Features of the choice of furniture for the office of the head


Cabinet director - a special place in the office of the company. In fact, this "face" of the company in which it can be judged not only about the respectability of the enterprise, but also the approach of management to solve business tasks. Accordingly, the furnishings in the room should be perfect. To buy furniture for the head in Moscow, many companies are offered, but it is not always possible to find a high-quality and inexpensive product that will satisfy the needs of the office.

Zoning of the room

If the office is spacious enough, it should be divided into three zones:

  1. Working. Here you will definitely have a table and chair. The chair must provide adjustment in height, as well as the backrest setting. A comfortable chair is equipped with head restraints and armrests. In the work area, cabinets for storing papers are installed, additional consoles for peripherals are placed if necessary.
  2. Negotiating. A separate sector, the main part of which will be a conference table. Its form must be comfortable. Also, the table is completed with the necessary number of chairs.
  3. Rest zone. In this case, we are talking about the place for informal negotiations. Recreation area can be equipped with upholstered furniture.

If the room is small, several zones can be combined. For example, the installation of the T-shaped table will combine the space for work and negotiations.

Features of the choice of furniture for the office of the head

Features of the choice of furniture

This is the key subject of the office. As a rule, the director's desk is much larger, compared with furniture for other employees. It is distinguished by massive legs and a large tabletop, equipped with a tab. Additional small tables can be provided for subordinates.

A no less important role is played by a chair. It is desirable that it is also massive and high. So that the boss felt comfortable, the chair should be technically perfect. For the production of furniture used familiar, but durable materials. Depending on the budget, the upholstery is made from genuine leather or high-quality substitute. Also in the chair is provided for a pneumatic device for lifting seating, in some cases - armrests.

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As for the cabinet, he should not take a lot of space. The main documentation is stored in other offices, and the Chief may have securities. Cabinets are used primarily to create a presentability atmosphere. If the furniture is equipped with glass doors, they can be beautifully placed on them, books. It is important that the wardrobe is made of high quality and durable material.

Features of the choice of furniture for the office of the head

Separately, it should be said about the sofa. If we are talking about the office for the head, it should be soft, comfortable, made of natural wood and trimmed skin. Depending on the size of the room, the sofa can be both a small double and more spacious angular.

Primary requirements

The criteria for which you need to rely on the setting of the director's room:

  1. Presentability. Often it is the Cabinet of the head forms the impression of business partners about the company. The design concept must be united. An expensive headset indicates the possibility of a company to spend money, as well as its stability and profits.
  2. Comfort. Tables, chairs and sofas are selected taking into account ergonomics and functionality. Of course, the boss must be comfortable in its place.
  3. High quality. Natural or veneered tree is an ideal option for a headset to the office of the head. Possible combination of materials with stone, glass or metal. Plastic is better to avoid. Armchairs must be trimmed with skin or natural expensive textiles.

Of course, the design must comply with the specifics of the company. The color gamma plays the last role. Headsets in wood or acromatic colors are considered universal and suitable for any interior. Interior accessories can be used to create visual accents. When choosing a style, you should also focus on the activities of the enterprise.

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