Cross-embroidery fabric: What is the name of the usual, smooth schemes on which you can, homeskunk smooth cloth


Cross-embroidery fabric: What is the name of the usual, smooth schemes on which you can, homeskunk smooth cloth

The correctly selected fabric for embroidery cross will give your work unableamying is one of the most popular hobbies, while embroidery is interesting for both women and men. Embroidery with a cross is easy, but the result may turn out to be really awesome. With this technique, you can create amazing patterns, paintings, decorate your clothes and interior elements.

What is the name of the cross for embroidery

There are several different tissues for embroidery, the common name for them is canvas. This is a special type of canvas with special cells.

Canvas made from different materials:

  • Linen;
  • Silk;
  • Cotton;
  • Mixtures.

Canva is produced in various dimensions, which is characterized by the number of cross-inch. Most often canvas are used with 14 and 18 cross.

Cross-embroidery fabric: What is the name of the usual, smooth schemes on which you can, homeskunk smooth cloth

An embroidery fabric can be diverse both by its texture and in composition

Canva is called differently depending on the fabric and the number of crosses:

  • Country;
  • Fabric with uniform weaving;
  • Cutter.

Strym is a special kind of canvas from rigid tissue and with large holes, used for embroidery and in the carpet. It is a wonderful material for beginners, it is easy to embroider on it due to large holes. It is used to embroide carpet, pillows, tapestries.

There is a tissue of uniform weave, there are no cells on it. They are made of flax and mixtures of several materials, which consist of single threads with weave. Embroidery on this type of fabric comes out detailed and especially beautiful.

The invoice can allow embroidery on ordinary tissue without uniform weaving. Also there are canvas with an already finished pattern that beginners often use. Often such fabrics are included in sets with threads. This technique has the name of the printed cross and is filling in the crosses pattern on the canvas if the fabric is without a picture, then the technique is called a countable cross.

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How to embroider a cross on ordinary fabric

However, it is possible to embroider with a cross not only on a special canvas, but also on ordinary fabric. Often embroidery decorate pillowcases, tablecloths, shirts.

Cross-embroidery fabric: What is the name of the usual, smooth schemes on which you can, homesome smooth cloth

To make embroidery on ordinary fabric, you will need canvas, which in the end will need to dissolve

In general, step-by-step embroidery is as follows:

  1. Determined with the color of the threads and the place of embroidery, select the canvas;
  2. Canvas choose wider than embroidery for easier fixing on the fabric;
  3. Connect the middle of the canvas with a middle on the fabric;
  4. Exactly fasten the canvas with a cloth;
  5. Embroide the pattern of threads familiar to you;
  6. After the installation of the canvas, it is necessary to remove the pattern to remain only on the fabric, for this canvas are dissolved by a needle edge;
  7. Find out the thread with a needle, and then pull out your fingers, carefully cut the thread with scissors.
  8. Thus, get rid of the canvas and enjoy embroidery on ordinary fabric.

You can also purchase a special canvas, which consists of a pair of threads and is easily dismissed. There are also water-soluble materials that dissolve if omit cloth with embroidery in warm water.

What fabric you can embroider with a cross

When embroidered with a cross, you can use various fabrics.


  • Uniform weave fabric;
  • Canvas;
  • Cutter.

Cross-embroidery fabric: What is the name of the usual, smooth schemes on which you can, homesome smooth cloth

For embroidery postcards, caskets and other decorative elements, special plastic canvas are available

We have already talked about them above, we will analyze them in more detail. Fabric with uniform interweaving is similar to a basket, it is used for embroidery on bags, paintings, where the background is not completely filled with cross. It is made of cotton, viscose, fabric mixtures.

Kanva is made of flax and cotton, is considered an ideal cloth for crossing the cross. It can be solid or soft, on the first you can embroider without a five. Currently you can find the canvas of any color.

The invoice can be used for a long time for embroidery, used to facilitate the work, and after embroidery the pattern is removed.

Cross-embroidery fabric

In general, it can be said that any fabric is suitable for embroidery, the main thing is that it has an equal number of threads both in length and in width.

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Cross-embroidery fabric: What is the name of the usual, smooth schemes on which you can, homeskunk smooth cloth

For beginners in embroidery skill, it is better to use the canvas of uniform weave

It can look like this, depending on the materials:

  • Linen of flax;
  • Cotton fabric;
  • Kanva or Rogemaker.

There are many types of fabrics whose name depends on the embroidery scheme. But for embroidery, the Kneva for embroidery with a cross is also suitable for embroidery. You can also embroider on a homing canvas without canvas. Do not forget about the correct choice of threads in accordance with the tissue and technique of embroidery.

Types of fabric for embroidery cross (video)

In conclusion, we can say that there are many types of fabrics on which you can embroider a picture. Which one is better to choose depends on the technique of embroidery and threads. Pay attention to the ready-made sets for beginners that will help you master the embroidery basics. In any case, the embroidery of the cross will give you pleasure, and the drawing will be beautiful and neat if you carefully react to the selection of materials.

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