Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior


Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

In the representation of most, the toilet must be exclusively white. Some admit a weak beige, gray or blue shade. And only units, going to the Plumbing Equipment Shop, are given the goal of purchasing a toilet, painted into a non-standard color, or a decorated ornament.

The toilet bowls, decorated with a pattern, is a bright and unusual solution that will definitely give your bathroom individuality. However, such models most often can be found in the collections of elite plumbing, so this pleasure is not cheap.

However, if you attach a little imagination, then the standard white toilet can be turned into a real work of art. In this article we will tell you about the peculiarities of toilet bowls and how to make original design items from you.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Finished models

The toilet bowls presented in the collections of well-known firms engaged in the production of plumbing are distinguished by a large variety. It can be models that are fully covered with a pattern or models in which only some elements are painted, for example, a lid or edge of the drain tank. The choice of patterns is also large enough. Flower ornament, ethnic motifs and abstract drawings are very popular. The color scheme of the pattern is usually selected under the dominant colors in the design of the bathroom.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

A special place among toilet bowls are occupied by models that are a kind of reconstruction of ancient plumbing. Only two centuries ago, the painted toilets were quite common and occupied honorable places in the toilet rooms of the noble noble. Therefore, if you want to make your bathroom similar to a restroom in a luxurious castle, take a look at these models.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior


If you are not ready for experiments with painted toilets, but you just want to add the originality of the interior of the bathroom, we advise you to pay attention to the color models of toilet bowls. Most buyers stop their choice on plumbing in a relaxed color scheme, soft, pastel colors. Light-blue, light green and beige toilet bowls are in great demand, as this is the most popular colors used in the design of the bathroom.

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More effectively looks plumbing painted in bright, saturated colors. However, in this case, the color design of the walls, the floor and the ceilings should be more restrained.

There are two ways to produce colored plumbing devices. The first method is to apply a colored coating on the finished product, and the second implies the addition of pigment to the mass, from which the toilet will be manufactured. Color plumbing produced using the second method is more resistant to abrasion and less demanding in care.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Covers and seats with drawing

Another compromise version is instead of toilet with a pattern to purchase accessories and components with a pattern. It can be holders for the brush and toilet paper or seat with a lid.

Decorated with a bright pattern of the cover in a wide variety are represented on the shelves of housekeeping stores. They are quite inexpensive, the installation takes just a couple of minutes. All this allows you to change this accessory quite often, refreshing the interior of the bathroom, but without making serious changes.

Caps for toilet bowls with marine topics are very popular. The image of the underwater world and the sea coast buyers choose most often. You can also find images with vegetable and animal themes, imitation of various textures and fun comic drawings.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Painting with their own hands

Collect white toilet independently - the task is not a lung. First of all, because the paint on products from sanitary ceramics lies badly. If you have no minimum furniture skills, it is better to choose any other technique, for example, decorate the toilet with vinyl stickers or arrange a decoupage in the technique (we will talk about it below).

Before you start work, you need to choose a suitable pattern. If you don't have everything smooth with the drawing technique, then harvest stencils (in any art shop you can buy ready).

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The working surface should be pre-degraded with alcohol or solvent and wipe dry. Before that, some advise the product to the product, but if you are not sure about the strength of the coating, it is better not to do. The drawing will be better to go to the tinted surface. Toning is performed using a soft brush or a sponge of paint designed to work on ceramics.

When the background is dry, proceed to apply the drawing. For this you can use acrylic paints. They dry quickly enough, so in a few hours it will be possible to begin the final stage of the work - applying a varnish coating. It will be better if you do not limit yourself to one layer of varnish, and repeat this procedure 2-4 times.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Registration of the toilet in the decoupage technique

Decoupage is an interior items design technique using drawings cut from paper. Usually for this use napkins or special decoupage cards. If you are just starting to master this technique, it is better to stop at the last option.

  • Prepare pictures: you can cut them with scissors, and you can carefully break your hands - in this case there will be no sharp boundaries between the image and the background, that is, the application will disappear.
  • Thoroughly wash the toilet and degrease its surface (how we have already told it in the previous section).
  • Next should be primed to the toilet. For this, the paint is suitable in half with PVA glue. Prix ​​better in two layers. The second layer is applied after drying the previous one.
  • After the primer makes it dry, you can proceed to apply an image. If you use napkins, remove all layers other than the first. Decamental maps should be pre-soaked in warm water for a couple of minutes.
  • Technique work with napkins and decoupage cards are different. Napkins must first be applied to the surface of the toilet, and then wrap the PVA glue, carefully smoothing the irregularities from the center to the edges. Decamental maps first need to be molded with glue from the reverse side, and then glue to the surface, avoiding the formation of folds.
  • If your bathroom has a high level of humidity, it is recommended to dry the finished performance with a hairdryer. After that, the surface should be covered with several layers of varnish on an acrylic basis.

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Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

Features of the care of a toilet bowl

One of the large advantages of the toilet bowls is that they are poorly noticeable to water and rusty divorces (of course, with the corresponding color scheme color). Therefore, there is no need to constantly take care of the perfect cleanliness of the toilet.

However, if the need for cleaning still occurred, avoid hard brushes and aggressive detergents, especially powders. It will be quite a soft rag, warm water and soap. When leaving for products decorated with decoupage, try to use as little water as possible.

Picture toilets - Stylish detail of your interior

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