the form of a rhombus and the top line of the back of the drawing. You will need a jigsaw for this. In order to work out in the form of a rhombus, you need to cut holes in advance for an electric bike. Then drill the gaps near the stupid angles of the rhombus. In sharp corners it is impossible to turn the peer jigsaw.

After performing this job, remove the sawdust from the edges. After the pattern of the other parts of the furniture shield, all items need to be pulled. Do not forget to carefully strengthen them, pressed to the workbench board. Using the profile milling mill, you must round the front part of the sofa parts. If you wish, the finished elements cover with varnish.

Then they attach to the wall of the main tree bar. You determine the size and height in your preferences. The height you defined will be equal to the height of the side parts of the seats. Bar attach in the middle horizontally, fix on the edges of screws. Take him to the rail from the tree, on top of which fasten the seat on the hinges, thanks to which the sofa will be folded. Next, this rail should be attached at the bottom to the bar without self-drawing. Holes for them are made initially.

How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands

The sofa is folded and folded due to special hinges.

After that, you must place the locations of the loops for the side seats, they will be inserted inside. By label drilled holes for dowels, loops are fixed with screws. When the loops were installed, the sidewalks are fixed on them. Now install the back of the sofa, taking the bilateral self-adhesive tape. You can supplement the back of the foam rubber in the case. It looks beautiful and comfortable. Homemade sofa is ready. That's just minus that there is no extra lounge box.

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The principle of making a book

You can make a folding sofa in another way. But first purchase everything you need:

  • boards;
  • bars;
  • lamellas;
  • Chipboard;
  • bolts;
  • transformation mechanism;
  • Fliselin;
  • foam, sintepon;
  • Covers on the sofa (can be sewn);
  • wooden fittings (for armrests);
  • Emery paper.

How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands

Most folding sofas are equipped with a linen box.

Start work from the collection of box for linen. Make a box with dimensions of 190x80 cm. In order for the design to be stronger, attach two transverse rails in the middle. Fit the bottom of the box from the List DVP. The seat and the back will consist of two identical boxes made from bars (40x60). Send them to the lamella to keep the mattress.

Armrests make from chipboard (24 mm). They need to make frames. At the bottom under the bolts drill holes. In the linen drawer also make 2 holes on both sides. Attach the transformation mechanism on both sides so that between the backrest and seat frames was a free place of 10 mm. Watch that the seat does not put forward for armrests when the product is folded.

All roughness on frames can be treated with sandpaper. Attach fliesline and thick foam lamelines. The transformation mechanism you do not cover them. Singypruna can be topped with foam rubber so that it does not wear out. Wipe on the seat and back stitched covers.

On the armrests glue the foam, twisted in the shape of a roller, and on top it will be necessary to attach it to the thickening and softness of armrests. Tighten the armrests with the same cloth from which you sewed covers for the sofa itself. On the front side, fasten the fittings. Do not forget to check whether the transformation mechanism works, settling and folding the sofa book. Well, the sofa do it yourself and is ready. Here, the principle of operation of the sofa is simple and reliable. But there is also a minus: such a sofa can not be put close to the wall, since when decomposing it will constantly rub on the wall.

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We make a sofa eurobook

How can you make a folding sofa with your own hands

The Eurobook sofa is described easier than other models.

Nowadays the sofa-eurobook is very common. It is folded by moving forward seats, and the back is lowered into a horizontal position. It consists of such a sofa from the base, back, seats, sidewalls and decomposition mechanism.

Work start from base (size 65x190 cm). To do this, take the boards (width - 15 cm, thick - 5 cm) and secure them with self-draws. In the corners and the middle of the base, screw the extra bars for the best fortress. For the bottom of the base, the DVP sheet is suitable, which is naked to the raids.

Next, proceed to the back and seat. They are made from the 5x15 cm boards along the same scheme as the framework of the base, the size of 70x195 cm. In the finished boxes, the bars 5x5 cm are inserted, they are attached at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other. Sheets from DVP are fixed on both sides and screw the legs. Do not forget, the soft part of the back should be deployed out. The sidewall is made of chipboard, too, in the form of a small box.

The decomposition mechanism looks in the form of unsolved loops. They should be attached to the base of the back and the sofa itself. Having gathered all the design elements, start sticking polyurethane foam. Then overst them into a synthetone or holofiber. Sofa Hold down the cloth you choose using a building stapler. All is ready!

Make a folding sofa with your own hands is easy, you only need to properly follow these schemes and instructions. Although you can add your own.

Perhaps then the sofa will be even more comfortable, more practical and more beautiful.

Do not be afraid to create your own hands!

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