Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation


Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

The sanitary node of each house and the apartment is necessarily equipped with a toilet bowl. But what exactly? Today their variety is so great that it is not so easy to decide on the choice. We will talk about suspended models that have recently enjoy the greatest demand.


Suspended toilet - this is the result of the development of modern technologies in the sphere of plumbing. Such products allowed to solve many problems, as well as implement a number of new design ideas. Therefore, they are mostly in the apartments and houses of young couples, those who keep up with the times and wishes to combine new trends with practicality.

The main advantages include:

  • The lightweight cleaning process, because after installing the plumbing, it is not difficult to get a cloth to the corners, hard-to-reach places to wash the floor there;
  • The floor may have heating, if there is a need for this;
  • It does not have to disturb the integrity of the floor tile;
  • Communications and even the tank hide behind the wall, therefore the room acquires a more aesthetic and pleasant appearance;
  • The product maintains a lot of weight, despite the seeming airiness of plumbing.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation


But there are soils and some shortcomings:

  1. Installing the built-in toilet requires overhaul. Therefore, it is assembled mainly when a full-scale change in the apartment is organized.
  2. The installation price is slightly higher than the installation of the usual toilet, but there is a lot of additional costs, you will have to pay more time.
  3. You need to pay for plumbing, installation, as well as for the work itself on their installation.
  4. This system is installed with old houses, it is not recommended with old communications, because to gain access to them will have to disassemble the wall to eliminate the fault.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation


This type of toilet bowl has its own characteristics and nuances of operation, repair and installation:

  1. The top valve plumbing should be located about 40-45 cm from the floor.
  2. The distance between the holes under the fastener is two types - 230 and 180 centimeters.
  3. The plum button is installed on the front or on the side of the tank panel. If you remove this key, you will be able to get to the inner reinforcement.
  4. When the float fails, the design of the suspension toilet provides drainage. Through it, excess water goes into the bowl.
  5. Almost every modern model of such a toilet is equipped with a system of economical fluid flow. It happens two types - with a double key or one, the pressing level on which regulates the volume of the fluid being drained.

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Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation


There are three types of toilet bowls, the main difference between which is precisely in their sizes:

  • The most compact model length is 52 cm. They are relevant in small bathrooms. But the most successful in terms of saving space are angular models;
  • The average products have a length of 54-60 centimeters. Today they are most popular because they meet the needs of the average person;
  • In the range of many manufacturers there are elongated models. Their size is about 72 cm. They are intended for people with disabilities, old people. But if you have both children and old people in your house, such a toilet is not suitable for kids. Be sure to pride the stools for the child so that it does not fall into the bowl.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

In addition, such toileties are distinguished by the type of installation on which they are mounted:

  • Outdoor. This type of installation can be fixed only on the floor;
  • Corner. Made in the form of a prism, which allows the mounting in the corner;
  • Wasted. They have a frame fixed on the wall and the floor at the same time.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

What weight is it withstanding?

Many people fear to choose suspension models, because they are worried about their unreliability and inability to withstand the large weight of a large person.

In fact, these experiences are in vain, because the apparent airiness is not real.

If you install everything correctly, as well as choose a product of a proven manufacturer, then the design without problems will end the load of 400 kilograms.

Water saving

Considering the current cost of utilities, the issue of saving in Plumbing has reached a completely new level. It is not surprising that so-off toilet faces so seriously, trying To achieve high efficiency of flushing while minimizing water loss.

As we have noted, almost all modern suspended models are equipped with liquid saving systems. IN The usual mode of the toilet displays 9 liters into the bowl, and when saving - two times less. Having a water meter in the house, you quickly feel the difference in water consumption.

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Systems of savings are somewhat different from those that are installed in conventional open-type toilet. It is the difference in reliability. Manufacturers understand that access to the reinforcement is limited very strongly, because the system must be as reliable and durable.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Tips for choosing

To make the right choice, you should pay attention to several basic nuances for buying a built-in toilet:

  1. Material. Today manufacturers are ready to offer you products from glass, stainless steel, plastic, cast iron, and so on. Despite similar sophisticated materials, each of them has substantial disadvantages. Therefore, the optimal option is ceramics.
  2. The form. The taste and color, as they say ... You need to choose the form only to you yourself, it does not make any sense to give the Council. Just make sure that the product has no sharp corners, as well as complex forms, since it will be more difficult to care for them.
  3. Wash system. Most often, water moves forward from the tank, flushing everything in its path. But it is better to give preference to a circular flush. It does not create splashes, more efficiently washes a bowl.
  4. Armature. Only high quality and reliable. And today you can choose between the mechanical and pneumatic system. The first is better because it is more reliable and more durable.
  5. Manufacturers. We will not make an advertisement to this or another brand, but simply orient you at the prices. Products up to 300 dollars are products of Chinese companies and some domestic. Nothing unusual, just functional toilets without special design sizes. Optimally choosing at a price of from 300 to 500 dollars. Reliable, firmly, durable and efficient. But products at a price of 500 dollars are most often designer toilets. They are not always comfortable, but the most beautiful and unusual.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation


Installation of such a plumbing product is better to entrust specialists. They can be installed on the bearing walls or partitions made specifically under the bathroom.

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There are three types of installation:

  • Standard. Made from RAM and supports based on durable metal;
  • Special, created for corner toilets. Mounting them are somewhat more complicated, but they have their indisputable advantages and advantages. First of all, in the question of saving space inside the sanitary node;
  • Rail. Made in the form of rails, which is installed not only to the toilet, but also other plumbing. In ordinary apartments, it is rare enough, since we have the same bidets or urinas have not yet entered our use, used only by a small percentage of people in their own homes. Rather, it is the prerogative of public institutions.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

The tank of the system is made of high strength plastic representing a simple canister. But it has a thermal pump, which prevents the formation of condensate.

The product is not so problematic as some think:

  • First, the frame is mounted and firmly fix it on the floor and wall, depending on the installation;
  • Screwed hairpins for plumbing;
  • The frame is covered with moisture-resistant drywall or other facing materials;
  • Montus then the toilet, isolate the studs;
  • Perform an finishing finish.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

But it is still better to entrust work to professionals that will help you competently choose the installation, give a few tips on the purchase of plumbing, and will also prompt the nuances of its installation onto this or that wall of your sanitary node.

Suspended toilets are in demand today, and there is a number of logical explanations. But is it suitable for you, or should it be limited to more than standard solutions? Think, choose and buy.

Suspended toilet: Features of choice and installation

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