Austrian Curtain: We sew your own hands


The Austrian Curtain will perfectly fit into the interior, made in the classic, Mediterranean or Californian style, Neuroko or even options on the topic of country or Provence. Almost four hundred year old history of these curtains practically did not affect the principal design. They are an extremely successful combination of Roman and French curtains, combining practicality and convenience with pomp and solemnity of forms.

Today, Austrian curtains are distinguished by a democratic choice of fabrics. Unlike its historical predecessors, which sewed exclusively from very dense and expensive materials - satin, velvet, brocade, wool - modern options can be made of a variety of tissues. A simple lifting mechanism that has become much easier to operate due to modern designs, played a significant role in the growth of the popularity of the Austrian curtains.

Austrian Curtain: We sew your own hands

Features of the Austrian curtains

In the insufficient form, Austrian curtains are smooth, painted canvas. It is attached to the rail eaves, which pass control cords, descending on the canvas from top to bottom along horizontal lines and crossed in rings. The chain-lift control mechanism fixes the cloth at different heights. With such a system of cords, the fabric rises in whole or in part, forming lush folds. Therefore, the Austrian curtains are often called the fester.

Business card of the Austrian curtains - suitable cords decorated with lush brushes and digesions.

The cloth curtains can be of different lengths. If you want to achieve a greater decorative effect, the curtains should be practically before the floor so that it can be collected in the fold, without opening the windowsill. For less solemn premises, the curtain can be done somewhat shorter. In this case, only part of the window is closed in the progress of the curtain. Depending on whether the canvas is completely raised or only slightly, the fabric forms beautiful folds at the bottom of the window opening or in the eaves.

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Sew Austrian curtains with their own hands - the task is quite sat even for those who only recently mastered the sewing machine.

Austrian Curtain: We sew your own hands

How to choose a cloth?

Sew the Austrian Cover can be almost from any material. Here are some tips for choosing fabric.

  • Organza, veil, chiffon and tulle make a slope light and weightless. These fabrics are well draped, leave a lot of light. If necessary, curtains from such translucent materials can be supplemented with a dense classical porter.
  • Very beautiful, the canvas from the transfusion synthetic fabrics look. Artificial silk, tight atlas, brocade - such an Austrian curtain looks spectacular and festive.
  • Satin, Flax, Tight Sitz and even tick can also serve as a good material for the Austrian curtains. They will be appropriate in the premises decorated in the style of Country, Provence or Scandinavian - where natural materials are present.
  • If there is a need to use heavy tissues, then choose one-photon cloths, soft enough to provide beautiful smooth drapery in the festo. Most often, velvet or wool uses for these purposes.


Choosing material, take into account its plasticity. To get lush, air folds take well-draped fabrics like a veil. If you want to place a window with rigid, well-holding form by Festonians, then stop your choice on more dense matters - satin, brocade, satin.

As for colors, the Austrian curtains are usually performed from a monophonic web. A nonsense printed drawing is possible, it should be evenly repeated throughout the cut. Sometimes use cloth with a monotonous repeating pattern, but in this case it is necessary to clearly represent how the web will look like a closed form. Often a large drawing is used only in the top of the curtains so that it is not going to the fold.

Austrian Curtain: We sew your own hands

What do you need?

So, the cloth is selected. What else will need to sewing the Austrian curtains, except for the web? The list of necessary materials is as follows:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors, needles and threads;
  • curtain braid;
  • tape for assembly with rings;
  • nylon cords;
  • Cord clamps.

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The cornice can be purchased in the store or make it yourself. For the cornice you will need:

  • Wooden bar in the width of the curtains;
  • Screws with rings (minimum 5 pieces).

Such a bar is sewn into the upper edge of the curtains and fasten over the window opening with screws.

Sometimes a lining is used for the Austrian curtain. The lining material is sewn to the offside of the curtains, it can be half or two thirds of the length of the canvas.

Austrian Curtain: We sew your own hands

Technology tailoring

We will analyze how to sew the easiest version of the Austrian curtains. Here is a step-by-step instruction of sewing.

  1. Well divide the material.
  2. Collect fabric. The lateral pods leave 2-3 cm, on the lower edge - about 6 cm. The width of the curtains should be 2-2.5 times the width of the window opening. The length of the eaves to the lower point is about one and a half times more - depending on the intended design.
  3. Processing the side edges with a double bending of 1-1.5 cm wide.
  4. Place the width of the sections. It is 25-35 cm.
  5. With a chalk or graphite pencil conduct vertical lines on the markup.
  6. The lines take the assembly braid, retreating 3 cm from the top edge. If there is no special tape, then you can sew an ordinary braid, and on it plastic rings of a small diameter in a step of 12 cm. The first rings are placed with an indent from the lower edge of the curtains of 3 cm.
  7. It is estimated by the parallelism of all lines and feed the braid on the typewriter.
  8. Processing bottom curtains double bending. Take up approximately 1.5x1.5 cm
  9. The curtain tape is sewn last. The top of the canvas is twice with the inside, we take to it with a tape. The material is smoothed by drawing attention to the fact that the tape lay exactly and not wrinkled the canvas. After that, it is sewn for a typewriter.

The curtain on the rail cornice is attached. The cords are drawn in the rings on the braid and on the cornice. You can purchase decorative elements in the form of brushes, clamps for cords. To facilitate the curtain assembly, there is a special lifting mechanism that is attached to the top of the cords and is displayed on the side of the canvas. In this case, the curtain will rise in one movement.

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For beauty to the bottom, the curtains are sewn, decorative braid or fringe. If the curtain is made of lightweight fabric, then you can sew down the canvas small weights.

Austrian Curtain: We sew your own hands

Austrian curtains combine beauty and practicality. Completed from light fabrics, they give the interior festive mood and leave a lot of light indoors. Sew Austrian curtains can be used. The highlight of the author's product will give various accessories - lush brushes for cords, original rush or braid on the bottom of the canvas.

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