Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]


Keanu Reeves. Charming, beloved, talented Hollywood actor. Removed in films that were loved on all over the world. Handsome and hearts, one of the most enviable grooms. But at the same time very modest, having an incredible sense of tact. Dress up in a poorly, the crowd of security does not surround himself. What do millions adore him for? - For readiness, always and everywhere to help, help out of trouble, support even people who are not familiar to him. Of course, about him, as about all public personalities, there are many rumors, tell stories. For example, he can easily hand out strangers on the street. Or ride in the subway, preferring public transport with steep cars. Everyone is interesting to his personal life. Also, fans want to know where and how he lives. Does he have a house? Or is it an apartment? How is everything arranged inside? Cozy, comfortable or just bachelor's burgrel? In this article we will respond to questions of interest to the fans. And everyone, probably, it will be interesting to know a little more about this person.

Apartment in New York. Guest at the sister in Los Angeles

Despite the fact that Keanu Rivz has long become a star, the villa, clearly laid in terms of income, for the status, was not long. Apartment in New York, in Manhattan, with windows leaving on the central park. And that's it. More real estate. Arriving in Los Angeles, sometimes he stayed in hotels, friends, but more often - at the sister, in her family. It was there that he was good, calm.

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Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

Important! Keanu has long been in the status of the star, and money is enough. But it never had his goal, a life support. Here are some statements of the actor: "Money is just a tool, we buy freedom for them." Or so: "Money is the last thing I think about."

Chateau Marmort.

So it lasted until 2003. Keanu still bought himself a villa on Hollywood hills. His neighbors are famous Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Aniston. The cost is estimated at 5,000,000 dollars. The residence is called "Chateau Marmort", which translated from French means Marsh Castle.

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

For yourself and guests

This dwelling is not intended for the single-single replacement. Friends visiting the star - the case is usual. And for them - all the amenities. This is evidenced by the presence of 4 bedrooms, 4-bathrooms. Keanu is always friendly. Even when to him, in his personal space, irrevocable visitors make their way. Several times he found a fan lady, nicely communicated with them and sent the ravis. But once, I had to cause an urgent guest for an inadequate guest.

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

For relax

How without the pool? - Great, beautiful, sophisticated finish and views of the city. Yes! You can swim and contemplate the neighborhood of Hollywood!


Keanu Rivz is a big lover of all unusual. The pond, where many exotic fish lives, looks very harmonious.

Special Pride - Garage

Here you can understand at first glance: Kiana is a supporter of sports cars and motorcycles. In his fleet there are a few porsche and a lot of motorcycles. The passion for the latter turned out to be the fact that the actor in a couple began their production in its own company called Arch Motorcycle COMPANY.

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

Residence inside

Interior decoration, decor of all rooms and the area at the house did an actor independently. Himself chose materials, decoration, decorations. Sometimes consulted with friends and asked their help.

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Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

It should be noted that Keano does not like to expose his personal life at once, especially what is happening inside the walls of his abode. Journalists make attempts to remove his house, but it turns out this only outside.

Sometimes the actor makes photos with fans against the background of the villa, but never invites the camera to review the interior. Such a mysterious personality. Secretly, even too much. Journalists mined information about him in grains, taking advantage of any opportunity to enter the Light of the Pets. But he himself never advertises anything from his life. For the star it is over modesty. Such here he is, our favorite, Kiana Rivz.

KIAN RIVZ - Biography-family-in-house-houses-auto 2017 (1 video)

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Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

Keanu Reeves: Chic Villa in Los Angeles for $ 5,000,000 [Interior Review]

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