Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose


Not everyone dares to use gray when making home interior, because, according to many, it testifies to excessive conservatism, as well as on the complete absence of fantasy. But those who feels in their design notes, understand that this is a universal shade, which can become an excellent background when making a calm and balanced room. In addition, the gray can be perfectly combined with curtains, but about what curtains are suitable for gray wallpaper We will tell a little lower. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with its main characteristics.

Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

Monochrome bedroom with spacious windows

Color feature

This universal shade is especially honored by the French, since in view of its versatility, it is applicable in any atmosphere, it has dark and bright facets, and is able to perfectly emphasize the beauty and feature of any interior.

At the heart of this faded shade, three bright colors - blue, green, red. And depending on the degree of brightness of each of the components, it is possible to obtain the desired color: wet asphalt, steel, silver, pearlescent, gray, and other, no less interesting tones. This rule uses many designers when creating an extraordinary, unforgettable environment.

The main positive qualification is the maximum combination with other representatives of the color circle, each of the color companions acquires additional expressiveness.

Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

Bedroom with open windows

Use in different rooms

Apply gray background can be practically in all rooms:

  • In the kitchen, it emphasizes the overall tidiness and cleanness of the owners;
  • The living room with it acquires the missing elegance, the feeling of calmness, well, the premises itself gets special refinement and brightness. For registration, it is best to use more sophisticated shades of beige, gray and white, and bright accents are made using successfully selected curtains, pillows, accessories;
  • The setting of the bedroom with it becomes the most relaxing, soothes, and it is best to give preference to pearl and bright shades, adding them to romantic textiles, multiple baubles.
  • Baby with him becomes more calm and free, so it is limited to use gray here. For example, darker color shades will create unnecessary pressure on psycho-emotional state, reduce children's activity. In children, this color is associated with the disease, passivity and boredom. If the child has a hyperactive nature, it is recommended to choose something from the neutral shades of the base color, evenly distributing it with color and saturated elements.
  • In the working office, he will emphasize the solemn and business environment. During the design of working areas it is worth using smoky and steel shades.

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Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

Pretty gloomy lounge dark gray

Textile decoration

When creating any interior, first of all, you need to remember the harmonious combination of shades used. And if the room is provided with gray wallpaper, then what curtains and textiles should be used as an additional design?

To exclude monotony, it is necessary to dilute clean gray brighter and saturated color circle representatives. As a result, it is possible to create such a combination that will emphasize an unusual designer approach, will save the room from boredom and everyday everyday life. The most harmonious, and at the same time, simple combinations are white and black color, but, of course, do not give up from other, more interesting color compositions.

Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

Monochrome but quite comfortable interior

A special role in the interior design is assigned to textiles, and it is always difficult to decide which curtains to choose under gray wallpaper. Red, orange or yellow it is best to use for wallpaper more modest gray shade. A similar combination is welcome, especially in the kitchen or in the dining room. As for the interior design in the living room, using a similar color combination, it is necessary to take care of additional subjects of the decor, which will also have a bright shade.

The absence of excessive parts will help create a luxury interior in Art Deco style. Well, if you make in the overall interior elements of black color, then it turns out a great modern minimalist interior.

Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

Curtain transparency makes the interior spacious

Church selection

On the choice of suitable curtains under the gray wallpaper, you need to take care as early as possible. Usually, it is necessary to be guided by the following components: color, shape, style. As a rule, gray wallpapers allow the use of a curtain of any type: Italian, French, Roman, Austrian. All of them can be very successful and harmoniously used in modern styles, ranging from the classics, and ending with modern.

So, to emphasize the subtlety of taste, it is worth using Austrian curtains, and French will need for pompous. If it comes to a minimalist style, then lightweight Roman curtains look great.

Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

Gray palette of flowers

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Curtain color

Each of the premises in the house has its own functional purpose: bedroom - for recreation, office - for work, living room - for meetings and techniques, kitchen - for cooking dishes and tea drinking. Based on this, you need to select and color in which the window is issued.

To get a more lively and rich interior, you should turn to violet, green and pink shades. Do not forget about accessories that make the room finished and complete.

The same who prefers to surround themselves with a classic, should pay attention to more muted shades of cream, beige, sandy, blue, white or pink. Similar color combinations create a harmonious, cozy atmosphere.

Gray wallpapers: what curtains are better to choose

No curtain adds space

Curtains in different rooms

The color of the curtains may depend on the type of room:

  1. Bedroom - so that it is more romantic, you can combine pink curtains with gray wallpaper. Also in the room should be present pink color on the walls and elements of furniture and design;
  2. The living room - a purple tone is more appropriate here to gray, and what is brighter, the more saturated should be the wallpaper.
  3. The kitchen - yellow curtains are asked here, since this tone not only pleases the eye, but also contributes to improving appetite, and in combination with gray - soothes.

Very harmonious combinations are obtained when used not two-, but tricolor combinations. Designers recommend using a combination of white, gray, black when decoring the living room. So now you better understand what curtains to choose to wallpaper gray. We wish you a good repair!

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