Toilet bowls


Toilet bowls

Options for toilet bowls in modern stores of sanitary equipment at least debug. And in all this variety you need to understand, in order to correctly choose the plumbing for your home. Today we will talk about toilet bowls with oblique release.

What is it?

Spit output, that is, an element through which the stock from the bowl is given to the sewer pipe, can be located at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees relative to the floor.

Such products are often found in the bathrooms of domestic production, our manufacturers are actively producing them. It is due to the fact that many typical multi-storey houses are equipped with such a removal system, that is, it is an ideal to the toilet-type toilet device.

Toilet bowls


It is noted that the main advantages of such plumbing are versatility and reliability. But there are other advantages:

  • They rarely clogged, constant cleaning system is not required;
  • Pollution easily go into sewage due to weak resistance;
  • When installing, two wheels are used, the rotation angle is 45 degrees. This is noticeably more efficient than one knee of 90 degrees;
  • Easy installation is also important dignity. There is no clear point for connecting. This significantly simplifies the task with the inaccuracy of the arrangement of the graduation termination;
  • Wide prevalence. It is not a problem for finding a similar product. Because if the old toilet broke, buy a new one with a similar issue will not have. Consequently, it will not be necessary to change the discharge.

Toilet bowls

Toilet bowls


But there are certain disadvantages from oblique issues:
  • If the old toilet came into disrepair, and in his place you took a product with another type of release, it may be necessary to capitalize the sewage tap to connect the product;
  • The quality of corrugations play an important role. If it is bad, there are cracks over time and this will entail leaks.

There are no products in the rest of the negative sides.


In an apartment building, the highway has already been mounted at the construction stage, because oblique toilet is not always suitable under it. The only solution is to reconstructure. But for many it is easier to simply pick up a plumber with a suitable release, rather than perform such a difficult job.

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Exhaust pipes are mounted at an angle of 45 or 30 degrees. Due to this, choose the optimal toilet is not difficult. The universality of oblique toilets makes them preferably a number of analogs, since they are easier to connect to standard sewage.

The peculiarities of this kind of products is the presence of a monoblock or separate design.

  1. Separate toilets provide a separate location of the tank and bowls. . This makes it possible to vary the installation, perform different interior tasks, make the space of the room visually more. After all, the tank can be mounted into the wall, or consolidate it on a convenient height. Also, separate models provide more efficient washing, as water moves down at high speed. In this regard, they surpass monoblocks.
  1. Monoblock. Its device is clear from the name. The bowl and toilet form form a single whole. Mount it easier, plus the type of product has modern. Plus, care is easier for it. As for the shortcomings, they include higher cost, as well as the need for greater space. Visually, they look not as compact as separate.

Toilet bowls

Toilet bowls

Better to choose with microlift?

The microlift system is provided on the toilet lid. With it, you will receive a number of advantages:

  • You will not disturb the sound from the falling cover. Going at night to the toilet, sometimes it is impossible to keep track of her, and she falls into the bowl with a rumble. From such noise, the family will probably wake up. And if you have a small child, you will no longer go to sleep;
  • The microlift protects the bowl and all the toilet from damage. They can be formed as a result of a sharp drop of the lid;
  • You can avoid cracks, chips, noticeably extend the life of the product.

Therefore, the choice in favor of microlift is completely justified. This is a modern solution that is useful to a big family with children.

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Toilet bowls


Even modern plumbing devices cannot protect you from splashing. This is not the most pleasant phenomenon, because it is advisable to fight it.

Unfortunately, the deception can be touched already in the store of plumbing. A number of manufacturers go to cunning marketing steps, emphasizing a lot of attention on the terms of Antif Slept. That is, you can easily buy a toilet, which in fact this system will not be equipped with.

Therefore, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the essence. It is in the nuances of the geometry of the discharge hole. It shifts in some direction. It makes a pole of water minimal. As a result, splashes are excluded.

Toilet bowls

Without spray

Does any communication issue and splashes in the toilet? Absolutely no. No way one does not affect one. All entirely depends on the shape of the bowl.

Severe three types of form:

  • With shelves;
  • With slopes;
  • Voroknoye.

In the case of the last type, the drain hole is in the center. If a shape with a slope, then drains closer to one of the sides. And the shelves are applied in our time extremely rare, because they have serious shortcomings. Because of them, they cannot encounter competition to other species.

Choose a form, focusing on your own needs and desires. They are individual, because we cannot give specific recommendations on this score.

Toilet bowls

Toilet bowls

Toilet bowls


Toilet bowls that have a oscillate release type may differ among themselves to several features.

one. Material. The most popular is porcelain and faience dressed. They are widespread, but are characterized by disadvantages - excessive moisture absorption, due to which the color changes, texture, crack occur. Analogs are plastic, acrylic models, which cannot be brushed into any abrasive brushes. Dear models are made of stone, metal. Beautiful, but completely impractical.

2. The form. There are several types:

  • Visors. Create a minimum spray when the water is descent;
  • Tarbed. Do not require a large amount of water for washing due to the location of the drain nozzle;
  • Funnel. They need care because they form a lot of splashes during plum.

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3. Water submission. It is divided into lateral and lower. The latter is preferable because it creates less noise when filling the tank.

four. Wash. There are three options - permanent, managed or dosed. The dosage flushing allows you to choose how much water will go to the wash. Adjustable will allow you to stop the wash manually. Save fluid.

five. Carrying water. It happens a circular or solid. A circular flow is more efficiently washes the bowl, plus does not lead to the formation of splashes. Choose this better.

Toilet bowls

Toilet bowls


Run the installation of the oblique toilet can be three ways. About each of them we will tell you more.

  1. Direct connection to the squabble. The method is relevant if all connections are perfectly coincide, that is, you do not have to move the plumbing to the side. It is important to competently calculate the location of the termination. Apply a special cuff, depending on which the sewer pipe is plastic or cast iron. Lubricate the release of soap, shove into the fool, to which the cuff is installed in advance. Then he will simply fix the product on the floor.
  1. With the help of eccentric. This same fool, just a bit with a displaced center and installed sealing. It is necessary to rotate eccentric inside the release to shift it left or right by 5 cm. Similarly, moves up or down. A convenient element that allows you to connect the toilet, even if there are small incisions.
  1. Corrugation. Eccentric enables the displacement only for a short distance, and the corrugation opens broad horizons. In some cases, corrugations unfold toilets 90 degrees regarding the sewer release. But this method has a disadvantage - the toilet has to be removed from the wall, because the area occupied by the product indoors. This method refers to a cardinal, when no other connection option is not possible.

Toilet bowls

Toilet bowls

As you can see, oblique release has its advantages, disadvantages and key features. Carefully approach the issue of choice so that the connection is carried out as simple as possible without unnecessary temporary and financial costs.

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