Plastic curtains: types and their use


Plastic curtains are widely used for various needs. Polymer materials are firmly entered into our lives and in many cases are simply indispensable. Plastic products have excellent performance. They are very practical, do not absorb dirt, do not let moisture. Have an optimal service life.

Plastic curtains: types and their use

Functionality and role in the interior

Plastic curtains are made of transparent polyvinyl chloride fabric. Most of them have a smooth smooth surface. Curtains can be completely transparent or have colored inserts. There are even corrugated models. They are more resistant to wear compared to conventional options by about 2 times. We also produce strip curtains that are separate PVC tapes.

Plastic curtains can be used both indoors and outdoor facilities. Such curtains mainly apply:

  • in bathrooms;
  • in arbors, verandas, terraces, summer cafes;
  • in warehouses;
  • on car wash;
  • in other places.

Plastic curtains are used for different purposes. Their main task is to perform protective functions, and they are perfectly coping with it.

PVC curtains have the following purpose:

  1. Protect the room or part of the water and various contaminants;
  2. serve as a thermal veil, prevent wind penetration, cold;
  3. They act as partitions: with the help of such a curtain, a single space is divided into part, isolating one from another.

Depending on the purpose of the curtains of plastic differ in appearance and properties: strength, durability and other indicators. They can also have different fasteners. For example, a bathroom curtains are not subject to special mechanical effects, so they have less strength than industrial analogs.

Plastic curtains: types and their use

Bathroom curtains

The advantage of plastic curtains is their ability to prevent moisture penetration. Therefore, they are used in the bathroom to protect against splashes and foam while taking the soul. They are a transparent canvas. A drawing can be applied to the surface. There are even models with special pockets in which various accessories can be stored. Such curtains will help save space of small bathrooms.

Unlike other types of curtains, PVC samples have several advantages. They are more durable, easily clean, do not absorb dirt, very quickly dry due to a smooth surface. It will not develop various fungi, including mold. In addition, the curtains are safe, since the material does not secrete harmful substances.

The installation process of the curtain is quite simple. Such curtains are attached with a rod. It can be made of plastic, metal, wood. The first option is the most practical. For fixing the canvas on the rod use special plastic rings. At the top edge of the curtain there are holes for consolidation. To select better models that have holes are plastic, since the metal can overreweigh from the moisture.

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Plastic curtains have an affordable cost. The service life is about 3-5 years. Then they can be replaced without any problems with a new interesting option. Seam plastic curtains only manually. The water temperature must be no more than 40 degrees. Drying is carried out in a painted form, hanging the curtain on the bar.

Plastic curtains: types and their use

Plastic curtains for veranda and arbors

The hosts of private houses are often elevated in the garden various buildings. For the veranda, terraces, arbors are characterized by the presence of large light openings. The glazing of such buildings is the process of time consuming, requires significant material costs. Now the so-called soft windows are increasingly used for these purposes. They are plastic curtains from transparent polyvinyl chloride. There are also colored analogs. This variant of the curtain is used not only in the private structure, but also for different street cafes, restaurants.

Plastic street curtains are characterized by the following properties:

  • possess good strength and reliability;
  • Protect from various weather phenomena;
  • paste sunlight;
  • prevent the penetration of various insects, birds;
  • Capable to withstand both minus temperatures and elevated summer.

Plastic curtains are not worse than glass windows protect from various weather factors: rain, strong wind. In addition, they prevent the penetration of ultraviolet in sunny days and retain heat even in frosty weather. At the same time, protective street curtains practically do not shadow the construction, possess high traffic lights. You can enjoy the rest on the veranda or a gazebo from spring to late autumn. The curtains even use all year round, as they are not afraid of frost. PVC material is quite durable and environmentally friendly. It is resistant to ruptures, stretching, as well as the effects of atmospheric phenomena and heat. Street curtains are not afraid of a gusty wind, shower, hail.

There are various designs of Curtains:

  • samples with lightning;
  • models that can be collected into a roll;
  • Options that are moving to the side.

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Lightning canvas are very convenient for installation at the entrance. They allow you to keep warm in buildings. For other light openings, curtains are used, which, if necessary, gather up into a roll and fixed with straps.

Plastic models are easily and quickly mounted. The installation time depends on the square of the arbor or veranda. Installation takes only a few hours. For fixing soft windows use reliable fasteners. Curtains can be installed using straps and brackets, cable with carbines or aluminum profiles with rollers. Plastic curtains are easy to open partially or completely. You can even remove them when necessary. Such curtains are well cleaned with soapy.

From the point of view of designer design, plastic street curtains are suitable for arbors and veranda performed in various styles, as they practically do not change the appearance of structures. Made curtains of various shapes, sizes and shades. Transparent options are attached to the structure of lightness. Colored samples will make it possible to realize any ideas. Optionally, you can apply the drawing on the curtains. Also combine the models of various color and traffic lights. Often there are curtains from combined materials. For these purposes, using high frequency currents, combine transparent and colored materials. A neat seam is formed at the junction.

Plastic curtains: types and their use

Curtains for warehouses, car washes and industrial facilities

PVC curtains are very durable and durable. Therefore, they are used on car wash, warehouses and various industrial facilities.

PVC Industrial Application Curtains meet the following types:

  • strip options;
  • solid canvas.

In many industrial premises, the warehouses are acute the issue of saving energy consumption for heating rooms. Through massive doorways constantly passes the cargo technique, people. As a result, a significant part of the heat is lost. In this case, special plastic strip curtains come to the rescue. They are also called thermal veins. Curtains are installed both in external openings and internal. They are transparent PVC film stripes. Such curtains have become a modern alternative to various lifting and swollen gates. Any technique can pass through them, and then the bands are returned to its original position. No need to spend time on the opening and closing of heavy structures. In addition, only part of the passage is reached, which reduces heat loss.

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In addition to preserving the microclimate, the curtains can protect against noise, dust, smoke. They can also be used to separate the premises on the plots. Products have low weight. The installation of such samples is sufficient. Mount the curtains in the top of the opening or to the ceiling. Plastic ribbons can be of different widths and recorded onlaves. Each of the bands remains movable. Any of them is easy to replace if necessary.

Cutting curtains for car washes can separate certain working sections at different stages of cleaning, so that the dirt does not go into other compartments. Such curtains are used in car service for the separation of large rooms on the parts intended for various types of repair. In warehouses, such curtains can protect racks with products from dust and exposure to other factors. In this case, the transparent material allows visual control.

PVC curtains are no less common, which are a solid canvas. They act as partitions, walls. Curtains are transparent, colored, combined. You can apply various logos, inscriptions, drawings on the curtains. They can be seen at work, warehouses, in car services, exhibition halls, trading areas and other places.

Plastic curtains were widely used due to their practicality, as well as excellent performance. They are used both in everyday life and industrial scales. Comparatively low cost, light weight, easy installation allowed PVC curtains to become a modern alternative to windows, doors and rigid partitions.

Plastic curtains have a number of useful properties. They do not allow to penetrate their moisture limits, cold, dust, dirt. Some degree isolate noise. Street and industrial options are able to withstand various loads, possess sufficient strength, durability. They are resistant to temperature differences, can be operated under modes from -35 to 50 degrees.

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