What glue is better to glue wallpaper: expert opinion



Today, the use of wallpaper remains the most common way to finish an apartment interior. They possess numerous advantages, low enough (compared to many other types of finishes), and also differ in excellent quality. Naturally, this is all relevant only in cases where experienced professionals are engaged in the choice of cloths.

At the same time, the final result depends on how correctly the glue composition was chosen, since the success of the repair is guaranteed only if you know exactly what glue should be glued to wallpaper of a particular type. Much also depends on how much quality composition was selected. Moreover, it is not only about whether the products of which manufacturer you decide to prefer, but also how the bought is suitable for a specific type of wallpaper.

What glue is better to glue wallpaper: expert opinion

It is important to choose the right glue

Evalnamed are such characteristics as the environmental safety of purchased products, since care for their health, as well as the health of their loved ones, is one of the priority tasks.

So, what glue glue wallpaper? At the first stage, you must decide which of the varieties of the canvas you will be glued. From this will depend on the initial selection of glue. In addition, the products of different manufacturers can be completely different in chemical composition and be more (or less) safe to human health.

Remember that if you make an incorrect choice, it can affect the results of the repair, as well as for additional financial costs aimed at correcting errors and on the plywood of spoiled wallpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the process of selection and purchase with full responsibility so that there are no such trouble.

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Two groups of adhesive solutions

Depending on the scope of application, all types of wallpaper glue are divided into two large groups:

  1. Special compositions. They are manufactured for wallpapers made on the basis of a particular material (for example, phlizelin or vinyl, etc.), since it is best optimized for sticking a specific type of canvases. As a rule, the purpose is indicated by the manufacturer directly on the package or in the attached instruction.
  2. Universal formulations. They can be used for sticking almost any varieties of warehouse cloths. Many domestic companies producing such products achieve an acceptable price and quality ratio.

What glue is better to glue wallpaper: expert opinion

Glue is special and universal

As a rule, for greater clarity, manufacturers not only label such products by separate designations, but even use packaging with different designs or colors.

Classification of types of glue

So, let's stay in more detail on the examples of the use of adhesive compositions for various types of wobbly cloths: flieslinic, paper, vinyl, textile (tissue) and cork.

What glue should be glued paper wallpaper

It should be understood that paper wallpapers (more about their choice and sticking read in this section) refer to the category of the so-called. "Lungs". Therefore, when you come to a specialized store, ask the seller the packaging with the designation "for sticking light wallpaper."

Do not forget about such a traditional and many long-fashioned composition for sticking like a hubbler. Its only its feature is that after cooking it is desirable to use the whole resulting composition completely, because after a while he starts to lose his adhesive qualities. Therefore, it is better to prepare it in an amount sufficient at once. This composition is prepared, as a rule, from a mixture of starch and flour. Starch can be chosen both potato and corn.

What glue is better to glue wallpaper: expert opinion

You can cook glue yourself

An important condition is to prevent the solution to be overwhelmed, because it may complicate the work process. However, even if it happened, it is possible to correct the situation with the help of a gradual addition of a small amount of hot water. In this case, do not stop mixing the solution. It is also important to evict the hubble to complete readiness so that its adhesive properties are maximum. When it is prepared, it is recommended to use fine sieve to filter lumps and foreign impurities, as well as for the formation of a more homogeneous mixture.

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A mixture of CMC: a good familiar decision

One of the most common compositions in the current market for sticking paper crafts is CMC. In his favor, they say such advantages as quite acceptable quality associated with low cost. Visually represents white or slightly yellowish powder, with the possibility of long-term storage. Preparation of this mixture is carried out in enameled dishes.

By the way, the CMC also has another important advantage, especially in comparison with Cleaster. After cooking, it is not necessary to use all its volume at once. The remaining mixture can be used for a week, subject to its proper storage. And it is necessary to store it in a closed container.

What glue is better to glue phlizelin and vinyl wallpaper

These species refer to the so-called. "Heavy" canvases, which means: glue, which is used for paper wallpaper will not be used to work with them. Typically, large manufacturers produce separate product line, designed to stickers heavy sheets based on vinyl and phlizelin.

What glue is better to glue wallpaper: expert opinion

For each type of wallpaper their glue

The corresponding information is specified on the package. It is also allowed to use more acquaintances and traditional compositions, such as PVA or Bustylate.

Textile wallpaper glue

This type of cloth refers to very specific and involves the use of special adhesive compositions. If you do not have to find a special composition for tissue canvases, it is allowed to use analogs used for sticking vinyl or flieslinic canvases.

Clay wallpaper glue: what to pay attention to

If you plan to glue corkscrew wallpapers, you should take care of the purchase of appropriate glue, moreover, having increased adhesion, since cork rolls are sufficiently heavy. In cases where such products are not available, you can replace it with analogues based on acrylic, which, moreover, is distinguished by low levels of toxicity and do not make a sharp chemical smell.

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As for the prevalence in the market, the universal types of glue are certainly the most commonly encountered. On the other hand, sometimes their cost can exceed the price of specialized analogs. Be that as it may, when buying is best asked to ask specialists of a construction supermarket or online store on additional consultation, since in each particular case there may be special circumstances that require solving certain tasks. And only qualified specialists can assist in this.

Other varieties of wallpaper

In addition to the above, the market also has products for gluing the following types of cloths:
  • glazes;
  • light wallpaper;
  • wallpaper for the ceiling;
  • Bamboo and other rare varieties of cloths.

What is important to consider when choosing

So, what characteristics should high-quality glue for wallpaper? Below are the highlights to which you want to pay attention to:

  • It should not be brand and leave marks and stains in case of cauldron from entering the surface.
  • It is necessary that each packaging contains detailed instructions for the preparation and use of adhesive composition.
  • Operating characteristics of glue should not deteriorate with a change in the level of humidity indoors.
  • The composition should be able to withstand the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

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A wide variety of proposals that are available on the market today makes it possible to select the glue you need almost for any kind of cloths. Choose wallpaper glue becomes easier thanks to not only a wide range, but also because of the significant number of stores and Internet sites offering similar products. In them, you can count not only at favorable prices and full consultation, but also for all sorts of discounts and periodic accommodation.

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