★ Army album do it yourself: the rules of registration (+ MK)?


Any guy who passed the urgent service in the army would like after the memory of this time remains. Usually soldiers during the service managed to make a huge number of photos, which were then drawn up into the album. With these albums after the end of the service, they boasted before friends and recalled youth.

Let's see how to make a demobel album with your own hands. Today is a digital era, photos can be received on the Internet, and then as a gift to your favorite guy to make a beautiful album with thematic pictures.

What is an army album?

First of all, you need to figure out what this army album fails fail. This is a document telling about the stay of a soldier at the urgent service in the army. It is not just some kind of non-bright thick notebook with a bunch of photos pasted into it. Album itself can be safely called the present work of art. This is a certain unique book - the second of the same instance will simply not be.

Army album do it yourself

Create albums always for one soldier. Starting to make them in the army recommend approximately 100 days before the order of the end - about three months before the army leaves. And let the guys now serve only a year, but the Dembel albums are still popular.

Materials used to create this artifact may be very different. Cover, and this is an important part, made a red velvet fabric. But even better it was thought to make this cover from the fabric of officer seats. Today such traditions are no longer relevant, and the army album is made even from tissue-khaki.

Demobel album do it yourself

The album pages must be thick enough - for this you use cardboard. Previously, some of the pages were laid by tracing - so they do today. It is necessary that the photos do not stick together with each other, and the drawings did not damage.

Pictures make anything - use pencils, markers, markers, paints, ordinary simple pencils. To make and incur inscriptions, you will need foil.

Album for a soldier with their own hands

Who does it?

It must be said that this memory of the army does not always make soldiers themselves. Now the author can be any - the main thing that he knew how to draw beautifully and write. Often making these albums have to girls soldiers. The product will be turned out not only to commemorative, but also beautiful. Often, several different people are attracted to the production - it is permissible. But it is better that these are people who are in the service and know the soldier's time of the day, the life of a soldier. Make them and civil, but less often.

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Army album do it yourself

The most valuable is the product to which the soldiers, and more precisely the future demob, was not even triggered. Usually ask for the help of talented colleagues. When the service comes to an end, it will simply give it. And as a promotion, the friends of the servant get the opportunity sometimes not to walk in the outfits and dare to sleep.

How to make a demobel album

Most basic

It is important to remember that there are no accurate rules in the design of such an album. First you need only a good fantasy. It is also necessary to determine what topic to devote to the product, in which kind of troops serves a soldier. The album can tell how the service began, which is over, the most memorable moments can be described.

This notebook may even be a diary of a soldier who dreams rather back to civilian life. What will be in the album, everyone chooses independently.

What should be in the army album


Now they offer ready-made solutions that you can buy and glue photos in them, write interesting stories or describe the sensations. But it is boring, and so I want something original. Therefore, it is better to work with your own hands. Such products are most often made from cardboard - the page of the album should be very strong and well to keep everything that they are pasted.

Album for a soldier with their own hands

Pre-page is covered with varnish, and there is a special paper paper between the sheets of cardboard. Making drawings on the varnish is quite difficult, so the toothbrushes are used, the needles for spraying paint. Now the pages are covered with varnish quite rarely, but the design is a long and time-consuming job. Also, pages can be covered with a ribbon of natural silk.

The covers are tightened with a cloth, then the inscriptions are applied by the chasing method. The whole design is bonded by large rings or bolts.

Soldier's album do it yourself

What should be in the album

First of all, this is a photo. It is with the help of photographs best to tell about all the services of service in the modern army. You need to use photos in a clear chronological order. So the entire path of the soldier from the first day and to the DMB is transferred.

Demobel album do it yourself

It should be noted that in the process of production of photographs in the service of soldiers can have problems. In other photos, except friends, secret objects can be captured - it is easy to extract the location of a particular part. Often for this reason, management representatives are searched so that such photographs are less and less.

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On the first few pages, when decorated, there is an order for the appeal to the army. On the last page placed an order about DBM. All this may be accompanied by beautiful and funny drawings.

Images must tell about the service in the army, often this caricature. The chronicle of the life of a soldier can be complemented by songs and verses.

Army album

On video: how to make a blank for the army album.

Dembel Album with your own hands (master class)

If you want to make your own hands the best army album, then below the instructions will help you. We will do this memorable product in the popular technique scrapbooking. The main thing is to remember that it should not complement such an album with too much of colorful decorations and details - everything should be in moderation, respectively, the subject.

What you need to work

Required materials and tools:

  • Ready decorated with a size of 20 × 30 cm;
  • Paper for scrapbooking, craft type paper, cardboard;
  • pictures for making decorative elements;
  • carving, metal accessories from the military;
  • Brads, Anchors, lover, equipment for making recordings;
  • acrylic paints, rope-beep;
  • scissors, knife, line, hole punch;
  • sewing machine.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Step-by-step instruction

Consider step by step, how to make an album for a soldier for memory or as a gift:

1. First cut the sheets of paper. Cardboard, which will be used as a substrate, cut at discretion. On the substrates you need to bend and cut the corners. Fill the album by half, and the remaining substrates add paper.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

2. Next, you need to stick photo cards from cardboard, and after they stick to supplement the seam on the machine. At the same stage we make layout. We gradually glue and sew each of the elements. If the decorative element is applied to the substrate without a photo card, then it should be flashed in advance and glued.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

3. Further Fresh Folded Details. On the page you need to make an incision and insert a pre-drone edge of the substrate. The twelka is used in the incision, the photo is sick, stitched from the front side. The photo holder can be carved from the cardboard a circle that is fixed by the chief. After sticking photos for the next page on the same principle as in the previous step.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

4. One of the folding elements we came out more than others, so we complement it with pictures and different inscriptions.

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Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

5. If the folding element is large, then it is fixed on the reverse side, and then sews to the page. Another side of the turn will have a lot of space for photographs that can be placed as you like. The substrate is glue from various paper, and the corners are punishing the hole.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

6. Further, in a convenient order, we place photos and after they are fixed. Some reversals will include more jewelry (gears) - they will be hidden under the upper photos. As decorative elements, the tape is well suited for a strip from cardboard - it can be easily put in any place.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

7. The instruction offers to add a highlight - this is an envelope for letters and photos about how the girl was waiting for a soldier. As a workpiece, we use kraft paper. It turns out the envelope - from the front side, the workpiece is not glued, but it is stitched by threads.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

8. Pictures stick inside the folding design of paper and flash. Then we glue the flap to the envelope and flash the central pictures. It remains only to glue the envelope to the base and add latest photos.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

9. One of the pictures of a soldier will definitely be a group that is not desirable to overlap with decorations and pictures. In this case, you can make a certain pocket directly for the photo. The snapshot we flash on the upper edge, then sample in the corners. All the remaining parties should also flash. In the resulting pocket, you can invest a sheet with colleagues.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

10. The last reversal is usually dedicated not even by order of DMB, but about a meeting with relatives. Decorative finish must fully comply. Decorative elements glue and flash. Next, all this passes along the edge and then stitched again.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

11. In conclusion, according to the instructions, you need to glue all the obtained pages to the base. You can decorate the cover at your discretion, the main thing is that the album turns out to be truly soldiers.

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

This is something like that with the help of materials that are easy to find in any store, you can make a good gift for the receipt of the DMB order. With this album, he will remember this day very long. What happened in the end, be sure to enjoy the soldier. How would you make such an album? We are waiting for comments, more photos of a beautiful cover, first reversal, in general, share a link to your work and articles.

Review of demobel albums (3 video)

Successful examples (48 photos)

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

Army album - the memory of the service and the best gift with your own hands

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