Upholstery headboard do-it-yourself: Features


It's hard to imagine a bedroom without a bed. The bed is a central element of the entire design of the interior of the bedroom, the rest of the furniture is formed around it, and it is she who creates the atmosphere of comfort, comfort and security. And the first thing that rushes into the eye at the entrance to the bedroom is a bed and her headboard, which acts as a kind of business card not only the bedroom, but also those who spend their most intimate moments in it. That is why only the upholstery of the bed will be able to convey both the character, and the mood of the owners of all housing.

Upholstery headboard do-it-yourself: Features

You can buy an exclusive bed for several tens, or even hundreds of thousand rubles, and you can make it myself, putting a little imagination and skill.

The manufacture of the head of the bed is not limited to its performance, except for the fancy of a homemade master design. As an upholstery, absolutely unexpected material can be used, the main thing is that the headboard made from it fit into the overall concept of the room design.


To work in pleasure, it is very important that all the necessary tools are always at hand, and it would not be worth worrying about where it lies. The tools will inevitably need such as:

  • Electric jigsaw with a set of removable canvases;
  • electric drill with a set of drills both on wood and metal;
  • Stapler furniture (it is construction);
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • Set of sewing accessories to work with decor.

Upholstery headboard do-it-yourself: Features

The width of the lower part of the headboard should be equal to the width of the bed frame, the upper part is manufactured in accordance with the designer idea.

From construction, decorative and consumables, it is necessary to stock in the required quantity:

  • plywood with a thickness of 8 to 12 mm for the foundation of the head of the head;
  • foamonal sheet thickness of at least 50 mm and more, for stuffing the head of the bed and the formation of its volume;
  • cloth for decorating;
  • technical tissue for the formation of the head of the head of the head;
  • a set of elements of the invented decor;
  • fastening material.

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Sequence of operations

The first step will be the creation of a flat bed frame design.

Upholstery headboard do-it-yourself: Features

The foam rubber is glued to the headboard with furniture glue, and on the edges it is fixed with brackets with a furniture stapler.

It is best to make his drawing and give it to the furniture workshop in order to make blanks there. This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of the design elements of the frame frame, it is necessary to use special machines and additional equipment. For example, the machine for applying the edge. The edge, of course, can be applied to the house with the help of gauze and iron, but she will not last long. Yes, and on safety, such work at home is not conducted.

Therefore, a detailed drawing is done, you can, since the hand, the design of the frames of beds is not distinguished by the complexity and diversity, the entire necessary material is purchased. If there is a desire to get rid of the extra charge of the workshop, then the assembly of the bed is made by their own hands at home at the installation site.

After resolving the issue with the frame, you begin to design the appearance and design of the headboard in the form, in which it seems. There are no restrictions in the fantasy flight, but in order for the bed and her headboard fit into the overall interior of the bedroom, it is necessary to adhere to certain laws of design art. For the classic style of the interior, a stuffed soft headboard with a wide variety of color solutions is suitable. But such headings are absolutely not fit into the Avangard or High-Tech style: in everything you need to know the measure.

The next stage of the work on the creation of bed will be the direct manufacture of the head of the bed. The starting point is the overall dimensions of the skeleton of the bed, which already should be to this stage of work is assembled and stand on the place where the finished bed will be standing.

Upholstery headboard do-it-yourself: Features

Cutting the head of the decorating material begins with the bottom of the head of the head. It is necessary to ensure that there is no distortion.

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The basis will serve as a sheet of plywood, whose width at the bottom (which will be attached to the frame), should be equal to the width of the bed, and the upper and width, and on curly design it must correspond to the selected design. It is at this stage of the work and will need an electric jigsaw to trim the Phaneur, and a drill to prepare landing places under the fastening bolts. Such holes should be minimal four.

For the convenience of cutting the shape of the head of the head, the template is made first. The contour is outlined, and the top of the plywood is cut into it with an electroll. If the situation allows, namely, if there are no other furniture in the room and there is an opportunity to open windows for airbag, then you can bring the cutting line to the perfect smoothness with the help of a grinding electric machine. Otherwise, simple sandpaper is used, for convenience packed on the bar.

Introduced the line of soft packing. A pack can be laid throughout the head of the head of the head or with departures from the edges.

With the full filling of the head of the head of the headboard, it is cut exactly along the contour of plywood. Then the foam rubbed to the plywood with special glue, which can be consulted in the workshop where the workpiece of the frame was made, and the perimeter is fixed with brackets with a stapler. Such a fastener fully guarantees the absence of soft upholstery shifts at all time.

Some features

Upholstery headboard do-it-yourself: Features

Furniture nails with curly caps are elements of headboard decoration. The contour is usually decorated with cloves and an ornament is created in the center of the head of the head.

The resulting design - the phaneer with the stovered foam - is tightened with decorating cloth. Fabric or other upholstery material should be selected taking into account its thickness and wear resistance, namely resistance to scuffs.

The fastening of the decorating material begins with the bottom of the head of the head. And bypassing all the corners of the form, moves up. The procedure for fastening the tissue is an extremely responsible stage of the work and requires increased accuracy and attention to prevent the material to prevent the material. The tension of the upholstery material should be the average degree of rigidity. To increase the reliability of fastening to the plywood in places of installation, the fabric is converted into two layers.

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Directly elements of decorating can serve furniture nails with curly caps, covered with tissue buttons and the like of the original heading decisions.

Furniture cloves usually cut the contour and create an ornament or a geometric shape in the center.

The fastening of the wrapped button of buttons occurs through the small holes that are done by a drill in plywood. In this case, only the array of the base passes the drill and does not come out of the foam rubber and upholstery.

The final stage of the work is the facing of the back of the head of the technical tissue. The mount is also made using a stapler. The fabric is cut with a tolerance of 10 mm, which is converted, and a bracket is driven into the resulting side. This method of attachment eliminates the appearance of threads from the line of cutting of technical tissue.

Bed frame can also be chopped by decorating material. It may be similar to that which was used in the manufacture of a headboard, or such that would harmoniously complement it.

If the headboard turned out to be massive, then it is necessary to think about the place of its additional attachment directly to the wall at the installation site of the bed. Mounting to the wall can be carried out with the help of loops fixed on the reverse side. At the same time, the headboard is first attached to the framework of the bed, and then inserted the screws into the wall in advance with the help of dowels in the wall.

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